Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR rHS. On the 18th inst., at Hartwood, the ?? ot NV L A Trelawny, Esq. of a daughter. Oa the 19th instant, at Hythe, in Kent, ih, tsdlY ° Fraser, Eiq. was safely delivered of a dasugbter. At Ashborougb, Limerick, the Lady ?? Majr (it O , of In Dublin, the Countess Annesley, of a st libvrrn 1 J In Dublin, the Lady of John Hallet 13it s E q I'fp On the 20th list., in Devonshire-place, tie Lady ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The Rev. Henry Wilder, eldest son ?? Wilder, Esq. of Purley Hall, Beats, to Augusta, eldest daughter of the late C. Smith, Esq. of Suttons, Essex.-At Shaneklin, Isle of Wight, the Rev. Mr. White, to Rosa, daughter of the late Col. Hill._ At Bath, W. F. Knatchbull, Esq. of Babington, Somerset, to Emma Louisa, daughter of the late C. ?? Gray, Esq.-31r. S. Bettie, surgeon, to Miss Archbell, both ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'BRTHS. At No. 8, I-eriot Row, on lridnay ?? the 27th uftf- mo, the Lady ol CHAILJEs iAl, CHltiTri5, Esq. of Durie, of a son. At George's Square, Glasgow, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs FoltEE& MtNXILL, of a daughter. At NMi.' 10, Scotiand Siseet,- on the 530th UiltIo, Aki, WHYTT, of a son. At Inverness, on the 18th ultimr ,'Mrs FnRSER of Aber- tarlf, of a daughiter. ' At the Manse of ColUessie, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 13th hust. tihe Countess of Shefileld, of a daughter. tC On the 11th Inst. at Branch 11111 Lodge, near London, the Lady C of T. W. Beaumont, Esq. ?? of a son and heir. Same (lay, the Lady Alice Peel, of e son. n Or, Wednesday wreek, the wife of Mr. (eorge Drucksop, of Lit- IL tleiaoor, near Aphover, weas delivered of three fitnd daughters', T they are all tivjig, and with the mother are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on the 28th ntit at thle collegiate Church, Mr. Jalles Berry, of this P townl, to Mliss Susan,, Dale, of Glssti On the 3011 th it, at thte samle phloce, Mr., james Guest,,of this town, 1 Ito Miss Sueslt 11hittinghaist offSttoekliort. M.Gog ruh~,t Ott te 3(111 iltat t e 0c place, M.Gog 3ogtft Onalieax. put t h ,caepis Mr .a Eho ansRoh i, -cna- II O. te 3th ut- t e vl 'dMooregh o if Meedsuand ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -?dot Jon - I M RRIE, :Nor the 15th ult. at St. Paul's Church, Mr. James Ma on Sanlsr} late of West Derby, to Miss Jane Pritchard, B a OaiS 50tite ?? ult. at Workington, Captain Ralph New' 0 r liso at St. Pljlip's Church, Mr. James l th 9t l. a t hrh r ae Hal ODSjTS1I;s 'lry Jacks;on. thedinstant, As Walton. Mr. John Grundy Cee -T asdsV, of M - fn Starkey, Bedford-street Hal ~~sraingt, at st. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On adadsi'tnnligbt, at St.Jamtres',. London, John William ishersEeq. of Argyll Street, to Louisa.Citherine, eldest daughter of tlh ?? Haymes, Est.of Kibwoi,_h Harcourt, Leicces. Aershift, und *ae to Sir W. B. Cave. at. of Stretton Hall, On the 22d instant, at PrltdeweU Cbhucbt. Essex, by the Rev. Dr.%Nolan, RobertStrange, Esq. 1AI.D. to Elizabeth, only daughter -of the late Re. Blatthew ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E IR TH. On the 11th inst. the lady of T. o. Maur, Esq. 4 New rhidge street, of a sou. MAE RIED. At Beckenham, Joseph Adaus, Esq. of Warebam, Dorsetshire, to Christiana, daughter of Benjamin Oakley. Esq. of Eden Lodge. At Edinburgh, John Page Read, Esq. of Crow Hall, Suffolk, to Helen, second daughter of Sir James Celqnhoun, Bart. of Loss. On the l5th inst. at the Faieuds' Meeting-house, Poole ...

BIRTHS. I ' P On the

... ?? inst. at PelItrepant, the lady of Sir AV. 11. Churlke, 1'fa. of a son. r Oin the 5th inst. Ain, the ?? of Robert Sut- e (lift, of ?? hill, in the tovwnship nf .Erringden, C in tile parihil of lflidifil , W as delivered of Icir 2.3d Childl; 20 1lhae been ba ptiseo, and 14 are now n I liiing-lwhat makes the fact more extraoroiiillary. is, ?? she has only once bore twilns. On the 2-2nd ilISt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13IRTiiS. - L-i On the 21st inst., at Burt,-brae, uirn Captain Cbarles Hope, R. N of r sun. .. OL the lL i iist., at Nu. 1 iIi, (eorgestreet Win. Mure, of a daughter. ii Aprsl 20. at DubltitltbeLldy~e rgiart .i't Cl ?? April 19, at the Cove ot Cork, %be L ,Jy (har- of a daughter. Ap'il 15, at Paris, Lady Cochr tie, t a a i MAiKI ,,I) On Thursday, the 231 instaul, rr. I;, t i Brcking, ti ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o' the With u'it at Bole Hall, Tamworth, the Lady of Henry Stokes, Esq. of a son. On the 30th ult. the Lady of the Hon. E. S. Jerningham, Gf a daughter. On the 2Sd instaxtt-at Coton Hall, Staflordihire, the lady of John Bott, Esq. ofik daughter. .-MARRIA(oK SW HiGH LiFE.-On Wednekday evening, by special license, by his Grace the Archbishop of'York, ViscoUnt Stornont, eldest son. of the Earl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 30th ult. atFurnace-House, Carmarthen, the lady of Henry Lawrence, Esq. M. D. of a dasgliter, ZAR3IAG S . On the 6thbinst. at St. George's, HanoverTSiluare tile Hon. George Henry Talbot, brotber rind heir presumptive to the EarL of Sbrewsbury, to Miss AugustaJones, of Green Strect, Grosvenor Square. On Tuesday, the 7th inst. at St. Mlary's, Haver- fordwest John Beeynon', Esq. of Trwcere ...