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... , - ---A -4 n Mnl Tletiyaices commeneel yesterday, anid natoit%~ihsttndiinif the finencss of the dlay, t-here was but a poor turn out .of fa qhironables~ on the Grand Stand. There were but few car- riages6l 'nthe gitfuind, and-n ne5of these had nearly sos.-pien- ail-~ app arqnce:aq-tlie Stirling- 1-'Tal~v ho6 -We ohbser. V~ te s egsf~thc Cownte~s orf-optu LvBaird,~ aind thoseobF tcvdo-o three ...


... EDINBURGS RACES. WVednesday, June 17,-A loduce Stakes of 5o sovs. escl h. ft., for 3 year olds. 1 mile. (4 subs.) Dl'r Baillie's br. . by Champignon, walked over. A Sweepstakes of 25 sovs. each, p. p., for 2 year olds. H9 a mile. Lord Elcho'6 gr. c. by Champignon, 1. Mr Baird b. f: bv Vhisker, 2. Mr Steuart'ts b. f. by Champignon, An excellent race. The Gold Cup, value 100 gs., by subscribers ...

Published: Saturday 27 June 1829
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 679 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... ASCOT HEITH RiCES.-YxsrDsAy. As early as five o'clock yesterday morning hte Wostern road out of the Metropolis was covered with equipages on their route to Ascot, the gatekeepers even at that hour having scarcely suf- ficient hands to take the tolls. This difficulty Increased as the ! day advanced, and at all the gates there wae but one opinion, that the number of vehicles that passed this was ...


... 1DIAiNCHESTDF. RACES, 1829. I _ WVEDNVESDi IN, J UNE li.- Tile Produce Strikes of .54) our'. teet, - hi. ft. foe three-yr ir oldl ~lts. 8't. 0/b., fit/ins, sot. lilt.-010'dt stultions, .Yc. u/hoedl :3b, - 'Juice ,oiund thr Course aod a d/istosi- Lord De~rby's l) f Curlew, tie Mait 'r Henary-Plover I'Lord I/ialn eiioi's 'It loeie I'v Master hlenry, rut iif F'inies sLord (irowseioroa bei f Ii, ...

Published: Saturday 06 June 1829
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1951 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTING INTELLIINECE. THE DERBY AND OAKS. The Settling took place yesterday at Tattersall'S and) taei altogether, was the quietest we have attended for many years heck. TO give every facility to business, tables and chair We5re placed In various partt of the yard, inta which none but Sub- scriberc were adtbitted, except on payment of a sovereign-a re- galationa rendered indispensible by the ...


... - '-P O'RTI ,N'G'-, 'EtLI G N 'lLGCE. .- : : : P RTIN ..,.- .:'..TOCOO I 7ify 26 a ~wepstaee d' 30SoOTO; e5ltl, 10 sons. ft. for two :years old colts list. 51b., -illlfes,list. 21b!'~ '(4s~s s', Duke-,of Leeds' tih f Lady Mdhfbray ie Loird ScrbrdU iz's,CbyVa.CtutO diam by.DIck'Andrcws: .. LMr. Western'stl5.Px bY.WOOyEOPC dam by,13wordenoan I -Nit)oth disrstarted but w*erw not placed. e, 2l ...

Published: Tuesday 02 June 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1208 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... EPSOM RA.CE`-CnyeDcrul~l. . _ : .1 A, - I .- r - v.. r e Ar T-he meting Iernii'at ed on Friday, afte r ?? days ?? fair average snort-not that it has been by any mteas first rate, for nothing of the suet 'was alfrdedl-y any of the races - except the Crave n Stakvs. The great attractihn yesterday was the Onks Stakes, which has been the sorice of a Nast deal of spectilation, and . vhch brought ...


... TATTERSALL'S.a The ettng ajitrtiy ws cnfind t th Asct Cp, hic excites universal interest, and is likely to be a remarkably heavy betting race; few Oilers were also made ?? St. Leger. Some of the country people settled thour engagemenits for th* Derby and Oaks, but the general settling takes place this day. I ASCOT GOLD CUP. E 5 to 2 agsit ?? The Colenel (taken) 3 to 1 - M .m1loke ( Mr. G ...


... ASCOT HEATH RACE-S. The attendance at Ascot ?? was thinner than on the preceding day, but if the company was less numerous, it was more select.' -His Majesty and suite arrived at a few' minutes after one o'clock, in eight carriages. The Royal Party consisted of nearly the same ?? as we men- tioned yesterday. Almrst immediately after its arrival the sport commenced, which was still more ...


... :_ ?? The Edinburgh Races, over the Cours? at Musselburgh, commence oin Wednesday first. The following borses have been entired for that and the two succeeding days:- WEDNE8DAY, JUNx 17. - A Eroduce Stake of 50 savs. each, h. ft. For three- .year'old colts, Set. Sib.; fillies, 8st. One mile. Sir William Maxwell's b. c. by Viscount Sir1 D. Moncrieffe's gr. C. by Prime Minister, Sir 1). ...


... ASCOT RACRSL -TURSI)AY, JUt~E i ' ; I fist Majesty arrised on the ?? b-; ?? one. o'Cluk, his Sluitc Followhin in fiv0e carriages and two vphiliaetons. His MIjesty wdsvreceived ith ecclama- tiotis, which had uhardly ?? befbafd tbe ;races ,cr m_ mencfil.; - -.4 The Oatland Stakes for all ages. Two miles anda halF, a Mr Chifney's Zingilnee, 4 yrs, 8st. 71b. . 5 ?? ?? -1 Mr. Sadler names Conrad, ...


... SPORTING lNTELLIGENCE. EPS(M RACES. The following list of the races, made up late on Saturday night (which commences to-morrow), will show that excellent sport may be expected:- TueSDAY.-Tbh Craven Stakes fnr all ages. His Majesty's b m Fleur de Lis aged, Sir G. Heatioteo's b f. by Ruben., 3 yrs, Lord Sefton's JurYman, 4 yrs, Colonel Rus- sell's c, by Orville, out of Epsom Lais, 3 yrs, Mr. ...