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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... ADERDEEN 8TTlrPrNG. I., e bl- f Arrived.t-ulY 7. Guthries, Blues. Dundee; Wellington, ti Linklater, Hull; Jean, Nobl-i, St. David's; Hero, Taylor,k Newcastle; Glasgow Packet. Snn irt, Glasgow ; Eliza. Suther sland, Newcastle Eagle, King, Sunderland ; William and Esther, Jo~s, Stockton. 8. Mlary Ann, Thorn Peterhead ; 8 Aberdeenshire, Oswald, Miramichi. 9. Medora, Thomson Inverness. 10. ...


... SHIP NEYWS. The Gazette of Friday night contains ani order in Council bv his Majesty, that the port of St. John's. in the island of Newfoundland, shall be appointed a free warehousing port PORTSMOUTH, July 18.-Wiind W. S.W1.-Sailed Upton Castle, T hacker, Bombay. The Pallas, 42, Captain Fitzclarence, sailed on Wednesday, for Calcutta with the Earl of Dalhousie (appointed Con,. ?? of the forces ...


... THlE MALT TRADE. -.r I-L'I XajADE. On Tuesday the Conference appointed by his Majesty's 1 Government to be held between Commissioners on the part of the Board of Trade and a Deputation from tie geno~al body of n M1altsters of the kingdom, took place in the Board Room of c the Excise Office, in Broad Street, London. Lt Sir J. H. Doyle, one of the Commissioners of Excise, pre. a sided. There ...


... A]aE:'Rl)ET.,'9 stripprNa. .- - -11 1. ?? Ar'ri'ved.-June 30. Thetis, Gilbertson, H-ull -. Duko of )f Wellingfbi (steamer), Walker, London. Jul 1. Mlent, Gil. 3' bert, Dundee ; SeatOn, White, Sondlerlanid; Johnstown, n mason dIo. ;..Forth, Davidson, Leitir; Mansfield, Slim LG:1- don; Bilos Eyed Las&, Wftsteadi, Rye ; Ann, Linklater, 7' Rllt ; Gleaner, Cormaelt, st. lDavid's; James -and Jane, ...


... _ _ _ _ _ _-W 4v. Cottr ExclGA* @, June,29.-We cornhiue to be welD supplied .with all -kirils ef.Foreign. grain, but having few buyers at isarket this,1tle .sale of that description 11 was exceedingly dull. In.addition to which, the accounts . from-all parts of Abe ~cnntry' areso favourable as to, the crops, 1. that no sales could be effected, -exctpt to needy consurirers, d and those ...


... MARKETS, Tc'c Y. __ -1n1 COR'N MARKETS. CorNx EXCIIAN'GE, July 20.-Our Mlarket was not defi. pe ctent in supplies of every kind, but having many country * buyers this morning, and the weather being rather unsettled, bu ?? prices were demanded, and the lew sales efflected were b certilinly at an advance of 29. per quarter on the prices of this an day week still a great dcal will depend on the ...


... :ftnDEEN SHIPPMG. t P. AHIEV 9HPPG llArrve.M . JarlyLvrolEaloFyeBw nR Ar;*ndstrri -ul14. Friends, Guilchrit, BanIU; AdeWin Se, d(steameri,) Robertson, Shields; JAlally Leighton, Hutcheonk, Iontrose, Alexander, Peat,. Arbroath. .15. Charlestown, If Gowan, Wemnyass Bcotheem, Turnbull, St. David's; Edward, Logan,' Sunderland; Myrtle, Davidson. Wemyss; Lord A. Hamilton, hwordSunderland; Manly, ...


... f SHIP NE WYS. -. All the letters from the lonian Islands agree that the difli- i d culties wwhich lately arose betwr'en the Commanders of the Eng. lr lish and Russian squadrons were adjusted, and Sir P. Atl1- P e rolmn and Count Heyden perr'ectly agreed, since the Rusesians ,, confine themselves to the lilttkade of' the Dardanelles. It The intelligence of the capture of a Russian frigate la% ...


... I It tJ A;1 ,VI XI It I I A IJ 1 Zo -L. s Wee7c cdinzg ott Afonday let. V 311 PORTS. Dalhousie-273 pieces Fir Timber. 3 pieces llardwood 16 Oars, 25.1.25 Staves, Win. Knowles-Highlarider, El- liot, master. Christiansound..-9 Horses, 10 cwt. bones, to order.-Lydia, Levie, master. e a EXPORTS. t Halifax.-3 boxes Stationery, Hardware, Toys and Grocer- , ies, Alex. Ilennie; I box Apothecary W1are, ...


... Sit P NE IVS. 1, 't POaRsmSoU'rsx, July 11.-The squadron on the coawt- o Africa has been successful in intercepting the slave trade insqan unprecedented degree. Letters from the Sybille, Commodore Cu lier, datee April II, communicate the tact of the vessels, under this gallant officer's command, having captured' since (December, 1,8lf4 slaves. The squadron, within twenty-two months, has ...


... CO M MERCIAL LIST. QUARTER ENDED 5TII XNST. Vess'els Cleared Outzc ards CoastIvise withl Cargoes. t From No. Tons. iomn No. Tons. .London, 119 14,605 Fraserburtrh, 5 160 fHull, 13 1,195 Baiff, 4 220 Sunderland, 10 1,295 Brora, 2 112 1. Newcastle, 10 820 Helmsdalc, 3 187 Liverpool, 1 93 Mlick, 2 87 S tochton, 1 4ti Rispond, 2 74 Lcith, 20 1,536 Yarmouth, 2 141 Glasgow, 9 718 Kincardine, 1 52 ...


... SHIP N.E WS. Ilis Majesty's ship Briton, Captain Hon. W. Grdon, will wti . convey Sir Henry Uhambeylain, Consul-General, to Lisbon. fri Mlr Drummond Hay, who is appointed British consul. th general and Government.agent in the empire of Mlorocco, and an family, go out in the Favourite, 18, Commander Joseph fo H arrison.,: DEAL, June 27-Arrived the Atlas, H1unt, Madras; Mof- fat, Brown, ditto ; ...