Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH At Belturbet, on the 23d instant, the LADY Of tbe Rev. W. E. Hearn, of a son. At Steeple, on the 30th ult. the LADY of George J, Clarke, Esq. of a son- On ther }7th ult. in Crossmaglen, in the County Armagh the LADY of Best Wier, Esq. of a daughter. -MARRIED. At Edinburgh, on the 28th ult, the Rev. ROBT. McGILL Minister of the church at Niagara, Upper Canada, to CATHARINE, youngest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 M~irtbo. At Loudon, on the 7tb inst., the Countess of Guilford, of a son and heir. On the 12th curt. at Stranraer, the wife of the Rev. William symnington, of a son, On the 15th curt, at Dundee, M1rs Dr Gardner, of a son. t On the 12th curt. at New Scone, Mrs Captain Robertson, of a son. i 49arrfageo. At Leith, on the 12th instant, Ilr Thomas Calder, ship- e master, lto Elizabeth M'Laren, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, IC at lSirtb0. IncIlor: tre Lady of tile It ght lios. lobeht Peel, of a rdto list, tile t.ndy0 of Sir IV ;lliarn D. Cooke, Dart, of * Dear Doncutre of a son. 'rilaY It. William loster, second soal of Johr Footer, uelt block ?? ttley, of Stlbbiln-louse, near j lst, oA York, 3r. JolI Oison. of Nordvtve, a i1,to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of ir. Nult, of in a]l inatra, John NIlanyaring, jun. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Augus! t , 18529. Blit'i T .-Oni thc 29th ullt. the Lady of Tijo.s1AC , x fl' :1. MAN, Esq. of a daughter. BI [tTII.-At I il ontrose, on the 21st ult. the wife of Captain B1t'ltAMI, of a dtiughttr. Alarried, tit Union Grove, on Tuesday the 4th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Glennie, Teeomr.s ToI)D, Esq. of Twickelinhnl Park, AMiddlcsex,,to A OLItGAiE', vsecout ?? OfG.Jl IX HIAfh)iEN, .Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... li- °ih the Lady of Jamei E. Norris, Esq. of Wald's- J° \ th` 4th airt, tile Lady of Chilistopher Nethervood, 01 Zr, o iStenotlItall, of a SOIr. 7 last, O. ?? Oatas, shoemraker, to MisS $'rilut, at lalifax, Mr. Jorepih Shaw, grocer, of ko > 'lairsanreoa teai of Siiircoat. i Stiu~tals iu y, Oir. Thontas llargreave, boat and rtrot~h,] second srgigser of mr. Joseph Wi.- r' at t ( am br~lde.fl0~0 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R' berbeen, have WEDNESDAY, Aug-ust 19 Sm te Britrer..-At Fintray House, on the 6th instant, the Honl. ?? Lady FonitErs, of Crsaigievar, of ai tlaughter. from Married, on Thursday, by special licence, at St Geore',Oft? Hanovr Square, London, his Grace the Duke of Btic- A eciETuci!, to Lady CHtARLOTTE TizvNNr, third daugihter of the Marquist sod Marchion~ess of Bath. His Grace the Socif Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nItTHS. p' On the ith inst. at Bodnant, the 1Jaily of WMm. Hanter, Esq. of a soil. r OL the 4th inst. at Willianrston, near ITavetfoid I west, the Lady of Hugh Owen, Esq. Al. ?? of at SOil. ? On the 9th inst. the La.UY (if tl Rev,. .1. Hughes, i of Llanbaiarsnfawr, near Aberystwitlh, of a son, o On itromlia list, the 17th inst. at Ll: nfaes, by 1 thc ie ev. Rolbert fl:len, Charles Eden, £sq8. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 22, D)rummond Place, on the 7th curt. Mrs MaELDRU21 of Kincaple, of a son. At 131, George Strect, on the 8th curt. M1irs WVILemaaa Bu£4N, Of a SOI1. At EdinbLurgh, on the 6tth curt. the Ldy of Captain BA- SIL HALL, It.N. of a daughter. At Cairnhill, on tie3dd curt. Mls NImsrTT, ?? daughter. At Sandhu rst, on the 1st curt. the Ilight Hon. Lady IAR~eaY IT ,GCR, of a dauqhter. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... )\Oi th 2rta st. t Ltiton tasse. Li~sa',ttre te lady of the Hon. 1,dssio, I (. 2 ,thtllht. atI LaM.lPou. Io iasnE-, Latic-e of ron, wrho survived miyt tilt tisa to at doay (>o tijo fir] jlsttiit, the laly of tilre tlitht hon. Relhert PeNO, of a son, Xaw&nFU=D. 't0, tile 2d inst. at tihe Collegiate Chslr, Mr. Samuel Itogerson, to ° t tite3S~t in~int ,,'h,t , Clull' h, Mr H411ardy; Blclue (11 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oni Mloinday last, at the house of tho DBoeager Countess St. Ger- r mainec, oark Cresecut, STrs. (treaves 'Townleey, of a dtatigtter. Onl Trhursdiay week, at %Voinersley, the Lady of thie lev. ?? si Cauter, Of a sols. fi Otl the lsts lerst. Lady hi swasd dc Waeliee, of a; daugitter. S t]l Ct On Thursdaly, at the Parish Church, Bradford, by the Rev. iroty B\-eep, vicaru, M T. Jhit Thompsoos, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; On the 12th 'Curt. atthe V.carage, Chillingham, the laty .o the Reverend JOHN4 S} ?? Doa san. Un the Sth -Iqrt. at Finitray House, Aberdeenshire, the on. Lady. Fo1ias of lCraigievar, ofla daughter. r Oi the .i h curt. at Sunnyside Lodge; Lanark, Mrs r Aiixt.iiAr. 'GLLEsriE,-ofa daughter. On the -11th eurt. at Sauchie House, Stirlingv, l'rs Ttr . onFo, eoa daughter. . On the 12th curt. at 22, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O rC-tt ..' iN ''-II A TI~lL'.SiA N -.l I trasitt(, Alto. 'tatert, wilt f' Aiar. 'Am, V't,. I;kc'. ,I i''..Xf lir too Hin'oi. wife ot i d.. el ,;' Ship. o0 t'ittst.-At 111, oltf l'iter, Mirs. Liatni. j-i,4;'!-JoIk| luiail~r, Ofl~. tbi 8pl 1b.s ('-t!e 1,;th ilttt, at tilt'. qizae Ghurc;a , Mlr. Philip IV. Danrby '*r s', Mlt totinn 1Dtltoit. tilst af this town. A it, 'iw 1ilit itAt, ...