Advertisements & Notices

... 'ALCO'N3:E'S ;SOT2L, No. 20, MORAY PLACE. UGH FALCONER, with feelings of sincere gratitude, TI for the many ?? he has received, begs to acquaint cal the Nobility and Gentry in general, that he has opened that Pr large and splendid HOUSE, lately occupied by JAMES gel STUART, Esq. of Dunearn, No. 20, MORAY PLACE, as lnp a PVIVAT i FASJILY HOTEL; and lie is confident of s'h no econtradiction when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ELFAS'r .ACADEMY FOR- DANCING. REYNOLDS, after once -more visiting the W wo; first' Cities- in the world, LONDON and ?? his the bonour of announcing his return to the -,bIitY, Gentry, ahd Inhabitants' of 'elfast, its vicinity, - diifferetownDs, and theirrespectiveneighbourhoods, gil theb a betl; in. the habit of attending, as also those vhicl yet lifavour him with their cowmands, begs leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARVXNG, GELDING, I AndL ookibg (Gla.vs AaV ufaethqo`. SILO (late of the firn of A. e Al. SILO) begs most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gen- try, and Public of the Northl of Ireland, that he has vemovI- ed to NO. !20, ARTHUR-SIQUARE, (Immediately adjoining the Theatre, and opposite Arjthur-Street,)- Where all orders in his line of Business Shall be executed with the greatest care, and ...

p3ublit Amuor m-lnto

... . T THEATR RGALIVERPOOL. (Fri and EADLYS ?? NIGHT, BUT 1'clt )IR. * tVNE. AIR, GREEN, AND MR. BEDFORD. P e BrBNi1T fof Miss JARMAN. and the last ifh g e'et, tbis Present FRIDAY, the 11th r ,tl ibe performed the Comedy of the SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Te ir.. ?? ?? MiteckajA rr elessithitsongwir.Bedford Ofb faccs ?? 'Jo ph Surface-j~r. Vanudenhoff ' soethe Afterpieee, a variety of SONGS; 4r. by Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO YlrrY PARISU1OHt1EIS oF LADI, AND URNT LEsiNn T Beg leave to acquaint vou, that the election of a Physitci5 a. to the Workhouse and ?? HoEplt l will take place at t I billets Cburc, o)ud To oFfAV, the 8th of September, at Tvelve griet~ef~l thanki;~ fir 'the wevrfy ~leral and f~ittrnag Promziti s of uoppert ivhieh i liave hithert i reveleved I itle myalli'DAMY rtedt Ijj aguain oliciting your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ParisA, q D'olebroo1, IevonD . T be LUt, fdr a Termh of ?? or 14' Years , ormeca from. the 26th. day 'ofe- March next, Rall that , ?? rable Farm, called BROOMS. LA ND, in thie parlish of Colebrooke, Devon, Monantedby Mrs. Mary Ebbles; cnsi~ting of a good tarim-house, barn, chails, and other.out-buildings, and.75A. 2ii. 38r. of very productive :imeadow, arable, pasture, and 6rohard. This. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORMS1'OIrDMNTS, P Tile pictures, of which A. B. complaiDs, formae part of our advertiseinelts, and ale chargetl to the advertlocis according to the number ul lines ot types which they dis- placc j If' a pe'son wishes to have a Cut ot tlCe king's armSr insteatd ofso mnly lives ot letter, lat thil ead o lbis advertisenlefrt, we have no more right to reject it, than we should have to say, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAXTTED A T an extensive Steam Engine.and general Machinery ADlanufactory in the Country, a MIAN competent to take the management of PATTERN-MIAKING in all its ?? need apply who cannot produce the most satisfactory testimonials to character and ability. Letters addressed (post paid) B. A. at Pcst Office, Birming. ham, will be attended to. 11,FR. HOWSHIP intends comincr.cing a COURSE of ..L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS. ON SALE, jY J. RIEILLY, SgoP TO TgE NEWS-LETTER OFFICE, BRIDGE-STREET. n of THIS DAT, (Tuesday, Sept. 15,) A andn FourfollOw Evznings, V vahable and extsive COLLECTION of 0gs, in various dtments of Literature, com- ,of tbe most useful and popular Works in the gi' Lsnmggence at Half-past SEVEN ?? each .he SA18 t (256 IRON. J.AMES MARTIN 4 CO. ER RECEIVED a SU PrLY of the above AS ~As ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDI(AL S HOO , LitleDean-8treet, Sohn- j~qj are-he WNTERCOURES o 9LETURESewilbe cent- I ANTOY n PYSOLG, ~t EMONSTRATIONS-Mr.. -Si SAItTINj)RE and TREATMEFNT of DISFASES.-Dr. COPLAND. PaINCIPLlES and PRACTICE of 8URGERY-Mr. ALCOCK. BIATERIA NEI)ICA, PHARMACY, and MEDICAL BUT&NY-Dr. pWi'l~uIPLNS and PRACTICE of MID)WIFERy-Dr. HopRatw. at Foe ,Rirllci~as apply at the School; or to the Lecturers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLARKSON & CARTER, AGENTS fer TlUTTOZ's LONDONV POxT.ER, 63, HIGH-STREET, FErEL obliged to their Friends for the preference given to _ the above Article; and wish to inform them, that Mr. WHITING, wbo has been in the habit of taking Orders for themn, is no longer in their employ; consequently, is not authorised to take either Money or Orders on their account. qT- C. and C. are Purchasers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CrtOYAC PLACE rotterg, 1i7nber, late, and Scantling Yard. fiE SUBSCRIBER iS LANDING a CARGO Tf Duchesses, Countesses, Lady SLATES, ext erteel S0 'and HEARTH STONES. Di And bas on hand, tintl AsBirch, ieml, Quebec, & Lowe Port TIMBER, D gal X Sxand BATTEN'S, fro7 4. to 24fret lo7oq, P F'XX Slating, Ceiling, and Thatchiny LA THS, r ?? of eery descri toon, .F ,C -rLI, ?? Fir Clay B j3ICKS and TIL ...