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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1829. Brnrn. .At Untinlv-1en, near Donegpil, on the 12th tilt t the Lady of Licut -Col. ScTEUHTl , of thle Madras Army, of a soin. t ?? here, upon the 20th uIlt. by tlec Rev. D. Simpson, I Air NVILMA1TA.I 11ATSONx, Malauticturer, to JANC. eldest c dauehter of dir John Greig, M1annufacturcr, Trinity Street. a Married, at Red lHall, by the Reverend Mr Leslie of St Andrews ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED- At Maghera, on the 24th ult. by the Rev. Jas. Spencer Knox, SAMUEL McDOWELL ELLIOTT, Esq. of Belfast, Soli- citor, to JANE, third daughter of the late Robert Paterson, Esq. of Gracefield, county of Londonderry. On the 16th ult. in Strabane, Mr. John GILL, of that town, merchant, to ELLEN, only daughter of the late Mr. John Hamilton, Methodist Missionary, and niece to Mr. William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Mrs Arnold, residing at 96 Grub street, Chiswell street, was on Sunday morn- ing delivered of three girs, all living, and likely so tn do. The father is a poor inast, woith ?? a family of seven children. MARRIED. On the leth inst. Thomas Tsvisdess, only son of Thomas Law Hodges, Esq. of Ueisstod place, Kent, to Mary, only daughter of Thomas Chaedless, Esq. late of Dorset square. ?? the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Tues'ay, Herry Wm.Yilliasson ?? of Balshanillouse, Cambridgeshire, to Margarct, youngest daughter at Augustas Browne, 1sq. of Devonshire place. On the 22d inst. at the M'rsecds' Meeting House, Bishopsgate street, Samuel Richardson, of Deonsark hill, to Sarah, only daughter of the late George lthe. ridge, of ilxoton. At Wsllssey, Chester, William Meddowcroft, osq. of Gray's inn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S t 115trtbt;. At Fettes Row, Edinburgh, on' the 12th curt., Mlrs Wil. liam Allan, of a daughter. At 26, Bath Street, Glasgow, on the 11th curt., the Lady of UWilliarn L. Ewing, Esq. of a daughter. n At Inverleith Road, on the 18th instant, Mlsrs, ABean, of a daughtcr. . On honday the 14th inst,, at Dollar, the Lady of Captain Pinkerton, of a son. i A Edinburgh, on the 18th instant, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ito d WEDNESDAY, Sept ember 523, 1S29. 6 0' BIRTH ?? Union Place, on the lo1th curt., Mers, Wmh. Y ALLARtDYCE, of ason. 5 BIRITH.-At Howard Place, Edinburgh, onl the'17th inst., el Mrs WILLIAvi NAPIiER, of a son. S Married, at Bombay, on thle 211th March last, tw bi ?? s, Esq. 1IU.D. civil surgeon to the Residency at Cutch, a to SOPHIeA, daughter of Major-Geneiral. Sir George Holmes, 01 ir K.C ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl the 18th tilt. at Dowuton Hall, the Lally of Sir W. R. Boughtoti, Bart. if a daughter. On the 4th jest. at the pa irkh rho 'vii of 'l'rrlyr, by the Rev. E. S. Oween, Ciii'ata, Capt. Jolhri Iti. chard Joies, of the Hrig oEu/he, of Pwlichli, to Jane, only daughter of the late 'T'hoImas ()Ow.e , Of Glamy norfa; in) the counity of Ijaruitrvnoi. On TuesdaY, 1)y the Rev. ?? Clive, Mr. Moses ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI Wri-I. 21, at Cribb's Lodge, near Henbery, thb lady Of 3. h. Bence, Esq. of a sui0, MAl~R11!ED. Sept. 16, at St. Stephen's chllOCIn Mr. Wm. Biroad Waike Ha avl,11 of fileniel ljemrpstead, Herts, to Miry Ann, third daugihter of Mrs. Wintle, fishmonger, 13dIldin-street. Sept. 19, Capt. W, Brawn, of L.o.ngrn, Pembrokeshire, to Miss Martha Scoweroft, of laverrfrdw'st. Sept. 22, Capt. 1). ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %- berbeeno* WEDNESDAY, ?Seajpianer 9, 1829. BzarT.-Ol the 31st ult. Mirs LuiSTsDEN of Tilwhilly, of a son. BusiTI.-On the 5th curt. at Grarldholm Works, Airs CooPER, of a daughter. Blati ?? Eskinmoont, on the 26ith ult. the Lady of Cap- taina HuiTYEni, of a daughter. Harriet, at Edinburgh, on the 31st alt. Air JOiHNT RSisn, AMerchant, Dundee, to EICIIZAB1ETH AVAWEit, daughter of the late ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S~~ts~ W1~Y1S 0DAY,+ S@!E31l+ T.i ?? . K At ihi kbtiardC C''rt,1 ,a ?? Tidgolte p. .Rr ; t ! gotft'.i' At eddili '6tI Ihe 'lad nf Capt Wre.frd R of'inn. - f ; At Trele v Coittage, rlylor, tle Lady Lettt Drew, R ' * . :1n tbi.e Instlwt. .tireLady of G. L; Pi-at ottj Esq, mtsercllaftt,'. PoiAe ?? daughteT.:.*. At Aldi ghaurie, Sussexj Vileutint Anidoier, eldast:sten of thie Eaid. of, kiuffoid; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tn the ttb inst. at the otnleriate rl'nreh, tMr. John AshcurAh, a Choelton Rowi. grocer,. to M1iss Dinah Jackson. of Che-tha-n. On the 7th ist. at the Colleriste Church, i1r. Janaus Chc-dwicok, of E rcles. totMosi Margaret Wood of Sattehrd. (Jo the 10th i nst. at the P vne place, M1r. John fli7gham, of Waoring. ton, to M7isi Lucy Lee. of this town. On the. 6th tooait St.Jonhn's Chnreh. Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mlfrtlp#. ' At Dundee, on the 1lth instant, the Lady of Lieutenant. w Colonel Chalmers of Glenericht, of a daughter. At Camrpsall Park, on the 23d instant, the Lady of Sir di Joseph Radcliffe, Bart. of a son. I II On the 14th current, at Ponsonby hall, the Lady of 'I Ed ward Stanley, Esq. of a son. at $errittgseo. At Carham Church, by the Rev. 1rilliam Compton, on the SE 12th inst. Air Peter ...