Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 20th inst., at Brixton-hill, the w ife of Mr. Edmund Hodgson, of a (laughter, still-born. On the 17th inst., at Englefield-grcen, the lady of'1horiias R. Ward, Esq., of twin daughters, which szurvived onlk a short tilme. Dec. 13, in Dublin, the lady ofT. Harrison, Esq., of a daughter-. Dec. 16, at Maidstonc, the lady of Lieuit-Colonel Todl, of a son. Dec. 16, at Gelleston-liall, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At St. Paul's, Deptfoid, thie Rev. John flarington, of Ouern- sey, to Anne Sencer, third daughter of Capt. W. Young), R. AN. -At- flauston, the Rer. Edw. Gould, It!. A. of Christ cellqge, Catnbridge, to iary Anna P1rnelopc. ellest daughter of the Rev. I-ienry lielirham, of 1iaisuton iHall, Suffbolkl-At Cheriton, Kent, Aaidley J. G rier? Esq. of the Queena's Rryals, to Alargaret, eld est ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BLU ns. tti the 24th tilt. at Castle Bromwich, the Countess of i ,litord of a daiughtcr. (tn Moinday last, at I1i'U Cottage, the Lady of the Rev. ?? 4 a. 'ayle, AM.A. of a daughter. rIARRtaGES. Onl Thursdav last, at Spondon, in this county, by the Rliv. J F. St. .Johtn, dir. Robert Briggs, to Airs. Iiizabeth LIald. Yesterday, at Spondon, by the Rev. J. F. St.'John, Mr. ,tlmt Stiat. to Elizia, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 ~~BIRTHalS.a On the l31th inst. at thre Rectory, Haisham, the lady of the Rev. '1 J. Hilt, of a still barn eon, 5 On the 18th Inst. at Mistley Hall, the lady of the right hon. the Speaker ol the House of Commons, of a daughster. I MIARRIAGES. it( On Saturday mornings, at the Holy Trinity church, Mr. Watson, to it Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. tagroam, all of Hotisansl, near Cave. it On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'IRT'lIIS. Dec. IS, at Stapleton, the lady of Il. C. Harford, Eeq. of a son. Dec. ul, in Berkeley Cresceit, the lady of the Rev. H. C. Brine, of a son. Dec. 22, at Lodway Cottage, St. George's, Somerset, the lady of Wilinaut Stifle, Esq., of a son. MA RRIED. Dec. 21, at Bovton, near Buly-St--Edmund's, Suffolk, Mr. Gascoigne Party, accountant, of this city, to Sarah, eldest dau. of Mr. ewdatthc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i e On1 Thusaa i ere. hrh tinaiebte 1 son of Le, Stecreo tee a.a ?? thle late Robert Hlarrison, 'if.of Riley a `d Eellctaio I laII' in ithe county of York, to Ndecy H-lerriet, ohiy iagiiler of thle late Thes, batlt Johesair, Esq. of Soadrotft oneclieth at t of Lincoltn. r Selie dlay, at Dewvsbury, Mr. Fracris Rirst, juicer Curl[ cabinet Inalker, it) Moes Mlary Forth, ail rif~iftoir, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? D= Onl the 2d inst. at Waterl;o Place, in this city, M tihc Lady of G(orge Matchain Tarleiton, Esq. or a daughter. Ou the 20th ult. at her housec in Torrington D square, Lolhdolln, the Lady of J. H. Lloyd, Esq. - barrister, of a son. Onil Monday week', at Cwmgwilly, the Lady of p, Captain Phillips, ?? N. of a son. On the 24th ult. at Frederick Place, London, the Lady of Heniy Jenkinis, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' ' ' 'BIRTH On tbe lat'h inst. at Birkenhead, the LAnDY of the lty. A. Knox, ?? -n. MARRIED_ Oi-. Saturday the-!5th- December instant, by the Rev. Mr. Murray,, the Rev. GEORGE THOMPSON, eldest son of the Rev. James Thompson, Fort Henry, to CATHARINE, SecaOd daughter of Stewart Mulligan, Eeq. of Ballynanney, oie of his ~lajesty'g Jastices of the Peace for' the county Tyrone. ' ' Dc. 17,- ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * BIRTH_ At Cherrymount, in the county of Meath, en the 14th ;D;t. the LADY of the Rev. Wm. Smith of a daughter. On tbe 6th inst. the LADY of Joseph Woodhead, Esq. of Nether Thong, Dumfries, of two sons anid a daughter; the forner twore together with their mother, are likely to do well; the daughter lived two hours. Last wreek the maid-servant of a farmer in Newton-Curn ningham wss safely ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d i. BIRTHlS. is Onthe 3rd inst. at Asisby, the lady of John Earkworth, Esq. of a d son. On theist inst. at Deighton Grove, near York, the lady of J, H. Y' Fletcher, Esqr surveyor, General Post-Office, or a daurghter. is MARRIAGES. YreVsterda morning, at the Holy Trinity church,' Mr. Richard2 r onedof the Torkehireman London Packet, to Miss Jane2 Egglesten, both of this place. .2 t5 O Saturday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d . n sBIRTHTS. d i O Sunday the 6th inst. at Scarbro', the lady of William Worsiny, Esq. of a daughter. sOn Wednesday last in South Parade, York, the lady of the Rev. M. e George U ytyard, Of ason, . 2 MARRIAGES. a This morning, at thle Holy T rinity Church, by the Rev. J. 1H. aRobvicar, Capt. Wmn. Ware, of the brig Columbia, to Miss Thuel n Pearey, both ci Scarbro.' n On Tuesday, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At RadbourG, . At Rs~dbaurtt iit tbis county, ou the 24th instant, by the d Reev. Rieginald Ch andos.-Pole. AC.-l. HEfnry D ix on, Bsq . o ft Cindiow Y'orkshire, to Elmma 8iatilda, second daughter of a the batt Rev. Jldvwnrd Srte ereel IWilmot, A.M.l Rector of Langley, satd niece to Sjr'Robcrt Wilmot, of.Chaddesikle, t 0Qgi28tXt is~Ant. at/Ashborne, Johri, only sort of W. Geoge~uttesothEsq ...