... MIDDLESEX SENSIopNS.-MoND4Y. , JOHN MORRIS; CHARLES BUXTON, ELIZABETH BRIDGMAN, JAMES :ISMITH, THOMAS HOLLIS, and WILLIAM PARROT, were indicted'for issuing-counterfeit coin. The prisoners/had been acting in concert, each filling his subordinate department, in the circulation of counterfeit shillings and half-crowns. The party had been chiefly active in Poplar and the neighbourhood of Shadwell ...


... IRBLND-T.THES. An adjourned Mlectiiig of the Parishioners of Hillsborougl Was held, pursuant to appointment, for the purpose of con- fiming the agreement regarding tithe, entered into by the Commissioners, with Archdeacon Mant. TIhe Marquess of Downshire in the Chair. It will be recollected that Arch- deacon Mant had agreed to accept of certain terms, which we specified a few days ago, for the ...


... OLD B.IILEY.-TUEsDAY. [Before Mfr. Justice GAZELIEF.] BURGLARY. JAMES WELCHi, GEORGE LEWIS, and WILLIAM WALKER, were indicted for breaking and entering the dwelling-house of William Browne, and stealing there- out nine cheeses, value 91., his property. The prosecutor resides in the neighbourhood of Bloomsbury-square, and carries on business as a cheese- monger. On Sunday morning, the 20th of ...


... COURT OF CHANCJERY.FRI'iDjy IN RlE SIR G. P. TURNER.-.Mr. PIXILLIMORE ap. plied for the confirmation of the Master's Report as to a sum of 671. as compensation for diverting a road. This was granted by the Court. The Learned Counsel said he had four other 1eti- tions in the same matter. The LOUD CIIANCELrLOR asked if they were rela- tive to the same sum of 671 ? Mr. PIIILLIMoRtE replied in the ...


... ?? 0: CHgNCLRY._FiiDAk; 11USiiINGTO ?? SEWELL.-.IhiB case was much discussed before the late Vice-Chancellor, Sir A. Hiart.- The question arose upon the construction of the will of Math w Gregory Lewis (well kncwn in the literary world) relative to certain estates in the West Indies. He gave all his real and personal estate to trustees, in trust as to one moiety to his sister Fanny Maria ...


... EXECUTiON. ?? on Wednelsday. Willo Adams who was oetnficted about sin k agcolt ofu robbery, arsavatlsed by asstult, saulers . / i thek afsici.r ofur prain th , exeuinar plact e oflaS- ed the last sentence of the law at nt rdisy plna ro es er- dered ation. Considerable i ast w as ne by miny respoec oibl aed benevolent indiv luals to oain emtst oo ohe satomce aot on accont certa f e ,ter, hat ...


... , COURT OF; KING'S BELCH.-MomDAY. [London Sittings before Lord TLEN'TERDEN and Coummon -Juries. , FALSE IMPRISONM3'qTPi' XVATER1AOUaE ?? COL~L1;NS.¢-emiistwas :gf action broughit to ree6ercospsatioin iivdamages for file mi prisonment u'nder'tleese'ci rutsiktatices.'' Tie plaintiff ivas described' 'as' a- respect'able'k'r'zziet at Southanipttni; and the defend'nnt aas a 'cattle ?? ii' ...


... POLIC 1.. MANSION-HOUSE.-Several Irishwomen, who are in the habit of selling fruit in the neighbourhood of the Bank and Royal Exchange, applied to Sir PETER LAURIE to pro- tect them from the surrounding tradesmen, who endeavour- ed to prevent them from supporting themselves and their families by selling fruit in those places. Many, of those who were accused of this apparent inhu- manity ...


... (FROM THE GLOBE OF TUESDAY.) It was not until Saturday that information c the duel which took place in ?? betweeiMr. Lambreache and Mr. Oliver Clayton, in whict the latter gentleman fell, was given at Union hall. The moment Mr. Hone was apprised of the unfortwate result, he issued a warrant for the apprebensih of the parties concerned in the transaction, and iiwas intrusted to Hall, the chief ...


... COftONER'S INQUEST ON MISS C. BOTU. I At four o'clock on Thursday afternoon, a most re- spectable jtry assembled at the sign of the Queen's Head and Artichoke, Albany-street, Regent's-park, to inquire into the circumstanices of the death of Miss Charlotte Both, one of the three Hanoverian ladies, whose case has been so repeatedly before the public. Mr. Wm. Davis Lamb, of 52, York-square, sur- ...


... BOW-STREET.-Yesterday information was given at this Office, by Mr. Mitchell, hosier and glover, of the Strand, of the following case of uttering counterfeit dollars. Yesterday morning a man dressed in a blue surtout coat, buttoned to the throat, having the appearance of a military officer in undress, entered the shop, and asked to look at some shirts and black silk neckerchiefs. The articles ...


... THE LfTE FATAL DUEL. In the report of the Coroner's Inquest held on the body r of the late Mr. Oliver Clayton, who was killed in a duel by t Lieutenant Lambrecht, it wag therein described that Lieu- s tenant Cox, who acted as second to the latter gentleman, hadl been arrested for debt on the day subsequent to the1 duel, and was confined in the Marshalsea Prison. Hall, the a chief constable, ...