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TOPOGRAPfIIPAL DICTIONARY OFi •V I.M'iLAND, from a Personal Survey. Hjtparing fori Publication, bj S. LEWIS, No ..

... ■■ unenced under the immediate patronage of _»* 1 }Ils MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE KING j j|is Royal Highness ibe late Duke of YORK | jjj. Itoyal Highness the Duke of CLARENCE jjis Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX j|js Royal Highness the Duke of CAMBRIDGE His Koyal Highnens the Duke of GLOUCESTER jjrr Royal Highness lhe Princess AUGUSTA Hi- Royal Highness the Prince of SAKE CO BURG ||er l.oval ...

Published: Thursday 28 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11242 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SPLENDID ANNUALS FOR 1830. | W H.SMITH, No. 19_, Strand, respectfully j . informs lh» Nobility , Gentry, and ..

... that a few i publishers of lha Annuals have combined lo force him to « Liir* hi- n»ual Charge. W. U. S., in gratitude for the ex- ,;,C ?? »nd liberal public patronage he has received, will, this : .on. offer these Superb Publications at a still lower price. TV greatet-t care has been takeo in procuring the very best it»P re * 'THE LITERARY SOUVENIR, Elegantly bound in crimson eilk, contains ...

Published: Wednesday 20 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11026 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

jfIONDAY'S MAIL. IOS'DOX, Saturday, January 9. LETTERS from Corfu say, that orders have hern sent (o (he ..

... p„ n t to cease hostilities and evacuate the f*S 1 1 was (herefore supposed at Corfu ?? Porte hal consented to the new deter- . ( j n „ of the frontiers of Greece, and •M rrcr>C n ' ,e i' s entire independence, letters Till Patras had before announced that Athens Zi '* ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1830
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11867 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

MENDICITY SOCIETY, Red Lion-square.- i The liberal support received by the Managers has t * h ] P J them

... to meet the increa-ing applications, and conse- I * . pressure on the funds ofthe Institution, lo which the {^iirer »»» '«■ advance 500/. on the first of tbe present month. ! |na-dition ,0 ,ne Subscription- and _)onations already'^re- ?? i-pd the Managers have lo acknowledge, i^iUmhanks, the I '. ,-afgift of a Lady, who has -ent 50 pairs _)f_Bfankets, 50 , r . of Stocking*, 69 yards of ' ...

Published: Monday 25 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12478 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

pOACH MAKERS' BENEVOLENT INSTI-1 \^i TUTION. — This Institution being vow established under the management of a ..

... the ap- pointment of efficient Trustees for the protection of its fnnds, the Nobility and Gentry are most earnestly solicited to aid the j exertions of the London Coachmakers by their liberal and ge- I nerous support. The Institution i_ founded on the most bene- * voleot principle*, its intention being to grant annuities to aged and infirm Member- of the Trade, and to their Widows and Orphans. ...

Published: Friday 01 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10420 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

•> -BDUCATIOK. MISSSHOLL and MISS MILFORD'u Bstabiisbment for YOU Nil LADIKS, will KE-OI»E\ on tiie 25th of ..

... there u-ill be a few Vacancies for BOARDERS. The French Language continued to be taught by a Native, resident iv the Family. GOLDEN BANK HOUSE ACADEMY? \ Nkau Ljsksakd. T MILTON and SON, hey to acquaint •9 * their; Friends atnl the PnMie, that thi-ir SCHOOL K.E-OPENS on Monday, .lanuarv iStii, 1830. J ; Dated Golden Bank-House, Jan. \*t, I>'l9. LIAD IBS SCHOOL, 9i At LOSTtfTTIIIEL. MRS. and ...

Published: Saturday 09 January 1830
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4133 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

. SCHOOL CLASS HOOKS. published, Ixinti. price 7»- Bd. neatly u, *d. the Edition, considerably enlarged and NK ..

... INSTITUTIONS and Domestic manners*#f the romans. London: for Baldwin and ( k. whom arc publisbod, Ll.rovs iIIhTOHV *d the HOMAN EMPERORS, . * ■'••i. i,* the Fail *»f last '■ U'.okn. with portraits of the II .man l »*, ami Map*, price tkl. hall-bound. u,. rioS', i.ovfciiNUfcNi. wid I , k -NKI!-, lhe bl , lES AM IK.M- ...

LONDON DOCKS.— The Court of Directors „f ihe London Dock Company hereby give Notice that H ALF-YRARLY GENERAL ..

... the Pro- prietors will he held at the London Dock-house, Princes-street, litnk, on FRIDAY, the Bth of January next, at Twelve „'l/lock, for the purpose of declaring a Dividend on the Co.n- ?? Stock for the Half-year ending the 31st instant, and on ;, hfr . flairs. S. COCK, Secretary. London Dock-house, Qe C . 21, 1829. N.B. The Chair to he taken at Ooe ?? precisely. W^EST LONDON ASSOCIATION, ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11144 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE ARMY. Th* following I'rwnnw tlic St«flT, f. the Caps of fiptnl llontt-- tiovtrnov and enirmmdrr. in • thief ..

... General the llau. Sir li. 1.. S’.ije, .B Aiilealr. C'-itr.p, Captain 1.. A. IV;ring, tiHih Ken' ; Major Urigsiie, O’Keuiy, hall-nay, 'fist Light liragoons. Commandant of CurtVaria—Lieutenant Colonel 11. Somerset. Military Secretary—Major Dumlas, R. Art. acting— D. A.G., Lieut. Col.C. A. Kilzroy, 0., latent. Col. 11. ti. Smith, Town Major—ll. -Major doctor, half-pay, 21»t Light ...

iUjMn, j.i.% Ci*> . .V . me;; dor.i; ami at .Mailfllina conspiracy nus ili-aaivm'd ituvilist liim, in ..

... urticreil two !«■ shot. M'lien tlie rcln-1 learned ttie approucli General O’Leary, lie man-lied from IViml with diKI men, wliirl., seems, constituted ti-c tvliole force was 1 1 collect. Ili> brother advanced upon ('i-j:i where the stationed deserteil on the ni jlit the i Jih. le.iviii); theirofliccrs alone behind. General • > la-ary, when this despatcii was sent off, purposed to march from his ...

Topographical dictionary of | I cSGLAND, from a Personal Survey. Preparing for I i^t' S. LEWIS, No. IS, ..

... ' '• ned under the immediate patronage of 3 -u. MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE KING 5 Royal Highness ihe late Duke of YORK ! Royal Highness the Duke of CLARENCE ' ftoval Highness the Duke of SUSSEX i Royal Highness the Duke of CAMBRIDGE Sis Royal Highness the Duke of GLOUCESTER ,r Royal Highness ihe Princess AUGUSTA .. Royal Highne-s the Prince of SAKE CO BURG ,r iioval Highness the Duchess of ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1830
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11009 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

PORT OF SOUTHAMPTON. By Order of the Hon, Commissioners of bis Ma- jesty's Customs. FOR PUBLIC SALE, At the Custom-

... House, Southampton, on Wednesday, 27th Jan. 1830, at Eleven o'clock precisely POR HOME CONSUMPTION :-54 ?? pair gloves, 6 large tin cannisters, 1 box, 19 bottles wine, 6 razor strops, 9 deals, 10 staves, 1 remnant cotton, and 2 remnants woollen manufac- tures, a muslin dress, a watch alarum, 12^lbs. cho- colate, 5 embroidered lace caps, l remnant wool- len crape, 3 mohair bracelets, 1 pair ...

Published: Saturday 23 January 1830
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4846 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds