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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... I' -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? ASSE3I'i~iT for itle EfASON FITO0 t s-r !e)AY VI% tie Itb e ISSl. cat, 11 yl wil\e t -Me. .lt Indl~oillNie S of llo OSEBIY, TO- the IlSn lit'1 ti re at CD 'l)ktt'i; lie L~ ill Jp le eld - 031 El c- 'ciog * FASilA'N'S EVF ;)st. I ~ ~Itp ~~,itli } \ ll Ilg and C t. u lit cile Tee kn- ?? the attentinit of c't ATT cic t e CCTlclinio ?? ?? tbes vcuietrcs TrT Treel liCT' ITh ICtr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C-t AU'AC t'UllES. Ediebeli,,gh 16th Janullary 1830. ,,,.jALGENERtAL MjEETjING of the P ?? altO plate il the Chta-lber, No. ir' '.,1113il9 1 I ?? - it, the 201ts curt at v0 I sll ?? lfletnltlt I-r leci By ortlrfth° DiXg;Xl;iXSee. t el0 ALEX. WI1tldT, Sc NE' Ci'l.U ii- To MiEETINNG of t e'x iii Id en Monday the 11set Co lj1Ehc'10 cic. .o 5'le(lnt4ltO'' suatrelinfcletr Aaaous lt Clia'it in, ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS-REWARD. W HEREAS, between Saturday 2d and Monday \ 46th ,nllarvcorrer t, the BAN S oF SCOTL 450ND'S OFFIC iE at KELS W0 felonioosly opened, end an at- tempt malte taorce open the Stronghold or Cash lteposi- tory there, nhseveyr chdl , wvitltis- three ?? from thie state hereof; give h i stlormeti n to the Procurator Fiseat s f ttostlw~trsgilre, its shalt lend to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r wf evtgD3.{tinbrtl5S. 7U-Uli)T CY. Jen. 25.. still be rrn ?? ii iv Act, entitfed v 1 F 71 A T BAIL!'FF5 5btnitc l 1r SIO'lI cdi A Y£ 4NIET ienis'a ~ J Lit bl bA A. di FIN to Mr SI AT1 E WS, i n it5' tee liesi~l vim ' 'rio *edley of EI~iucai~d4~~ntoi lo tie Second Tirne, flce 4pchaelr'en I d ?? jgir MAlY MO.IHEWFsS, cciti r vti¢Plr; h' i i itcr. tro ?? r~i erleh rrls~edJ; OC~ocscje r ,,,ei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATYEIt OLt DYATEIs the WVATER COM- -fe5o, i0 d their waoter R-its, DD1,111 trot harr, eneAotr, roiteudine .rbsnb o^inp that 'hn t r. l be pint in ?? * ?? ns Oiiyyhri~,id hr of tile sans received 0.0 ?? urn nvr e-oird t * Qeep nfI the suip i 3rv~ors oi f elilc11r ?? soos; v -th-eroe tntt ,,oh.s0 Tr~rr , 11 .. . ly not be restcrcd yijEW Ctl lhe JMEETING of the l t ; P vill b o held O o Mnday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jmNiz;' jOILY TIEGCGARS.; 0,1 rr- ;s a. jri ..r of' aflt atav'e, etp- I i t 1_.ti~t'::GF 4'T , ?? co il to S r f 1 1t r ! U u,4 ?? t s,.l Vie;rt3iP T~~l1,ll.E A5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wi. TRUEFITT, HAIR DRESSER, PERULKE M.AKER, AND PERFUMER, B7, AND 58, Pss'CE'S STRsEE, p1 ETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to the At Nobility and Gentry of Edinborgh arid its vicinity, through wbose kila and liberal patronage he has been en- abled toexteed his P.emisnswihich now, reodmirably adapt- ed for esety depaetmoent ofhis Blosines-. The additions he hastnadetohis HAIR CUfl'ING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUA.BLE Ii'iPMIlYIN LEI'tR. To Sn.i, Fnn, or EXCHANGE for ltipertc, sjith greater en re~t of area. tr. C etiri ellta~l iitatil,. rj[HAT Urge BUILDING, passes'ed by thje Sub- s cribers, firmerly the WEIi4titlUSE of _ KlElli, situated itt the prlncipal s-reet. and in tse itthe- inte vicuilityF the Ilarbhor, D.-etki, Custoa-house, En- D chair.. [l'utblic Ofriea. Trhe rite is 120 feet loirg, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... >~ ~ ~I - ?? hIr3 1611 NO l TO THE Y41 IIIG1INESS filt ( OF y OIlK AND) ALBANY. * hrgNS aal COMAIT rrEE of MA- -, U>Arn' re rnotsted ithilt otoc t ?? ,;1 o ,oo, j a tvI a tllr, cl t oot oh, o. ?? le - 00p, C old I tt' - It7- 00 Lf Ii't l~rot E; ' ll ightuse toF DLukbe ,li riwiI~5 3 ANS-SIELD, Act. Sec. fl31A iTON. $otites have, within these few days I HFR A5geerlv ivetl)at thf mlaei-ratesr Or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tat ttI* celebrotid r ri ~ N ?? . .ill rThh' ilii i n IieFe1 inYear'. ?? r ,t~ o ,, 2 2 i:1ba r | e 2 :KSit ; h r lii i - 5 ler rla ! tI) I~n *2- ailb~ ,: F-E1ItiS 1.1' I l-.R. Kl 9I1 .)^l 'fr i, M t!'rr I be'tirte Ivy the the ?? , ~c i.Stlii 1,, eo, lnlr n~m n pde;7r1 fI ?? ,, ?? i'ir t ?? I Ftt :11, 1. I Id h lef; lito F r ,il d , r r lierin1liA Cil f (.ir1n'V Cniti11 dlfl fir A ifcK A Y. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sii St yhO' MS GOi L RE l::ET. *i-el 2t IrA ,tY fir tile SEASON ?? ?? g n iiN-t, Sf:_ b.'lie 2dtlb cutrt., :- 1 ?? .rn. thc ;'iitArte. - .r ^i Ai'l *.;at leterl t 1lu~~~ i 5Fb1 EV; 1E}Bitrz)a , ?? ib A toir MASt ' I b., I :ce tL att at ' CCdge tete ettenlioa af ; I~ittt aini''- t t 'c roq'o rihey i T-w-red I e Ilt t h Iome I a2 ltf r- str-i b itted i -ic C ap this *anroe ' tet , r eac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ruu'I afill'A\'. I.n. 14 - w IlI be E, . ?? . IL G nll l P E ,t1t sTlATAGENI. rfir LL1 1- 4 1r t'tClI I A R ). tr-; cast r r' 1Iut1140 I'l! I liit _ _i. ?? NCOTTi e~jlil ^ils.i,, ...