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Advertisements & Notices

... TAE WV. s~z hirii/t5 J;.u'oiep, I ate~zaeoot Yeoasaler 0O° UIsIIN'T O1 SCO'F.ANI). oftt Oti z illt not totri.7e z7it tioc Fo,,ndo.e ~ ~ and nn i/replyii'ii110,n' 4 fit e.:owtpt'' nadI Ce 1' IttUiiOCfile ri.Cia to. .B,1 rflitf'i !~ f, Poisc'e of lios Royal Alceotoro), t52o rlto ,ll. of hier ?? on't d illash-iaot 0,- 1 Aioel.l; ?? of the bate ° M N. (1:1 H .F flf RN]; GEN;'ERAT; ANNUAVL r ?iAl) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO IZROlgIONOERS. To be dciposed of, A Neat and Select Stock of IRONMONGERY GOODS, e A t together with SHOP FURNITURE, and GOOD. WILL of the BUSINESS. The Stock is in good order, having been only recently purchased; and to any young man Wishing to embark in that Business, it would be a most eligi_ s ble npening. Commntaicationswdd resbed to A. Webster, Ad- vocate, will be attended to. All ...


... ITHEATRE. Ads WIEDNESI)AY, NOvEiimtR 3; r: III , N ?? of the rapturous ipplause bestowed on MIr he .1 Ducispow's surprising, interesting, 1auehable scene of the Fl le CARNIVAL OF VENICE, F] OR A PANTOMIME Ox JIQoiEBAC-K, or d In which lie personstes, on the Horse 'in full gallop, SIX DIFFEItENT CHARACTERS.t be ll His Grand Heroic, Hellenic, Military Specticcle, called .5; is aIMM WAY7 FOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOLF C;LT~. P¶HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the T.CLUB3 Will be -held in the Secretary's Hotise, 30, Ca;.isle Street, on Saturday the 210th inst. at 2 o'clockc P. x., fur the purpose of electing their Captain, Council, and Secretary fir the ensuing year, and taking into consideration the affasirs of the Society. And, sit 2 o'clock on Saturday the 27th inst. the BMEDA L lv to be played lor ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public 1LoX s ,T a eeting of Subscribers, held on the 9th current, the Sr A following Gentlemen were appointed Stewards for the 3 2nsuing season, vi- t- 1 The LORD PRoVOs. Sir W1LLIAN SErTON, Bart. PR Sir MICHAEL BRutCE, Baft. Mr. W' LLAM 3HoGAr.Te. Ii Mlr. TuoXAs BANICEUsrAN. hMr. Joux FoRBES. libe tbir The FtIsT AssEUBLY Will tate place, in the Public cam Rooms, oh WEDNESDAY the 22d ?? to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 'at Go til ls tn ietC.~ w~l'll, mill iONf W'ORKS bty ?? KINGDOM, xt. 'ictnoear Ac. to he ,April. the last day of lERtON, AsaisiL Sec.- II 'I I-1 a1 r JST flEA' t h .0LSSCULPTR NSOE ?? CCE.9 gEH~Sl£LPSaasiEC- of s te, ilastroivO lu~aaa~ttt~ 'Asititinoathai No. IE StEOQ bs oarn2elsto'06t ?? ot k ?? ibO~ Anfetthm 7R DiSo. f~~~tntlti c rr til, il yat~ ?? a tn 't1 and tile tot on feEain- Actr om ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXAMl1NATION Of tlte SyllUll for the BLIND. 2-- or NVt*.ATta Rhoot, Regent .40 ~o~hr5 .f ,lttaught0014 are- | h nse f or:Vrd. & ~~ ?? - ?? ti~ixeod AST~tONOmY, ith the ute of Lres ~dI'lans of Ute fleaores i ?? ,.lohtlM .frW-rdt, cr te particular ?? of t3 e cn ~g~l.3;th3,iA co RDN lNEe.E~i DER ti be 'htstrng. Si d ~ 4tlim Axissl e rted i: yB AO0p~.,ro Foote, by 1e061r Pupils. Gae. te~wlrcteg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -S~zCIRQQL. , tCLASESofthe-HIGH SGHOOL 6feel¢ 6n 5fVerthefanlidiy', on Friday the Ist 5f;!r~oiai~k o shchday 3Ir Loansor will1 z ,i the 27thi irdn attendance will- be - a 1'm t c.loutc'rnlvetoti taooclock, for C 0r--- tciciat~flTickets. a ; an artlie of the Cottrte of Study. the . l atis of Feet. sta libe-'liad oti oppica.- .i Di 5u0ce, City Chambers, or at the house- ?? ' ,. of the HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , MEETING of the BAKER INCORPORATION of AG ABERDEEN, was held wiithin tbe 'TltiNITY HALL, ,in thie 17th inst. The Mleeting having talken into consideration, I that a numiber of the Alemnbers and other individuals have of lte been selling bread under rie Price stated in the Assice j ixell by the Ma0gistrates, which tnustbe admiittedto be scarce- ly adequate to tueet the unavoidable losses the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZIWExi'S TAVMERN, QUAY. (Late Sir SIOLLI5ON'S.) In- I.LLAM EWZNl begs leave to intimaite to ?? tos friends and the public in gener~al, that he las eucceed-- ed t thereminde ofthe eas of hatcenitrical. and conve- nient HOTEL onl the QUAY, which was for a number 6f Hisears occupied by Mer Mattison, which lie hins. furnished and qsfitted up in a handsome wanner, and where vr titn it 1 will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AiOV5J:D IA3Wi3E r'D~;3ZIO gE$, SOLD StY BITTLER & CO., Chvnl eta,- 73, Pi ince Strel. ojlyoslhc EIf/ 1I'tttund, Edbebargh, endl dt ?? Drrggisis il- tire C'oneltry. CHING'S WORM LOZENGES.-The more usual symiptoms of M'orms are Fits, Pains in the Stomrnch, Sid:, and lead, Loss of Appetite, and Pale,. Languid, andE nma- ciatid Appearance in thc Patietnt. The extraordinary eflicacy of' these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATTLE AMXEKTS AT MUIMMIlES. ht At a GENERAT; MRETING of the LANDHOL.DERS of the Counties of WIGTOWN, KinxcunnassGt'l, and I)UM. tie FRlEs, together with Deputations from the AgricUltural Ir Associations in these Counties, held at Dumfries the 2d June, 1830, to consider the propriety of introducing Tryst Ti for the sale of aged Cattle; Li The Honourable MoxOGOcasrny STEWAhIT, in the Chair. h ...