... LITERATRIGE. MA' ?? s> -:i ; ',trid>?;sjnit Lib~rarp,. niiijn'Cc;Srieg, ,d90 15;, ip/C~f,. Aibe~npiisrstteet, ?? conductors of this excellent and popular miscellany have just published the first- volume of a i dramatic series, .initnd'ed to'corpurise a selection from the plays S of the earlier Britisl threatrital writers, p'fied of all objection. in able jisstles, and sdspted foi tshe ...


... LITEflATURE. Toe PocrFEe |oenci GaRAosATICAc and CarTries Dec. L lTYAnAny. ?? Edinburgh IS9. This ntork displays considerable ability; and the original method cnrployed by the author to guard the public against the errors daily cometitted in attempting to speak the French, language, cannot fail to render his Dictionary a very vala- able acquisition to those who are endeovouring to make ...


... . ,. - ,L I - _ _ i% I. . . , - ~DIATR66 055000 510055 TArsS PON 45' ?? OF FRAssCE, S Vots. PR] adby the, great success which, has attenided his fleoresfrn Smotitsh llistary, the lilnitrioas ,ae hire ventured upon soothed field, withr portions' hog ofbi mu t nflcinsful ?? haealready shown him Huast he bginningothaffenhe. i~t ?? altr pomsesB ornttnSOtiowtif~ they, are well. (ofwhdlathre anbe ...


... TH FASHIONABLEP WORLD. A RSitE CTnRO1NCLE AND ABSTRACT OF THE TIMES, His present Majesty, it is now finally arranged, will ftollow the corpse of the King at the funeral as chief mourner. T'he King wils wear a mantl; of purple cloth, and the Dukes ?of Cumberland, Sussex, antd Glucester, and Prince Leopold Will wear mantles of black cloth. The Marquis Conynghans visited the Duke of Wellington ...


... TIE FASHON1A BLE WORLI). A, BSIEF C11RONICLE AND ABSTRACT Or ThE TMME3. LgES OF KILLARNEY.-Strangers are pouring fsc to visit the lovely and romantic scenery o Killarney's ja;eo and mountains. Amongst the fashionable arrivals at the genaare Arms hotel, are Mr. Steen, Belfast; Mr. William founter, Belfast; Mr. T. H. Sadlier, Diblihn Mr. W. D. Bsfder, ;iulla, King's County; Air. and Mrs. Gethin ...


... THB FASHIONABLE fWORLD. do A BRIEF CHRONICLE AND A13ILACT OF THE TIMES. The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire, ac- companied by Lord Hillsborough and Lord William Hill, arrivedon Wednesday at Gresham's Hotel. They dined yesterday with Sir John and Lady Byng. The noble party are on their wayto visit his Lordship's estates at Edenderry. Prince Leopold left his residence at Claremont, on ...


... rTE FASHIONABLE WORLD. ALEFCDOFICtE AND ABSTRACT OF THE TIMES. SOR MONDAY.-The numerous personages W De en staying on a visit to their Majesties left the castl tbis meorning for their diffierent residences- in towns. a om oere Lord and Lady Clinton, Lord Hill and ?? Somerset. This forenoon, at eleven o'clock, their r. took their departure from the Castle, in an open car- gaeedraM by four of ...


... T H ~ A S~ f N A A L ..i O R L D . : {A BRIEF CiHsONICLE AND ABSTIiACT,01F MlX TIMFJ' ; The Kingarrived at St. Jasnes'Piiace, from BushiY, on Mtonday, at a quarter before twelve. ;iit Majiesty wa escorted by a troop df Lancers. Shortly afterwards the Duke of Wellington and several of the Ministers- visited his Majesty. The King has appointed Sir William Beechey to be Portrait Painter, &b., to ...


... LONDON FEMIATiE FASHINS FOR-OCTOBVR. I , A t ?? . \ ?? \ ., . . 8 .. '-Jrrl.A 1RJ~iiS-2A di't-~ of' (hunengble Pros ?? ~tPeach biloan, Iasht Nvith lavender of a eydr hade. Te10Itge (lit IaW, aid open in front, to displ~tv a blonid ]ace 68c116e-irijaite, is also 'trimmed with blond laceel a I'enfant. - Beret sie-eve of uncommon size, composed of white Satin, and of partially coveted~f with ...


... IT ;THB FAShIIONAbLE WoRL.D A BRIEF CIHRONYCLE AND AH5Fasnr or T Tisin'. Their Majesties, we are rejoiced to say co enjoy good health. Their MAjesties, we understandi return to Brighton until next month. a' lt CoVENT-GA1tDEN.-The Ptincipal attracti a .this theatre during the week that has just eapsil h IS at the Rosal visit on Monday, and Miss Kemtsl avelepn for the first time, in the part of ...


... TIED Z A; I the ?? Tavels of Mr. Webster through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt, will conrtanr, we understand, much information of peculiar interest at the present moment. Thiq gentleman was, it appears, at Constantinople when the result of the battle of Navarino yasl8a, in the Ottoman capital, and he describes the Fer tion produced by that event, and the consequent pro S of the Sultan. It will ...


... - I nt Fawdlln Classical Libr-iars-Xcnmp~ion, vol. 2.-Thc ?? ; Ou-it gswdih. TranNlatud by the lion. lIAUnIICE ASIILY i3 t CoolPnE. pp.. i5. Valpy, London. huI The ublieo we totivte have already abtnilantlY testilted their appro. B1L r bti~l of the plan and purpose ot' the ' Family ?? ?? ' Oll Ibiere are sevcral reasons v hich show thle utility orsulch a wuork. Ntp 4 only Most tile plersisal ...