... LITERATRIGE. MA' ?? s> -:i ; ',trid>?;sjnit Lib~rarp,. niiijn'Cc;Srieg, ,d90 15;, ip/C~f,. Aibe~npiisrstteet, ?? conductors of this excellent and popular miscellany have just published the first- volume of a i dramatic series, .initnd'ed to'corpurise a selection from the plays S of the earlier Britisl threatrital writers, p'fied of all objection. in able jisstles, and sdspted foi tshe ...

Poetry-Original and Select

... ?? alto Aptlect. THE MARINER. [1RODt ACKERMANN'S FORGET bE ROT.] SoFT glides the sea, Bounding and free, Dance thei blue waver as they rush to the shore: O'er vale and height Gleams the moon bright, Gaily the mariner plies the ?? oar, Singing ?? the sun lights the main, Laud of my birth, I shall greet the !gain! Night wears away, Sullen and gray, F'rom, the dark sly o'er the wild restless deep ...


... FAIRS IN MTAY. ?? I Wed. 19. It Tucs. 4. ?Xi-uclml!s Rosehearty Aml mree Thir. G. Logic Aherlour Frid. ?? ?? Dehtan f;.ir Mon. 10. Newmachar Tues. 11. Alannofield Grantown Shotts- Auchindoir Kepple Tryst Dariis Wed. 12. Potarch Tarves, StGeorgecs Findon 120r3 Dunning Thur. I S. Cornhill of Park Boervie Oldmeldrum Frid. 14. Turrift'Roodfair Xon. 17. Oldrais Strachan Tues. 18. Ruthrieston Ellon ...


... FOR THE ABERDEEN JOURNAL. Tell me, . Mother! when I grow old, ti Will my hair, which my sisters say is like gold, ' Grow grey as the old man's, weak and poor, t Who asked for alms at our pillared door ? Will I look as soid, will I speak as slow, As he, when he told us his title of woe; Will my hands then shake, and my eyes hr dint? Tell me, 0 Mother! will I grow like him ? lie said-but I ...


... - I nt Fawdlln Classical Libr-iars-Xcnmp~ion, vol. 2.-Thc ?? ; Ou-it gswdih. TranNlatud by the lion. lIAUnIICE ASIILY i3 t CoolPnE. pp.. i5. Valpy, London. huI The ublieo we totivte have already abtnilantlY testilted their appro. B1L r bti~l of the plan and purpose ot' the ' Family ?? ?? ' Oll Ibiere are sevcral reasons v hich show thle utility orsulch a wuork. Ntp 4 only Most tile plersisal ...


... I Mln. li,'rcisii.'s interesting story of THlE GAME OF LIFE has been compared, with great truth, to Dr. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, This is the charm of ' The Game of Life.' says the Reviewer- real life where people feel and suffer, and struggle, and triumph: it is a practical exposition of Providence-a chronicle of moral and social illestrations ; and it displays that more ...


... f: , -, - -. JLJIGR W A ?? Sqo * \-5es ss isen1 shyv Eiftvljw EiStern dy X X ?? Zn Moxe greeli isle olundidn eaty FVor did its rcul2 shadow slePe. O'er stream of Afric, lone and deep; But for the ejiled Pslr tree ^t~ 'Midst foliage of ho kindred huet Thro' the Ia rum's dropping Pjse the light shaft of orient mould, And Europe's violets faintly sweat PVorped the ?? as its feet. Strahgilook'd It ...


... LITEflATURE. Toe PocrFEe |oenci GaRAosATICAc and CarTries Dec. L lTYAnAny. ?? Edinburgh IS9. This ntork displays considerable ability; and the original method cnrployed by the author to guard the public against the errors daily cometitted in attempting to speak the French, language, cannot fail to render his Dictionary a very vala- able acquisition to those who are endeovouring to make ...


... . ,. - ,L I - _ _ i% I. . . , - ~DIATR66 055000 510055 TArsS PON 45' ?? OF FRAssCE, S Vots. PR] adby the, great success which, has attenided his fleoresfrn Smotitsh llistary, the lilnitrioas ,ae hire ventured upon soothed field, withr portions' hog ofbi mu t nflcinsful ?? haealready shown him Huast he bginningothaffenhe. i~t ?? altr pomsesB ornttnSOtiowtif~ they, are well. (ofwhdlathre anbe ...


... TH FASHIONABLEP WORLD. A RSitE CTnRO1NCLE AND ABSTRACT OF THE TIMES, His present Majesty, it is now finally arranged, will ftollow the corpse of the King at the funeral as chief mourner. T'he King wils wear a mantl; of purple cloth, and the Dukes ?of Cumberland, Sussex, antd Glucester, and Prince Leopold Will wear mantles of black cloth. The Marquis Conynghans visited the Duke of Wellington ...


... TIE FASHON1A BLE WORLI). A, BSIEF C11RONICLE AND ABSTRACT Or ThE TMME3. LgES OF KILLARNEY.-Strangers are pouring fsc to visit the lovely and romantic scenery o Killarney's ja;eo and mountains. Amongst the fashionable arrivals at the genaare Arms hotel, are Mr. Steen, Belfast; Mr. William founter, Belfast; Mr. T. H. Sadlier, Diblihn Mr. W. D. Bsfder, ;iulla, King's County; Air. and Mrs. Gethin ...


... THB FASHIONABLE fWORLD. do A BRIEF CHRONICLE AND A13ILACT OF THE TIMES. The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire, ac- companied by Lord Hillsborough and Lord William Hill, arrivedon Wednesday at Gresham's Hotel. They dined yesterday with Sir John and Lady Byng. The noble party are on their wayto visit his Lordship's estates at Edenderry. Prince Leopold left his residence at Claremont, on ...