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Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS AND STATIONERY. P. AND J. &RA 1 Y EG respectfully to announce to their 'friends and the public, that their CATALOGUE is now Published, c=n ve ~taiuing a list of STANDARD BOOKS in Divinity, Biogra. vO phy, anld G;eneral Literature, at reduced ?? to ehl LClergymen, nnd those having the charge of-Parochial, Cnngre. S1 gational, and Sabbath-schooi Libraries, an opportunity of II furnishing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILE MEnCERT. JtAMES xINDSAsY respsectfilll intirzates that lie has d vv tto hanld, hise Sasaner Goods, selteted in LondoR, I) 4eC., ?? every thrinlg Nvewv ad Fas~hionable in the line, which he wfill sell at? veryl moderate prices. NM. B.-STRl W. LEGION^, and FANCY DONv. NESTS- 49 Union Street. A3EELDEEN ACULDEM'E. THE Cwirscs of Instruction to be given at this institution . JL after the Ist ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... = ii-== t ?? WLDNEh3DAY, V chi I1, 1839. I Mt ?? ?? P: ri, on the 13tO inst., the Hion. l Mirs bclvcsns, of flix, 0o a so,,. . liiarrild. at Gibs on, on the 10:h instant, by tre rs'. Iv .Jarneo L aller, n mistetr (if it intIv. (ii ptai n ( it.uls. E:s ('Gon tr I)oN of OILt roal IRlMY to IdtAtanZA''TtI, scornd dtaughte o in . i 1dre atMacherstin, ?? ih £rcicrierl, tiet Kii;I1c'I,ol mice 26 th ...


... EIT. ALEXANDER BN'DONALD rrormnerly n'jt/ Mr WILLIAm TnouP, and latterly wthil Mr GEOREGE KING) 1 E SPECTFULLY intimates to his fricends and the pub. kl~ie in general, that he has commenced business as BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, In that Shop, No. 19, GALLOWGATE, (opposite Littlejohn Sireet), formerly occupied by Mr. Johnston, bookbinder; where he has laid in a neat assortment of STATIONERY11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .NEW WORKS IN DIVINITY, SOLD BTt A.. BEOWN & iO. BOOKSELLERS, AnltnnEE sF.2 ISTIOP MAN'r's flI -E. quirtn, in parts, £3 9s Cd. .EZ, ?? ?? . Pl;AYEtl ll OK, quirto, bids. £I IlIs. ?? Oo UPITIeAs. No-rita,.s of thu- Atrosri.EsM and orlher SMXN'TS, i3150. hdsl. lb. ?? , tl 'S Ons. t ?? ' BiShop PTO' v a T, S imSn;U Os, just pudblilhed, BuO 12s IBisllop Al il:se'S Ssimt-.oNs, fIwo. ?? Cd b Bishop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the Press, and epeediljy wilt be published, I In 2 volumes, royal 18mo. A NARRATIVE, Co5S0i1.ED ROMs JO1RlNAtS WRtITTEN, ]lDURIN THE P 1Z AY Z N S V' Y. A A W A 91,a Fronm 1808 to 1814. By MAJOR LEITH HAY, F.R.S.E. Edinburgh: DANErL LlZAnSS IV. CuRse; Jun. &t CM., Dublin; and WHITTAKEa, TREACHEIC, and ARNOT, London. . SOOTS DIAGAEINE. To be bad of JOHN SUTHIiRLAND, 153 Gallowgate, i - . a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW AND VAALUABLE PUBLICATIONs. TONES' CCLASSICAL FABIILY LIBRARY, 8vo. .3} comprising a uniform, correct, and economical University Etlition of approved and standard Translations of the most vateable Greek and Roman Classics. Published in monthly vols. 1sS. 6d. each. I .I'!RPHY'S TACITUS, price Us, bld. Bi;EI.OE'S HERODOTUS, price (is. sewed. tl B3KER'S LIVY. Vol I. is already publishel. A ...


... VAI:RS IN 1)VCEMBICR. .vflnhn I TIhlur. i f. Almntln, 11:w1111;7 V. 11 A~. l I j 11 It. 'Wexd. I. L~enn t)L cIThur. 16. Miortlacb, D3ustan t'r ner Banlicory Fair B51011J. 6. Blaclhurn i\Ton. 20. Bliaclkbirn T uet4. 7;. Siathdon ''Tucs. 21. Rothiemray Fair. !evncndrsna ftithrieston Th'lre. 9 lcrorye Wed. 22. Old l)eer, Dustn Prid. I f. Perth Awlnernimas Fair MIon. 13. Newaichar Thur 23. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vlj/ANTED, by an ADVOCATE in Abdrdeen, a V COPYING CLERK.-Apply to the Publisher. ISTANDARD WOiRKS, ' TO UrE HAD OF n JOHN RETTIE:, (Successor lo A. ANGUS 4- SON,) - 1;, UNION STREET. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, a neW Edition, i being the seventh, including the recent Supplement to that a-l: with preliminary Dissertations on. the History of ?? ?? SrcTIwXAlTT anld PLAYFAIJI, and by the light Hon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AB31lDEEt ASSED133XIERI Ptlblic BOooms. 1T a leeting of Subscribers, held on the 9th current, the A following Gentlemen were appointed Stewards for the ensuing season, viz:- The LoRD PnovosR . Sir WILT.CAi SETOS, Bart. Sir MICHAEr Bl1UCE, Bart. I Mr. NIILLIAMI HOOA;TI1.. .Wr. THomAs BANNERMIAN. BIr. JoinTe FbRIIEs. The FIRST AssEmiiLy will take place, in the Public Rooms, on WEDNESDAY the 22d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he te - berbertv .:1 WEDNESDAY, Febr'ury, 3, 1830. a 2a ?? Maanse of Aboyne, on the 18th ultimv, Mrs e .! Abirr-id. nt nurris House, on the 1st inst. ?? PLAYr'AIR. s t, tn IA It V AN E, eldest daughter of 'George Sanderson, iEsq. i. D i i. t l~iu d. it ,Arlthnte fHouse, on the 235 ult. in the eighty h first %,-iar o he' a M!, the honourabie CHARLOTTE AUlMTsI ii swo r, aunt of Viscount ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? WAREHOUSE, Xo. 136, UNION STREET, Adjoining Union Bridge. FTHE EDINBURGH. GLASGOOW, and ALLOA GiLASS COAIPANY, respectfully announce to the C inhahitants.of Aberdeen anti its Vicinity, that they have this dsy OPENED thee nbove Premises with it extensive ani IE elegant Assortment of PLAIN andt CUT FLINT ?? or a very superior quality, and which, as ManufActurers, they are enabled to otfer ...