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Advertisements & Notices

... 1* -- - ,C 1APMTAL FAI-1I: ON DEEZ3Y. F Id tt- To he l;et; for 11 years, in IH1.E Fhrm of .MARYFIIEl,D; in the parish of BaMrtory -1- Ternan. nt present occupied by John Burnett, consist. e -h; ing ot' nearly d00 acrcs arable, fine early soil v with an exten- fc t, sive range of excellent green Pasture, well'sheltered; watered, It as and enclosedl.. Entry at Martinmas first. 'r W'illiam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR, WEBSTER'S ENGLISHl DICTIONARY. Just PulshWed, Price 7.s. to Subscribers for the w'hole WVork, and 9s. to Non-Subsbcribers,: PAn1e III. Of L 3DICTIONArm. OW THE. E-VOLISH LAWGUA&GE: I. The Origin and Affinities of every English Word, as fari asthey have been' ascertained, with its Primary Signilication, n.; now generally established. 2. TIhe Ortliogrtrphy entd Pronunciation of WVords, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %7'T1TT,1REAS JAMES MIcPIIAIL, late-ofCrovdon, htt 1 the county Of' aSurrey, d!eceascd, by his Mi 1, dli'eA the e 17th dry of June 128, *bequeathed a L~egaLcy his ?? that is to say To thre daughter of my brother John I he- queath £2iiU ; and whereas, b al Decree of the High Court of tlarc'ry, mades in a cafuse entitled ?? Drummonid v. his Ma. .testi's Attorney general, it wax referred to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. XVI. New I e-k by t/he Aut/hor of JWavcrry. This day is published, with Frontispiece, Ss . XZ77Zf.MS 02 DAXONOLO0Y J2qD WvZTCZCJZAF-T Bv Slit WALTER, SCOTT, BA11. ?? pubia ?? zip to tfle present tb nc, price 5s. cooS, ?? in canvas.- land 2. Lfc of 3lonaparte. 8. Court and Camp of Bona- X i Aleiunider :l a Great. parte. , 10,a and 13. T rish Artists. 11. Irving's Columbus. i, ;, and S . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A VALUABLE SUPPLY Is Just Beteived by the Agents, as under, of THE FIRST PRODUCTION OF THE AGE, And thie onjly Aroticle r-icnilo possesses e'.rrlosivc enzergetic proper- tics fur the Thai7r,- VTHE ORIGINAL and GENUINE of Vegetable Ingre- _L dients, which preserves the flair to t'he latest period of 3'ife; promotesaluxuciantgrovth; adds strength to the Roots; produces lasting and Beautiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ion __ Y0s AD-MItRAITY OiFrCE, 1tM July, l;:tO. n] me TXIS :tAJESTV has been pleased to command that the HIL Collars and Cuffs of the Uniform Coats of the Com- H the missioned Officers of the Navy shall, in future, ba Scalilt oh sst. instead of White, and that three Buttons be placed un,(jer f y s each of the Pocket Flaps; and also that, in future, no Gold is ike Lace be worn on the Tiowseis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUE3 M EETS in the Public Rooms, on FRIDAY the 5th day I of March next.--DiNNER at 5.-IustiSNEss at 4 so'clock. TH]TO. BURNETT, SEC. This day is pnblished, BLACEWOOD'S EDINBURGOR MAGAZINE. No. CLXIV. FOR LARCH> 1830. CON TENTS. I. Mooie's Byron. Part 2.-11. The Colonial Question.- IM. The Spectre Ship of Salem.-IV. Southey's Vinlicim Ecclces'r Anglicanae.-V. Alusical Literature.-VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7V HE BAN FSEilRI COIJRSING CiUB weill meet el ?? to run 1er the Cuur on Wednesday the 3d of November * ?? DoGs must be all entered by II o'clock, A.Mt., ofJ F the abore day at latest; ansI must he on ?? ground at the ti Turnpike Road, near the linngmen Quarries, on the day of runningt. not beyond it) o'clock. D)inner during the daiys of running in Diincan's, as usual, r at 5 o'clock. _BaFff, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH WIDOW'S FUND AND LIFE ASSU-IRNCE SOCIETY, FOUN7DEDi A.D. 181i. f, STr. ANDREL'S SILARE, EDsitnuncru -57, IUILLER STREET, Gi..-isrow. The numnber eJ Propo'sals which are nually made aurbng tC Zlst qar'terZ If the year, with the vieCL of entitling the ap. lct' to} thel! ee'tlt of the payment of that y1ear's Premium, in refirence IL' th!e apliroaahtn, period qfa inge'fration, rende'rs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pricets. Gld., in cloth, or 7s. boanrlniow floats and lettered. LA2= AND ENGIASR DICIT1ONaR!, AUIS.DGED ?? TEI2 USE OF ?? SCHOOLS,e By Joisse DvyocK, l1 D. fie 's Dr Dymoc'k is a practical teacher and an eminent Scholnr, ai ttwo advantages which peculiarly fit him for the task he has on undertaken. This edition of Ainasworth possesses greater ad- vantages than any with which we are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v- - - .- w@~- - -I DRz. lAM|!E]RT, OF TBt- OLD DtEDICA.L ESTAw5IMSunirtT, 10, CHURCI STREET, SPITALFlIELDS, LONDONz, TAS the pleasure of ?? before the Public the follow. 3AX ing Case, arong numerous others that can be equally wesl attested:_ - King John Tavern, Eseter, Sept. 2, 1826. To Dr. Lamert. Sir,-The knowledge of your arrival in this city induces me to impart a circumstance relative to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIDGE oil DON APPROACHES. Turnpike arnd Commutation Trusteez. s General Meeting of' the Trustees and Subscribers of' EL.L;os ROAD, and Commutation Trustees of the Au-Lmm)EEi Dis'ritic-ir, will be held in the Committee Room of Court Jloase, on Tuesday the 21st curt., at half-past 2 o'clock to resutimc consideration of the measures no- - cessary for completing those aplproaches. A full ...