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Advertisements & Notices

... - EXTENSIVE SALdE, BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE BARGAIN, lin Or BOOKS, STrTIONERI', AZZTNrGS, I a'AVVD RNG 7 ,S, gon ON COXS1IGNMtENT, ID hy' The who/e to bC So/ld qf' ?? reserve, he ?? Ain. BlLL, AUc'iOwnEEIa, . *u't ' At his Sale-Room, No. 39, Union Street, .O.. Oli WPED.VE.SD'1 Y.ti r.Joatl,,'bl ,,adl~ ?? . ,f Private Sale to begin each Daytat 12 o'cloclc -and'by er- Auction, in the Evening, at 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4SSEEa7JZJZS.I.. .1H E SECOND'ASSEMBILY for -e Sepson will take I1. place in the PublicRooms, onll TRURSDAIJ tie 7th X DJanying to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards apd refreshments, as usual. - Strangeris introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. each. - Aberdeen, 2-4d Dee. 1829. antI sin * The Slerwards utrill meet, ii t11e Card Ream.z onn thec 71t SA if dsiwsary, at 2 o'elock, sr.x. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW JOURNAL, THEr NOIR.T 33,3RTONf. Of al A Number of individuals having severally expressed a wish w A for the establishment of a Newspaper in this city, to be re cowducted by an Editor unfettered by any party connexions, rs unshackled by subservienev to any local interest, and frce from le thue dictationi or caprice of a limited proprietary; and consider. te ing the great utility of such an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH WIRES. cEOR0E; TETOTSON B EGS to give notice, that, having been appointed Agent D for the Old and Respectable House of llessrs la ]'EsttYRA, Brothers, of Bourlcaux, for the Sale of their J WVINES, he I as received (in connseuence) from them a sup- S ply of CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, SAUTETRNES, &c. H which he can confidently recommend as the growth of approv- ed years, and of first quality. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEATBLIES P ITE NEXT A SSEM BLY will .take place in the Public JL R-ooms, on IrHURSDAY the 28th of January current. j Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea' at 10 o'clock. 1B Cards anid refreshments, as usual. - Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay is.'6d. each. Aerdeen, 7th Jan. 1830. ?? TheSteczereri will meet, in the Card Room, on tle 28'th at 2 o'clock, PI.i to snake arrangemnents for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TO ZET, e [II KI[NfCAUSIL SA1,3lMON FlSiINGS, as for- e merly advertised, with entry on Ist February next. ?? to 31r Alcock, advoeatc. NOTICE TO, AND 1VIEBTING Or P CREDITORS. t R. JAMES VIILSON. late Tenant in ilayfarm of l L Ciruen, having executed a Trust )ecd, for belhoof of . his Creditors, in favour ot' Thomas Ilurnett, advocate in n Aberdeen, all those having Claims avainst 3Ir Wilion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Publws? dlihis day, In I vol. 8vo. price 8s. INTRODUCTOR7Y &ECTuRES TO A COURSE OF s 2ZSTARUY SvBUEBy.. 'bL1YItD 1`N THE .UNiVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. By GEORGE BALLINGALL, M.D. F.R.S.E. iegius Professor of Alilitary Surgery in the University of ti Edinburgh. $ Adam Black, Edinburgh; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, b E Grevn, London; and A. Bn o6w & Co. Aberdeen. A aqove vmay be had. just publisaJcd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Tis day ig pumblish ed., t.. In I volumc 8Vo. with 7 Plates, and Sl M'oodlcuts, ?? Xi Is. bls. n a MEM S3YST ?? OYU GM01140%7- e In which the grvatc revolutions of the Earth and Animated Nature are reconciled at once to Modern Science, and to 'bacred History. Pvy ANDREWV URE, A.D. F.U.S. ?? &c. &c. ?? We regard this New System of Geology as one of the tmst valuable aecessions lately mnade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L IBUZLCDZ2NG W1A:XEa 0 be SOLO, or FUUUD, that AREA or PIECE of f GROUND, on the East. side of Commerce Street, - having a Front also to Virginia Striet, measuring 80 feet or ttherehy alomerach of those Streets. This Area has the advanrtage of being in the vicinity of the Quay, and some extensive Mllanufactories; and will be sold or feued altogether, orin two lots, on moderate trms. C y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMMIY LIBRARY. Tis do is pufblislerd, Illustrated with Seven Engravings; 5s. No. X. of TIZE 1?-AT ILY LInBRnRn, Being tie Secot V'olotite of LIVES of the most Eninent T BRITISH PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, and 4AIICHIIIECT1S. JoseNb MutexY, Albemarle Street. -- F027L'_rL:S~C11OC Boon~s, - Printed foir 0-G1A1RES, 3MAE, ll1toVh, anti Gni-:x LINDLEY MURll;X-'S ELEMENTARY WORKS, 0, WITH TllU AU.TUlOIn'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W;anted, by the COMSeISSIONERn of PoL!CE for tbe, . City of Aberdeen, ONTRACTORS to PAVE the CARRIAGE-WAY . C of GEORGE STnEET, and to form FOOT-PATHS where wanted, fronn the termination of the 'present Causeway to the extremity of the Police Boundary. - Specifications will be seen, on application to David Loni!- rmuir, Inspector- and Sealed Tenders must be deliver-d to William C~hahlers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSE.2BZES. Si THE NEXT AS1E3MBLY will tace place in the Public i Rooms, on TH URSDAY the 11 th of February next. q Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and refreshlnents, as usual. Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. each. a Public RoomRs, 28lk Jars. 1830. C1 *i The $1tewivrd6 ?? m-eet, in the Card Room, on the ?? AI of Fehbruery, at 2.o'cleck, P.MD. to make ...