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Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? to AME e;%;tcrcr~i~is, elsprb~ti denre tcid Police >ipl oil cD toov pr1 EAOfic 51-. t od .rt~t>ttm th ~ scoracy, nis efDr1 cdiobrxrtd cctnrae tie westa at, tD'O & ~ 0r tS~ te, vs-sl1td vo fS~ i. ># 44? ~ ,,tictsor. he , to fiel. an C its tue ttrosctit Siste ifr RtKti- sr rt.ACE., Edin gh; ond Loooseaw,, cit O, & oarsEt~ett~iou. J, PrtbgiL4a> tlis dtut, s oe ito~s lers in~ G~crot E~dbSX F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t-aentrc-Uqoral, ewinburgn. LAST NIGHT-BUr FOUR OF MR YOUNG. MR VANDENHOFF, ard MISS JdARMAN, appenring togethere Thispresent Evening, THURISDAYMarch4, 1S0, Will bh performed Shokspacre's Historicat Play of CYM BEL lNE: Cymbeline, King of Britain. by Mr MATHEWS. Chotne by Mr HOO()PE R. Guiderisriby Mr PRITCHARD. . Posthumous by 'Mr YOUNG. lachimno by Mr VAN DENHOIfE.7. Imnogineby Mlis JA IMAN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I' -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? ASSE3I'i~iT for itle EfASON FITO0 t s-r !e)AY VI% tie Itb e ISSl. cat, 11 yl wil\e t -Me. .lt Indl~oillNie S of llo OSEBIY, TO- the IlSn lit'1 ti re at CD 'l)ktt'i; lie L~ ill Jp le eld - 031 El c- 'ciog * FASilA'N'S EVF ;)st. I ~ ~Itp ~~,itli } \ ll Ilg and C t. u lit cile Tee kn- ?? the attentinit of c't ATT cic t e CCTlclinio ?? ?? tbes vcuietrcs TrT Treel liCT' ITh ICtr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UB 3LfC 1'd t] _ ING. ., lPEllNCS R soCIETy. ,iST GENERAL nFETING of the ,,-;gUI;RGl ASSOCIATIONforrtheSUP- I F- r lNtEt:MPEQtANC3E hv a EI.IN- I 'of the i USE f A lDENT SP[ ItIS,- , Al BANY STREEX CRAPHL on h8th j sit, at one o'clock aftornaona,. o slait informlationt -ill be given as tothe _ ' f I te Asociatiolt. ott', ?? erected are respecifualy iovited to attend. & L DLAW RANhISAY. Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i n IIeat3-tin i; nii~s V,., of g ?? C nicO (p'r eletitledi NATIONAL GUARD, Omt rJPVRAiL S WvrlYDnNG. 5roriSe Irrici ?? s Co nicc Oper , 155D ' ,f e Fisovc'e-: . I. ctrc lure UTie Sclshccr' So . 55)cOO tao m, G. OlkbNC:ASfl[ j,- ' 1c', it r c in cccil etc-,rc 1cr he ceil ir :16.. trn B f ?? of Frecalcer-a ?? t PiL in ,- ict cha.-ccr sitciricl in.I ccr re g.-tiok Acsd vrith ;ile &kuj o i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %7'T1TT,1REAS JAMES MIcPIIAIL, late-ofCrovdon, htt 1 the county Of' aSurrey, d!eceascd, by his Mi 1, dli'eA the e 17th dry of June 128, *bequeathed a L~egaLcy his ?? that is to say To thre daughter of my brother John I he- queath £2iiU ; and whereas, b al Decree of the High Court of tlarc'ry, mades in a cafuse entitled ?? Drummonid v. his Ma. .testi's Attorney general, it wax referred to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR, WEBSTER'S ENGLISHl DICTIONARY. Just PulshWed, Price 7.s. to Subscribers for the w'hole WVork, and 9s. to Non-Subsbcribers,: PAn1e III. Of L 3DICTIONArm. OW THE. E-VOLISH LAWGUA&GE: I. The Origin and Affinities of every English Word, as fari asthey have been' ascertained, with its Primary Signilication, n.; now generally established. 2. TIhe Ortliogrtrphy entd Pronunciation of WVords, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* -- - ,C 1APMTAL FAI-1I: ON DEEZ3Y. F Id tt- To he l;et; for 11 years, in IH1.E Fhrm of .MARYFIIEl,D; in the parish of BaMrtory -1- Ternan. nt present occupied by John Burnett, consist. e -h; ing ot' nearly d00 acrcs arable, fine early soil v with an exten- fc t, sive range of excellent green Pasture, well'sheltered; watered, It as and enclosedl.. Entry at Martinmas first. 'r W'illiam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. XVI. New I e-k by t/he Aut/hor of JWavcrry. This day is published, with Frontispiece, Ss . XZ77Zf.MS 02 DAXONOLO0Y J2qD WvZTCZCJZAF-T Bv Slit WALTER, SCOTT, BA11. ?? pubia ?? zip to tfle present tb nc, price 5s. cooS, ?? in canvas.- land 2. Lfc of 3lonaparte. 8. Court and Camp of Bona- X i Aleiunider :l a Great. parte. , 10,a and 13. T rish Artists. 11. Irving's Columbus. i, ;, and S . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \I Iva t l tO sitE eccurtd ein thre Qffice of WSO 5 Il SP' IT ALr itt ?? Rotv ?? rdr ' W c )I A &, .- ?? wtitt oyr,! r ip h.,,p tlo A pril, tht IIr th, f j l,0fpe Siol a oyt ot° S h tle I rotash,-rgug dl' i n ' d to lnblic1 Ge to~irn t ?? to r irlil!. Ofl COhe lr~ h erstitso iallf dwto sabish du- f Igib ls¶liii~it ritab testgl0 of such other parto Jb- ?? ThF~ atthes DVIDEND.D' s Xttislenevu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W Vftons oAw,-. I9 ?? . .. d 1 EXTfENtPvr. SAI.B B'Y AUCTION OF1 CHINA, CRY3I1'AL, AN:) STONEYA.RE,,.: z .lFar tekoilf of Crir'itiro. TO be Ser.n by aeiisnt , it N.o 52, St Aedre&: Sqcuire (re- mloved there for consieere of Sale), on ?? the 771h Mav, 18SO, 7-1 l-tt l-vin layxlr. ?? .'rt-VF1BAY b BANkRTiPTr -kS`T' K of E.-MjzR-- IL czn, China llerchialtnt lrstso Street, esiting of 'T'able, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in ?? ectfu~ly infonaniedi, that ?? gEAV~TRE-noYAL EDINBURGH, ww Piil OPELN NEIDAY EVENINGS, Noseorhier fti Iss0, ti, -s teil theitle Will i thle flop It~P eierrtrpiion in the aerI s proceeding vet- tliare Gleeo seri be, bv thle Wrild per- piie, oped at the C ledonirto cet're Nvember J, from tilte born 'of LAR1GES ROMTUNDA, ain EtNl Ot TKr OUtoinD. ~ I ARSFALL, the Original lovenottns Pe lrp ...