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... 41VAZL EYTELLlh7PVCR - . J_ lo . ?? DoVER, MARCH 7.-On the 5th another con§'derable por- tion of the cliff at the bark part of the dwelling-house ansi store.houses of Edward Thompson, Esq., in Snarsgate-street, became detached and fell with a tremendous crash, destroy- ijg between 500 and 600) panes of glass, and otherwise injur- ing the green house; andi bad it not beenr for a deep trends dug ...

Published: Thursday 11 March 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1530 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Ic [ERG USSON begged to ask the rightt honiourable gpn- a tst (Mr rant) whather be intended to brine' forw, w pe tarefr the relief ot thle Jews Iin tIUls 5SesonI (hear, hear). with It Ir 10nw ntie to abolish all political, religious distinctio0s in dur,, t ouis cen~v ( hear ).ido Monday next be intended to present a LI 5~iitin fro the ews, and otithat occaii~of he would state prei ~ ...

Published: Monday 13 December 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 8026 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL- PARLIAWENT I HIOUSE OF L OU--ND'AY, NOV. B. ( petitions were Presented ah'ainsnerslvrfrmd.- renit ?? by the Duke of Gilori'este th arls of Grosvenor, Eldon, Chichester, andl Ciiwdor, the Bishop d 'Londont, and I-Ord Wbarncliffe. Tile Marquis of IANSDOWN brought -forward his pro- mised motion relative to tire affairs of B3elgium, and was. answered by The Earl orfA BERDEPN, who ...

Published: Thursday 11 November 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5139 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMEJrTTIG t O THE IPARTSHi OV ST. MtCIIAN. V . .- ?? _-.i . . Yesterday a bigbly, respectabfe an~d very numerous meeting r.of the inhabitintat of this parish, comprising, as it does, a large id portion of commercial wealth amnd influence, assembled in the i;4 School-room, to' petition for a Repeal of the Legislative Union, ed JA-M ES, SHERIDAN, Esq. in the Chair,. rhMWIIAEL FuaRno,4, Esq, ...

Published: Saturday 04 December 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2352 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... STm iIENRY ITARTDINCTE AND MP' O'CONN-Ett. v r .-I _ . 11 I _ I- . a . I I (From the Evceing Vackft - at tnrday). Mn. Enln ?? following passages are to be found in a speech of Mf. O'Connel'N, published in the Freenan's Journal of this days the 2.'d inst.:- -The hon; and learned gentleman next alluded to the decay of despotism it Europe, and adverting to the late abominable proclamation, gpoke ...

Published: Monday 25 October 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1636 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... me. O'CO L . ; I AIlR. O'CON.N ELL. I The ?? of Wednesday denies that any offer of placo was made to Mr. O'Connell by the present Administration, Hlow far that statoment may be relied onthe following will elphlin. At the meeting of Mary's parish, held in the Arena on Friday last, just as tbe fifth resolution was about to .be put by the Chairman, Mr. O'Connell rose and said I Sir, beforeyouptt ...

Published: Monday 27 December 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 465 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... itESTOnATrON OF COMPiAnATIvs TRANQViLLITY IN rrENT. (From a Correspondent of the Globe.) There have occurred since my last communication two cir- cumstances which have materially contributed to produce a ces- sation of the outrages which have disgraced this county for a perind now extending toalmoit the last three months. It is to this county that the disgrace must be placed in account-either ...

Published: Friday 03 December 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1066 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 'wgf :-'ft;aw '1MO I DUBLINI: WEDNESDAY, ?GUST -265. ?? ?? a . FRA, ?? ' (TROM MT}E s CO ItStpNVisNT 9F TE AcE.) ?? ?? Pais, hursdwv, August 19., Affairs are. not yet settled here';-people arernow beginning.' t0 -reflect on what has 'been done. Some think that: matters i'avq been brought to too hasty a conclusiorn- hile others are stronglyr diss-tisfied with the couclusin' ?? oethior. Some ...

Published: Wednesday 25 August 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2199 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... MR. O'cONNELL. . 1 THE PEOPLE tF' tRELA.N ;. ..Lonuix, W31s May, 1830. ?? Heredirtary bondsmrien,,;k o, you D0ot,, . . lho would be freethemselvesmust.strike the blow! , ., hl~vepnepre tpah¢., t )OUte(l large bodies, of .the people..ef Ireland to exert themselves for liberty of. ?? *succeeied: in.their exertions-a.and' the bert ftuit of their sue- cess is that the cause of..drssensin is ztow ...

Published: Thursday 03 June 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2050 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... mit. o'CONNELL AND THE LIBERTY OF TME I I~~~RES (From the ?? WVhig.) Frequently as have been recounted the disinterested nnd patriotic actionsof ourindefatig-able and high-gifted countryman Daniel O'Connell, yet, if we mistake not, we have a circum- stance to mention respecting himn which will add even to the proud fdme that he already so pre-eminently enjoys, and hold him up before Ireland in ...

Published: Wednesday 28 July 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1591 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... AGRICUL:ITURAL REPORT. i EXTENDING. THROUGH WHE. CoYNTtEs OF WATgFOF4D, TIP- PERARY, -Ii.I,1Nt4y, AND WEXFORD. MAY.-May coimm ce ' w.ith dry weather, but during the mouth there was a sailicient poption of. rain to retard the pro- gress of agrictlture, part~icularly, tble burning of hoed groupid. There is, however, stil s iitj time for what remains to be burned of tbe hoed ground, as. it ...

Published: Wednesday 02 June 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 535 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I wait ?? ?? DUBLIN,: TUESDAY, AUGUST 3. A Germanr Mail has arrived, bringing accounts to the 24th inst. A Royal mandate has been issued, convoking the Diet of Hungary for the 8th of Sept. His Majesty the Emperor and King, has, it is said, expressed his disinclination that the Archduke Fer- dinand should be crowned King of Hungary. A small expedition, consisting of a large transport and an ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1830
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 123 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News