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... THE YOUNG SAILOR, 1 O'er the glad maters of the dark blue sea, His soul as hebtndless, and his thoughts as free; Far as the billows rage, the ocean's foam, Survey his empire and -behold his homne-Byran. his home is on the waters, where the many billows swell; For they arelike his spirit bold, that loves them passing well. HeT is borne o'er them joyously, the gallant and the free; And hopes, ...


... JACOTOT'S NEW SYSTEM OD EDUCATION. A most extraordinary system of education has been l recently invented by a Frenchman-of the name of Jaco.-. tot. One of his admirers has published a book on the subj6ct, entitled ' Omrnibus de la 31ethbde Jaceot', mE excellent review of'which appears- in the Dublin Literary Gazefte, and froni which we make the fol- Owing extract&:_ o hehi t MIbd ?? Jacotot ...


... .L1TE1ARY NlOTICE. EiLnzents of P7Ptne-iC`d- Spherical T, igoaonmctry, with the first Princijles . of Aneiaytic Geomttry. By Jaoles ThoMsOn, L, L. 1). Prvfe~istsorofilfifth5?idtiO5 ?? -College. Se- road Editioa. Belfast, ISSO. This wonk has ?? n-tieid in-our advertiising ,columns, but we deeroa brief review of it worthy of a jplace amongst our occasional literary lucubrations, on account oj ...


... REV I E Air. I4 E,$,S7y on Al-oral Freedom; to wshich is attached a reuiew ?? Principles of Dr. Whitby and President Edwards onR Frre 11il1, and of Dr. Brouwn's Theory of Causation and I rcena. By thme Rev. T. T. Cr~ybbace, A. Ar. .Edinbnrob, *echefd'- uvrcde ?? est le ameneracequi fait la nature. DIAnAi:E DE SrAeL -` A5 the divine wisdom forces not the terrestrial matter beyond tile bounds ...


... WllITTAKER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. b Allii number of Wfisttakert M etji Maazine on var'ety of interesting, And in many instances adtnir- j,'.ittell articles, both of a serious abid asasuing. chardr'ter ofthe former kind is a tale-of the civil wars, entitled ' Col. ?? or the NVarrning lice, of which we extract the pj passagee. At the mas'riage of the Colonei with irla lady of the house of ...


... Th6e Notionat Magazine; and Dublin Littrary Gaze~te-Tle Donagh, a. Irisli Story. 'Wz hive iastily glanced over the 'National Magazine for the present month,, The articles of which it eonsists are in jgeneral:excellent,, and:do honor to the ability with which it lis ionducted. This iiZ thie second number of this national !Periodical' which has appeared under of its p~resent ...


... -F2OR THE BELFAST INEW S LETT-ER. THE JOYOUS HOUR. THE bridegroom by the altar stands, His true love by his side Hle swears to guard and cherish her Whatever may betide- And while -her ?? and during truth His mem'ry's glan(ie employ, He clasps her to his throbbing heart In that wild hour of joy! Young Spring, in verdant loveliness, Comes laughing o'er the earth, And sunny flowerrsi beneath her ...


... STANZAS TO - AND is it thus thou lovest me All earthly things above; And am I worthy thus from thee To win so pure a love? -Do not the fires that fiercest burn Fade soonest in decay; And can .1 then those smiles return, And love so pure repay ? Ah ! no-thy love, like some blue lake, Where the wills slumbering lie, Is-all too pure for me to break Its calm serenity. For I am like the torrents ...


... SU MI M . R. I aovr thee, Summer, when thy morn In ocean's azure bed is born ; When lightsiof pearl and purple show, Thy coming on the lmountain's brow; And the young rose and violet Are strewed beneath thy dying feet. I'love thee when thy day is dune, And on the evening clouds the sun Lies like a warrior in his tenti King of tie Heaven's broad element; The forest green, thb golden heath, The ...


... TO MY BABE.-BY DELTA. MyjRE is no sound upon the night- As, by the shaded lamp I trace, My babe, in infant beauty bright, The changes of thy sleeping face. -Hallow'd far ever be the 'hour -To us, throughout all time to come, Which gave us thee-a living flower- To bliss and beautify our home! Thy presence is a-charm, which wakes A new creation in my sight.; 'Giveglifeanother look, and makes ...


... LITTERATU-RE. ?? 'TeHistorij of modern Gr-eece. By James ~Emerson, Vsq. of Tr.inity, College, DUlin. V~ vols. 8o.L do,1830. (SC QND, O CE.) Is our last number we briefly directed attention to the first volume of' Mr.E'Emeraon's 1History otf Modern-a Greecle'` -we have since perused- thei entire work, to which we can ,now fairly extena, tbi commendation, which we had pre. 'vosybestowed on'one ...


... AIR- Haud awafrae me, Donald. cComE awa, come awa, An' o'er the march wi' me, lassie; Leave your Southion wooers ?? My winsome bride to be, lassie; Lands nor gear I proffer you, Nor gauds to busk ye fine, lassie, But I've a heart that's leal an' true, And a' that heart is thine, lassie. Come awa, come awa, And see the kindly North, lassie, Out o'er the peak o' Lammerlaw, - An,' by the Links ...