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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . - - CLt' It UPSET PRICZE REDUCED. iS SA£E OF ; znITABLIE ProERT? AT GAR1MOUTH. be There aill besold, within SyEst'S INN, on Saturday thtith ab day.-of August next, at 12 o'clock noon, co: L'jME HOUSES and LANDS belonging to tle Seques- ha s. trated Estate of ALEXANDElIR DNTOx.A, Mill-wright andr-. Vood Merchant, Garmouth. The Houses and Lands wiqll be exposed at tile reduced upset price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN & LEITH STEAMI t PACKETS.: r T!EVELOcITY Is now-on the Passagge, and will Sail regularly from A13ER- D)EEN every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and from NEW- HAVEN PIER, every THURSDAY anrd SATURDAY, at Six o'clock in the ?? at all the intermediate Ports as former] -CAUIrAGES, IHosEs, and LioGnT GooDscarried on Freiglt.I ?? Proprietors will not be accountable for any Package above the value of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH WIRES. cEOR0E; TETOTSON B EGS to give notice, that, having been appointed Agent D for the Old and Respectable House of llessrs la ]'EsttYRA, Brothers, of Bourlcaux, for the Sale of their J WVINES, he I as received (in connseuence) from them a sup- S ply of CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, SAUTETRNES, &c. H which he can confidently recommend as the growth of approv- ed years, and of first quality. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMMIY LIBRARY. Tis do is pufblislerd, Illustrated with Seven Engravings; 5s. No. X. of TIZE 1?-AT ILY LInBRnRn, Being tie Secot V'olotite of LIVES of the most Eninent T BRITISH PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, and 4AIICHIIIECT1S. JoseNb MutexY, Albemarle Street. -- F027L'_rL:S~C11OC Boon~s, - Printed foir 0-G1A1RES, 3MAE, ll1toVh, anti Gni-:x LINDLEY MURll;X-'S ELEMENTARY WORKS, 0, WITH TllU AU.TUlOIn'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L T~O -MO n AO W' ySALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Tanfiekl. ?? will be sold, by auction, upon Thursday the.9th Dec. Lo e 16i-reort, inl that House, at Tanfield, lately occupied by the as. a L deceased Ill s ?? Ii of Ord, brot: e I~lEwhole HOUSIMOLD FURNITURBE theremn, able conisting of Al ahiogany and other Chairs ; Tables; also Chestscoof Drawers; a Sofa ; Carpets, and Rugs: Grates, fo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FlHE Managers of' tie Infirmary, bating resolved to ap| L point a PMEDICAL ATTENDAN T to the lrrH ma the room of the late Dr BLAIMI I, hereby give notice, that 1 CANDIDAVES forthe Situation are required to be posses- Bu, sed of the diploma of M.D., and to lodge their applicatinsx, bo with testimonials of their Education and Qualilications, with RY Alr Thomas Spark, at the Infirmary, on or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sos 1(1 -_ __ _ __ _ __ _ rL Ai MEE.'TiNG> of the F4ELTARM aklong the QUtAY. wxhose F of' 1:. Properies arv- below the Iravl of Qidiinnr' Sprinm, Tide,, al or who are bound by their Charters to lieep rid the (Commnon a. Sewer which rutis parallel to the Quay, is rerjueslted to be held tl is in Aiachray's Hotel, on llonday next, the 211th inst., at two te o'clock. It is necessary to state, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERPROOF HAT I ~- s' th RESUMES that hi Iiing 'viiretical acquaihitance with inl j Hat-making having enabled him to adupt the best and si- rhost ennromictil' moda of matnufacture, and heaving in his employment some of- the best workmen in the trade, together E' withtheadvntae ofpurhasn~'he aw material on the best possbleterm, ~d maufaturig te article to a large ox- ?? he is nowable to- offer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n. ?? v A CASE Or DEEP DS1ES ~ t~ to ],sgassination of WIL~IJTAM REID, late i-iunfl4 ?? ?? the !!)st inst., on his way to totwn rN.Y ec ted lte deepest sympathy, in every r'efleceting Iale,' I mind, in behalf of his afflicted family. Prompetedlby tlies' sble, ~ feeling, a few Gentlemen held a oteeting on-the 2f16th inst.. to lir~v take mm consideration the best mode of' atfording slid to the ...

en I' .Plr-llp1 ?? *

... .This Evening, :WVEDNESDAY, February 10, 1830, ?? Or,-Tirx MERttRy MONARCH- ;fi T o conclude with the new Musical Drama, (in three Acts,) Ins .entitled ren ;: -i fiMASANLELLO, re- q3;. -X:n9..2DB MMa-Sax3 , Div3 NI-0LlRz~.|Z O To give the best possible effect to this magnificent spec. zastacle,, Air FRASi, an eminent Artist of Edinburgh, has oa, Ieen expressly enigaed to paint the Scenery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGRAVXNG, ZQOOZ A27D STATZOAVERY. p & J. GRAY, *BJpOtsE.LERS and STATIONERS, s JL- beg to intimate, that having entered into arrangements t1 with an eminent Engraver in London, they are enabled to t undertake the ENGRAVING of CARD and INVOICE PLATES, BILLS of LAnING, ORNAMENTAL DEVICES, COATS of Atims, S.t.LS. and every thing else in the line. A great variety of specimens may be seen at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t _ _CO TV O1 er ?? rf AD.DIESS TO HXZ0 JWAJESTY. *eAl ~ n 13ANFE, 10th July, 16310. - 'gSit, A 'a W the tmderslgned, beg leave to request ihit youl wil1 iV be pleased: to take nn early opportuzlity of galling a e GLENrR aA IJrE ETING; Nf t ne e . jeeholdet 'is ; Landholders, Justices of the Pleace; Comnlissionqersof Supplot m and other Gentlemen of theb COUNTY of BAWFF, for the of purpose or ...