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nF;GS to intimate hi

... s having ItE3MOVED from 30, _q9 UNION STRrEFr. to the SIIOP adjoining, in Si1. CATHERINE'S WYND,.latelv occupied by ilessrs. Wmt. silA'ris;EW5 ANt) SON, where he intends carrying on the ZIR YMONGEX RY BUSINEXS i all its Branomhe/s. J. A. takes this opportunity of thanking his friends for the encoureiaement he has received since commencing business oni his o'.V'I account, and respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONE AN3!D GYPS SP/ WOBKS, L EGGAIT. -l COHN ANDERSON, Bone and Gypsumrn Manufacturer. Jobegs to acknowledge the very flattering encouragementll woich he cobtinues to receive, from the Agriculturists of the Counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, uiniff; Aloray, Nairn, Inverness, Ross, and Sutherland; and being determined to avoid any iiregularity in tlheexecution of' his orders, he has resolved to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . - - CLt' It UPSET PRICZE REDUCED. iS SA£E OF ; znITABLIE ProERT? AT GAR1MOUTH. be There aill besold, within SyEst'S INN, on Saturday thtith ab day.-of August next, at 12 o'clock noon, co: L'jME HOUSES and LANDS belonging to tle Seques- ha s. trated Estate of ALEXANDElIR DNTOx.A, Mill-wright andr-. Vood Merchant, Garmouth. The Houses and Lands wiqll be exposed at tile reduced upset price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO Th!ARNERS.B MUZZ OF OdLZOWAY ZIGET.WOUZZE, ro T HE COMMISSIONERS of the NORTHERN SI LLIGHTHOUSES hereby give Notice. that is Light. th hocuse has- been erected upon the MULL of GALLOW1A Y. in the County of-'Wigton, the Light of which will be exhibited St Qn the night of Friday the 26th day of March. 1lWJ0, and every Se night thereafter, frome the going away of daylighit in the even, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C 910BLAHIl ROADS AND ZRIDGES. LISTIIIATES are Wanted for RE-BUILDING the 1 JL~i KIRKTOWN of A-lFORI' BRIDGE, of 30 feet v s sans-a 12 Feet ARC:IIat.INNINTER; and ai1 Feet ARCK..t. STRAWBURN, en the Alford Road, in- the Ccuty of Aberdeeu' tC Specdficatibns will-be seen with Ir WVm. Blinto, Annfleld f Alford, with wbiom'sealed offers must be lodged, on or betbre d the lthtday of June next. n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE F0o SALtq nl Or to be Let, for the Winter Seasoh. HAT HOUSE, in Bon-Accoid Terrace, belonging to J and presently occupied by M5r WATSON. It Iles every r sccosmuodation for a larg'e and respectable family * is elegantly 'inished, and in the first order, has a neat Garden at the 8 back. completely stocked with tle best wall fruit trees, anti choice plants in front, a lrge Kitchen, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A VALUABLE SUPPLY Is Just Beteived by the Agents, as under, of THE FIRST PRODUCTION OF THE AGE, And thie onjly Aroticle r-icnilo possesses e'.rrlosivc enzergetic proper- tics fur the Thai7r,- VTHE ORIGINAL and GENUINE of Vegetable Ingre- _L dients, which preserves the flair to t'he latest period of 3'ife; promotesaluxuciantgrovth; adds strength to the Roots; produces lasting and Beautiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ion __ Y0s AD-MItRAITY OiFrCE, 1tM July, l;:tO. n] me TXIS :tAJESTV has been pleased to command that the HIL Collars and Cuffs of the Uniform Coats of the Com- H the missioned Officers of the Navy shall, in future, ba Scalilt oh sst. instead of White, and that three Buttons be placed un,(jer f y s each of the Pocket Flaps; and also that, in future, no Gold is ike Lace be worn on the Tiowseis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUE3 M EETS in the Public Rooms, on FRIDAY the 5th day I of March next.--DiNNER at 5.-IustiSNEss at 4 so'clock. TH]TO. BURNETT, SEC. This day is pnblished, BLACEWOOD'S EDINBURGOR MAGAZINE. No. CLXIV. FOR LARCH> 1830. CON TENTS. I. Mooie's Byron. Part 2.-11. The Colonial Question.- IM. The Spectre Ship of Salem.-IV. Southey's Vinlicim Ecclces'r Anglicanae.-V. Alusical Literature.-VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , MEETING of the BAKER INCORPORATION of AG ABERDEEN, was held wiithin tbe 'TltiNITY HALL, ,in thie 17th inst. The Mleeting having talken into consideration, I that a numiber of the Alemnbers and other individuals have of lte been selling bread under rie Price stated in the Assice j ixell by the Ma0gistrates, which tnustbe admiittedto be scarce- ly adequate to tueet the unavoidable losses the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZIWExi'S TAVMERN, QUAY. (Late Sir SIOLLI5ON'S.) In- I.LLAM EWZNl begs leave to intimaite to ?? tos friends and the public in gener~al, that he las eucceed-- ed t thereminde ofthe eas of hatcenitrical. and conve- nient HOTEL onl the QUAY, which was for a number 6f Hisears occupied by Mer Mattison, which lie hins. furnished and qsfitted up in a handsome wanner, and where vr titn it 1 will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AiOV5J:D IA3Wi3E r'D~;3ZIO gE$, SOLD StY BITTLER & CO., Chvnl eta,- 73, Pi ince Strel. ojlyoslhc EIf/ 1I'tttund, Edbebargh, endl dt ?? Drrggisis il- tire C'oneltry. CHING'S WORM LOZENGES.-The more usual symiptoms of M'orms are Fits, Pains in the Stomrnch, Sid:, and lead, Loss of Appetite, and Pale,. Languid, andE nma- ciatid Appearance in thc Patietnt. The extraordinary eflicacy of' these ...