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Bristol Mercury


... TuesdaN, Ambrose Lethbridce, Esq. who has been elected I Recorder of the city of Wclls, and John Lax, Esq. who leas been chosen one of the Masters of the Body Corporate of that city, were sworn into office. On Monday the Bath Troop of North Somerset Yco- manry Cavalry, commanded bity Capt. WIilkins, assembled for a field-day at Twerton. The Adjutant, B. L. Lye, Esq. expressed himself higlhly ...

Published: Tuesday 14 September 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1490 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... The contest between the friends of Mr. Protheroe and Mr. Baillie has been cotitinued durhin the weck that has elapsed Eilice our last with unabated ardour, aud with a degree ot energy that has seldom been exceeded. We are happy, however, to add, tiat, with, the exception of' a brutal outrage committed ott Mr. Protheroe, onl Friday evening, while he was addressing the collect- t'd mnuititude ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 9786 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... i2HE ELECTIONEERING -' t'ddUR OF A GER TLEMA N. (From Ar. Buhner's Pelham; or, Adveniurcs of a Gestlemai.) The first public signification of my becoming a candidate, to represent the borough of Buyemall in parliament, was drawn up by Mr. Sharpon, our lawyer, and considered by our friends as a master-piece: for, as my mn6ther sAgely ob- served, it did not commit me in a single instance ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2474 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... HIS LATE MAJ=XET. TuE LAST MoAMENTS OF TIE LATPr KiXC.-Sir Wathen Waller was the only person in the chamber of his late Ma- jesty when the final paroxysm seized our excellent Monarch. H:1is Majesty asked for some sal volatile and water, which, on Sir Wathen handing to him, the latter observed the King could not swallow. Alarmed at this Sir Wathen rang the bell forthe page in waiting. In the ...

Published: Tuesday 13 July 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2618 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 0-be U. r9otol ;,iqytrturp_. TUESDA Y, Sjprxi~i%,MnR 28. Tu E accuLits from Prance are still regarded with much interest. . The thnid are not without their fiears, nor the factious without their hopes, that there are in emib) vo eventS as appalling in their a nalture, anti as subversive of flieedoin, as those which charac- terised the days of lRobespierre. For oui own parts, we partici- pate ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1538 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Ia Aidi qi tim London Miasionaoy Scky Esatb/iahcd 19.95. .fe igteenth Anniversary of' this institutinwshl dluring the last we ek. The religiousg services connected therewith commenced tin Sunday, Sept. 19,thand termninated Onl Fridhay, '24th. IOnl '1hursclay morning the Public Mectina~ was held In thle IEbenezer Chapel, Kingstret whnaineosad highly- respectable hotly of sublscribers and ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 5240 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 0, -Oc l3rtotol AMMIttri). TlUESDA a7, Ji,'L 20. 'I'HrI Meetilg of the s)i-disslt fri IRIs of C i:l iII rse.]ioUs liberty, announced ill ou Ilist week's papor, tot kplice onl V idaiv and a inoic spiritless, llilniterestioi, tuiLing's. it en el n sete v issel. We sere. n it in tie se-lct ol thuose iCtilO ( (IlCd the ttsseltlhly toQge- ther ; but th erte sassticl aln appairct total want ...

Published: Tuesday 20 July 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 3696 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... HOUSE OF LORDS.-MONDAY. The Earl of MALNIESHURY, when presenting a petition from some bankers in Devonshire, praying an alteration in the bank- riept laws, took an opportunity of calling their lordships' attention to a Bill which had been recently brought up fromn the lower House of Parliament, entitled A Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, svhicls he was persuaded the House would not ...

Published: Tuesday 15 June 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 2133 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... jobtuaipt. IO)NDON, SATUae.AY, April 3. E IE Paris papers of Thursday arri CLIi this morning. l They give letters from Lisbon, in which it is stated that 1), Mliguel has at length consented to grant all amnesty to the per- stns who have opposed his usurpation, subject, hosvever, to certain exceptions, which are very disci editable to him, and which could not be allowed by the British ...

Published: Tuesday 06 April 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 999 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... HOUSE OF LORDS.-MONDAY. Lord Kisso presented a petition from William Cobbett, praying ErFor a reduction of the taxes on the necessaries of life, the excise flu- 'ties, the assessed taxes, and tithes. The petition stated that, prior 'to the Reformation, paupers were maintained by the'church, but atrtat event they were thrown upon the land. TeMrusofULAcsaxCARDsprescinted alpetition from aplace ...

Published: Tuesday 14 December 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 5516 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIHE FIEND OF TIHE FERRY. (Fruit Wliittaker's 'tanthir Mlag,) It wits onl a morning in the sMonths of' June that we fouind our-- aseles wandering about a little village onl the banks of' the Thames, two or tltree miles below lx ingston. The day mnight ble said to be anl exotic. There, was a rich, deep, clear Italian aky-a broad, bright river reflecting it. The roads had been sprinkled by a ...

Published: Tuesday 06 April 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 3288 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, MONDAY MORNING. HIS MAJEsTr.-Tlie following bulletin of the King's health was issued yesterday:- ' Windsor Castle, May 23, 1830. His Majesty has passed a good night; but His Majesty suf- fered from the embarrassment in breathing occasionally. H ary HAWsoaD. 1V1ATTFvEW j. TIutRNEY. [From the Co'srt Circular.-The bulletin of last Wednesday would only have been signed by one ...

Published: Tuesday 25 May 1830
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 3657 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News