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Advertisements & Notices

... ALEXANDER ,ROY, rum. (SUCCESSOR TO JO`sNs Roy,) PTARES this opportunity of returning thanks to his nu- X mierous Customers and Friends, for their very liberal 1 support since his succession to his Father's Business, and to 1 assure them of his constant study to merit a continuance of D their favours. D EHe begs-leave to intimate his having recently returned from tbe M1arkets, where he has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ABERDEEN ACADEMY W ILL be RE:OPENEiD on Mlonday the 26th instant V V The Branches to be taught are the following:_ English Reading, Elocution, Grammar, 1 and Composition. pM r. C. CORDIZN~I. Writing and Book.Keeping. Mr. STrnWAnT. Drawing and Painting. Alr. Tnoupt Arithmetic. Mathematics, & Geograpl% AIlr. )iAcK. Natural History and Chemnistry.-.bTo .7 cornmence on 8th November. JC. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZODAn AND =VOATIOW. -4-- J FORBES, A. AM., and F. FORBES, A. Ai., Lieentiates F of the CHURCH of SCOTLANeD, intend to open an ASADEMY, at the Villa of SUNNYYANX, situated between New and Old Aberdeen, in the beginning of July 18131. The Course of Educition will comprehend (as may be required) the GREEK, LATIN, GE1IIAN, I'TALIAx, F11ENC11, and LNG- ?? Languages; HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, CIIRONOLOGY: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii Ii gm S~OMA WVATMEB G EORGE.F REID, Dn1TGOIST, begs to intimate, that hehsprepared a Stock of SODA and MVAGNESIA WATER, of very superior quality, in Bottles, which will enable him to execute any orders he mnay be favoured with -w- on the shortest notice. G.. B1. would particularly recommend hiis Patent Anti- Nj bilious SOLUTION of MIAGNESIA, lonl, used and highly mayov recommended as an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :M n W AI Sv E ML W. R U. FRASER will bein his LECTURES o0a MIlD. l WIFERY, including the Diseasesincidentto. Women and Children, on Monday, 8th November ensuing. .0errdcen, Scehoolhill, 6th Oct. 18331. ML CALVERT ( EGS to assure his Pupils and the Public, that he has C not forgotten his promise of returning to AEaILDEE. P The mosuent his round of Lectutisg Engagements at the Universities and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sZZNZAZR AND SZMPSON, r * 11, BROAD STREET, AVE this day commenced an extraordinary Cm1tAV .3JL a SALE Of MIERINCOS; -LEGHORNS, and SILKS. Finest 3 quarter.wide lDIERINOS, from (3d. to Is. per la Yard -exceedingly eheap. hl Finest SILK DUCAPS, LUTESTRINGS, and 01RO)S; DE NAPLES, from 2s. to 2s. td. per Yard, in Blacks, and M all other Colours. Finest Italian LEGHORN BONNETS, (crowns fixed) T ...