... Bonaparte, announced as in rehearsal, to be got up with great splendour at Covent Garden Theatre, and the Illagic Flute at DrurY-lane..Crowded houses the nightly lot of Astlev's popular tbeatre.the grand spectacle of The Wild Horse, or Ma.lveppae, with its ...


... of the shop immediately, in a state of great agitation, and went up Catherine-street, from thene to Brydges- street, into Drury-lane. At the bottom of the latter place he met with the prisoner, whom he immediately re- cognised, and charged him with having ...

COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Thursday, May 26

... Dundas, tbr seducing a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Adams, Dean of Cashel.-Mr Mtacready had a bumper benefit on Friday night, at Drury- lane Theatre. He planed Coriolanus with his usual ability; cml afterwards Putf, in tile Critic. In the latter performance, says ...


... charged with stealing a book, value six shillings, from the shop window of Mr. Poynton, book- seller, in Russell-court, Drury-lane. The prosecutor said he had been robbed of many books lately, and about four o'clock that afternoon the book produced was ...


... womau was his lawful wife. . The prisoner was remanded.' , ASSAULT.-Mr. JONES, a coach carver, residing in Brownlow- street, Drury-lane, was charged with beating his apprentice boy, named Titson, with great severity with a rope on the back, . which he was ...


... awoik-house. Verdict-Insanity. MELANCHOLY CAsE op DROWNING.-OaTuesday morning, last Mr. Joseph Hall, of Craven-buildings, Drury-lane, started from Waterloo-bridge, accompanied by his wife and two young men, named Cogger and Isnall, for the purpose of putting ...


... RIOT AT DRURY.LANE THEATRE. RICHARD BRALEY, and his brother LUKE, were Indicted for having. on the 27th (if April last, assaulted Samuel Giles anrd Tho- mnas Win. Anthony, two constables, specially appointed to preserve the peace at Drury-lane Theatre ...


... for the assault and obstructing the officer. The prisoner's father, who keeps the Black Lion Tavern, Vine- gar-yard, near Drury-lane Theatre, offered himself as bail for his son; but Mr. Halls told him he was already bound in recogni- zance as a publican ...


... Lanl and Nesv South Wales, in the Merope, Capt. Parkyus._ .rdian Gazette. oil balancing the accounts of the late season at Drury- lane Theatre, the management fduds itself loser to the amount of nearly .£4000. The C(mp lny's shilp Duke of York, outward bound ...


... Ellistoll'a eyes, seemed to deserve. 'I But his failure, Sir, said be, is attributable to myself. I brought hiim out at Drury-lane, at ass unlucky moment-at a time whbela it was the fashion io abuse me, and to depreciate all my at- tempts to sustain the ...


... himself, being in a state of temporary meat derangement. On Monday an inquest was held at the Thirteen Cantons, Clare-Court, Drury-lane, - to inquire into the death of James Murray, aged 54 years. The deceased had formerly carried on an extensive business ...


... affiehe !especting the opening of Old Drury; it runs thus :- The ladies and gentlemen engaged for the ensu- ing - season at Drury-lane theatRe are reqluested to nmeet on the stage, on Monday, the 26th instant, in order to the opening on the Sd of October ...