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... AB ?? EE, IIIP I'lNG. Arrivrt. --May 11. Margaret & Ann, White, Liverpool fluke of WelE lington (stealmer). Vlalkcr. Iaondon 12. Young C.1rrrlce &% Jealn,( GLtnn Wicl; lFos, All an, Hull;* DUCll sS ofr Gordon Varrtll Spay. 13. Th ree Brothers. P ope, Hfalm- ktnrT ; IJappy Itetjrn. Martin. Newcastl c: Pilrim, Allan, cm~ln . 14. Juno, ibes, Duunldec Isabella, laullner, Str Da9vi's; Forth, ...


... .UIL UK I U*V ..U. -, vi t cesm sf -r - -t . SMlITHFIELD-May 17. I3s d to 3s ?? I Veal,. Os d toas 8d I Mt.on ?? 3s 8d to 4s 4 1 Pork,.. 3s 6d to 4s 8di GLr.AsGow. AM1onday, MsAy 17. There were about 304 cattle iQ theX marker this mornmi-- esome Hne animals were exhibited amnong Ithe number, wh-ci sold without the slightestialteration fromilast week's prices..- Best beef brought 8s 9d to 9s a ...


... AUsE!IDE}?fX SILMP!IVO. . Ila , r ,. - - >1 | I 7 _'ilcy iu1. dt;mrnont, Wicita, lTv-pool; Tent. liker, (41001 a criuilee Ediioburjh Pocrkot, Rtogor, ( laW1 Ellzi, A1'1)0iIdd, 1ortrnse. 19. lelieght, .I- into Ith, RWs- lin'! 4 Rpeni-r, K err. Irncon;; 0MarinA.e ul iz:ibeth, Viiklelseln. iFch'sa- it a . Trio. Anitemssn, Arbroath,; Janet, Arnott, I t t lavid's; fiery, Phiilip, Nscawticle: ...


... AIMMEF.'M SITIppl,.,rG. ?? 0?. V-1. - I A13VEtDETtf Silptpt; G. Arriewcl-MI~ay 25. IForth. Davidson, Leith * Gutheies, I YManners. Dundee; Trite Mle, Cargill, Sunderlatnd Duke e .f Welli-nton (stearnir) Walker, London. 26. Champion, I c Barnett, do, [lrombv, Robb. -uloll Orient, Benzie, St Da- viv'u .ar, nderw~coci, Lonon; lally Leighiton, Hlutcheon, Mlonctrose. 27. Flamc, Ieslie, Newca;stle; ...


... -CORN MARARKETS. rzl~tw:r ~e55zaw As I rl-l-r CO -IN EXCIIAN (;rx, SIonday;11ay 24-The trade is generally very dull in tire market to-day, but, throghdievey sor SLa~lply of Enzlish Wheat, the prices have noxt varied since this' day week. Foreign Alheat is in g-reat abundance, but does anot uteet with sales. Barley Still co~ntinues scarce, hut, as the itr1alein ses is gone pa.or, the demand for ...


... -ABElDEEN SIIIPP'NG. ' _ .a . ?? r.1 ?? .a I - _ - Arrvrvd-June I. Unity, Varrall, Lotidon 'Joscph, Coe, I I SIy W . lVautitiess, AYton; Alloa. 2. Janct, Sim, Fortrose 1 Itotterdam PtLCket, Law, Rotterthrm. 3. Mlary Ann, Thomn; c Peterheal- Catherine, Allison, Newcastle; Janet, Arnott, r St,Dqvid's- Sir E. Banks, B1axter,Sunderland. 4. Garland, T Youngson, de. r. Ariadne, Collie, Cardiff'; ...


... ,I ?? __ -. 4ov-vob - _ I~ ?? v ZL CATTLE AiARKETS. Ml - eT l e- S&IITHFIiID-Dlay 31. r2. Beef ?? 3s fid to 3s 1ld I Veal ?? :s Od to 0d i. M ?? Ss 1Yd to 4s 41I P rk. : s td to A 8d p- In the Glasgow market on Monday, the supplyf5 cattle or was much the same as last week, and in prices no 3Leratimn--. rd pnne beef bringing Os. fia or 8s. 9d; a.stonee Iep sold at m rather advanced prices; ...


... TILANI) 'TO I S TA. I NI) III N.A. IKill,>s AMINs, Palavlue Y:rl. 28,11i I?, | I~itng's .l erns, P lltic'v Y ciri. 2lht ilficy, l::t1. Ir The inquiry into tie trcti ivitli Chitin, liefbre rithe (I uc cittec ii of the i-i use oi Collilcc it s, hac ill-g b olo r ' huit h it-rly tc ci A close, anl the l)epiuties htiltvini tflits arrived ait -i incrithect lit YiRc incpoltatnt suage in tire ?? of ...

ADEllrirwx smippiwa

... -11 -1- ?? 5UtIL-I,''Gs(. 'arel Arrverd.-Jnne it. John, Crorrbie.. AWemyss,. Alexander, exp Anderson, Balahulish: Duke of Wellington (steamer), Wal- frot Iker, Ltldonn ; Alexander, Brands, Pernau. 9. Pirate, Sather- I land, Snndnrland ; .James, Largie, Rign: Favourite, White. opi Sunderland. 10. Hazard, Smith, Newcastle. Phtentx, Brodie, tha Sunderland ; Kent, Silker, London Guthries, Manners, ...


... I - -- - - a - v v v - .. z me v SMITTHFIELOD3nne 14. WcV S1lITHFIELOD-tune 14. Beef ?? 3s tid to 3s 10d I Veal ?? 6s Od to 5s lid m alutton ?? 3Y td to 4Is 4d I Posk . ?? 3s td to 4s 8d a BDr INBURG, June ?? supply of sheep in the market I. this morning was less than last week, (600).-Prices as 'e follows, viz.: - White-faced wedders, 17 lb. per qr. 29s. dd. et. Inferior d O. - 13 lb. per qr ...


... CORlN MARKETS. yr-fr-.- -r fttn.., ?? . i - - 2 CoRN EXCHAxNGE, Nlosday, June ?? has been a rgood supply oF l'oreign Corn to-day ; and munny samples e have beeo di.posed of on. tetms fully as good as those of last wS eek. We have also had a tolerably good quantity oef ?? Wheat; but that has not been so much in demand, a and- the prices remain the same. Of Barley we have but a tsall quantity. ...


... AT1ERItJN SHIPPING. Arriieh'.-J une IB. Christian & Margaret, Sim, Sunder. ch1i land.: Lunar. Crighton, Stockton. 16. Grace, Gordon, t e 3 Oelmslale. 17. Queen of Scotltnd. (Pearson,) London tho- ?? Ann, Thoem, Peterhead. 18. Mlary. Sinclair, Memel, -io IFowey, Sliel, Be1aul: Ardent, Levie, Al10a- Dauntless' lste Ayton, Sunderland . Peliance. Mlartin, St. David's; Ariadne' trea Coie. do. 19. ...