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Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT OF SACRFD MUSIC. 1 ROGERS, ORSGANIST of St IowaqNj (;Hi- rer. begs respectfollv in announce, that his C11%( Rf'T of SACREI) MUSIC will take place in r ,he Iopptotun Itooms, on 1 FRIDAY EVENING, the 1ILI) of ;IIARCNS. gills of io rticulsrs to be had at the shop of the principal * asd lookkseller.I BILI3';Si LINEN CoMPANY'S BANK, *1 Edinbargh, St t.ran. IS1. . TJE DIRECTORS of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - teatre-TEcptaf, Ufnh1ThrgI' ?? ,This present Erening, TI1URlSDAY.; Apiil 14, VillAe performedi, by desire, frr the -fourth tsioe ihie sea- son, the National Opera. in ithree Acts, caled 1rOB. to Y. , I Francis Osbaldistonv-..tir, .G, HO RNC.ASTLR. n Rob RoyN ?? Camspb el %,lr PRITCHIARD I Bailie Nd-ol Jarvie, Mr IN y -CKk -Y leen JVJ;Irgrtgo, NMrs STANL'EY-. Diana Ve7r bn0 iks- TU I : PIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNION CANAL. -~-rOTlCE is hereby giveu,. that -s SPECIA-L ?? -ASSEM IBLY of the PlLOPRIE. Tf l 1;. JBUit'GH& 51ASGQ UNION F CA,,;AI COMPANY is to lbe held on Tuesda y the 2th t1he Of April next, within M'Ewens -Rrin'-, [tnl j- dn Ldinburgh-, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of Chal, cn ai eration and ?? a proposal from captaci, Cheine to resign, his office of Clerk to the Cornmpa.- in, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SE-RMONS.: E LORD Wir5., TveRsER . JOHN.M. CAS1ITPBrLL, LATE IMIoSvTER 11F ROW, IS To PISEACH - SABBATH, ihe litlh, at -11 A-M. ani -half~paot Six h in FREEAASON'S HA.LL, foot Of'Nidsrv Srreet.. l On MONDAY. the la'h, at 'a qulerserpst Six Eve- is r ig, in FICEENIASON's HALL. * ar the ASSE3ii ILY ROOMIS, G ;t THE FOUR GCELEBRATEO The BOHEM IAN BR1OT H ER S, F;RST ArrFEARAYCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n TUESDAY FIRST, THE 22n JULY, ir iE- F}INAL nGLASGOW LOTTERY. )r 'T e ill be drarvyn in Lo ndonD, when LOTTERIES r END, FOR 1VERi ANOTHER large Suppsly of TICKETS & SHARES have arrived at-, i ANDREIV SIEVwVRIGInT'S; : FromT 102, SOUTH BRIDGE, EnBNuRiGH, e From T. BISH- Esq. M.P. and w ill continue on Sale at this VERY FORTUNATE OFricE.(if not previously dis. i posed of) till 12 o!Clocl; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N\0. -19 - JIIIAIA LoTIITAN ROAD. p 0~ Otto I{AUIBOUI ind h Vii~IE TofN tl~ BRE3~'T, wsill POsil- . Ilfl P, T N To D fiO. ?? ar A ?? ~p~OC rcpet~llYantOUtnce5, 011Rhi s1NlNG CLA SS, tti His other ?? are fiom E I ?? Ll os NK. ol, With Mr WI su o ?? (i COPY Slips, it SA~lOF UPERCANADA. op ?? of ?? E'tigrat- PI Opt ?? VCCnsorn ,Ir who ?? he desirous of2 ?? 0'THlE 1BANK OF I tian eDEPOSITS Witl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y tleea d (ADVERTISEM1ENT.) half-1 d PzrleoSans-ecaasWe have been requested to state, thlat tbe followving is the correct ?? of thuesggistation dI Coal! ts i ?? tile ecsic faehia~~~i, 'i'ain a. former ouinber of this pipler, not beha.,giud tilictted ?? The tntal number of claings sustained by the * Sberiff %O2r. g r Of thse fligirewrere of re-enrliela'onts, gene. d r'ally iii trr'ectiso of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LCICLIIVI F..PAINI TIONG, AC ETETR. Tr f~ 11Jh2;itWORESofLIVING |AY SOPEEIN at tbe GAWIEItIES of the 01i93a sjla Tickets, Five Shi, ?? of the °onDiO.l |1Y BOOS GEORG STREET. II| pLvADY HARlRIET START t IiOHOT. lADlE LE;R 1RECTO115 beO to anlnounce, that fill ~ TI AS~MBLYfor tile Season will the ?? or the Fanay Boll iiU . reee ?? 1 *l0i ,t ?? 0ed'00 eadmoitta-cc afte' eleveten Qi 5C!toO Book ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON C EiRT. sV.I07,TIONv IN THE: IIIGfILANDS. IINBU11RGI{ PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS liavino mtwt * offegredI thlir gra.tuitooi s ervices, thc Ccom- !0 D11^!lytaJEJro l lESrTITUTION in the ,:Tro , d ITS15ANDs have the pleasure of announ- r t RANDf ,YORNING CONCERT f I.C~ AND INSTRUIMENTAL MUSIC .nr VJr in ?? ASSENIBLY RooTms, George Street, ; ?? the 18th of Mlarch current, at Two r.Clrrg. AID OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DINNER To) TIlY CITY REPRESENTATIVES. rI INIIABITANTS of EDINBURGH. 9 wleee to rin PUBLIC DINNER to the vA Illlue oie tghe LORD ADVOCATE, and the ri~leo itininrled~loJAMlES AREROROMIYi in tes. 08r f their alelr' ?? of theirri puhliu condluct, in t~tri9). rx10oRooze, OD WVEDNESDAY the ith day dir ?? 0'epf n~v BLACK, Esq. in the Chair. CttOUi'IRRS sIR THOMAS DICK LAUDER. CIR JAIMES GIBSON-CRAIG. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NFW PAXORAMA, MOUNt. - ,l pllroprietors gratefully acklowledge the ?? eniiuragemelt received, and the high en- SIf I ronferred ou the superiority of the Exhibition, drifretfc other arrangoements, cannot rennin long in. T hli 'rue Panorama displays the FALLS of EgA s on n sciie of sufficient magnitude to dis- SlAy ' trcrstiag point of this extraordinary and plv evejt en, and the novel and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WI1 LL siORT ?? CLOSE, EXHIBIT''ION OF N J A S N IV E S jS Xnf l PICTIUE OF lR EJEClTD BY THE JE-Sr. lian -\Ia agnffice ::t Picture of this highly i -rj- e ti ' Ild, painted on ,iunanss 22 feet. hv . Il ite BF\AatiS NVEST, Euq. President of tihe GI :c ltc a,(f Great Britain, ic now en view in the .,)A of ?? ROYAL INSTITUTION, LC ?? nine o'clnnck till five every dly, frie : t ilia~lit ]ewith ...