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Advertisements & Notices

... jmNiz;' jOILY TIEGCGARS.; 0,1 rr- ;s a. jri ..r of' aflt atav'e, etp- I i t 1_.ti~t'::GF 4'T , ?? co il to S r f 1 1t r ! U u,4 ?? t s,.l Vie;rt3iP T~~l1,ll.E A5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jNSC)T (AD 1 PRlePA GATING ?? (13giYIXA39i Wi.EDGE N of the SOCTErY is V shl5;'EgA1 f e Socitysi alrtll. Ntt. 4S9. Qlaeeln e j lt!llel vhe ?? y d5 .-f lat-lary IO..O, at Ihi i -h ?? iiisre ?? tlu;lt the Ilbeahs tvcr! requtst- VI ere met a3t 0t' r,,ars atli 5ooTTfIS WD W011S' FUND, SC .AND tF IVFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. IXEENTh-7 ANNUAL GE NERAL E ,Of s~ts SOl Ei I.TY cill he haelt within te Tltr' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - EXTENSIVE SALdE, BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE BARGAIN, lin Or BOOKS, STrTIONERI', AZZTNrGS, I a'AVVD RNG 7 ,S, gon ON COXS1IGNMtENT, ID hy' The who/e to bC So/ld qf' ?? reserve, he ?? Ain. BlLL, AUc'iOwnEEIa, . *u't ' At his Sale-Room, No. 39, Union Street, .O.. Oli WPED.VE.SD'1 Y.ti r.Joatl,,'bl ,,adl~ ?? . ,f Private Sale to begin each Daytat 12 o'cloclc -and'by er- Auction, in the Evening, at 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4SSEEa7JZJZS.I.. .1H E SECOND'ASSEMBILY for -e Sepson will take I1. place in the PublicRooms, onll TRURSDAIJ tie 7th X DJanying to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards apd refreshments, as usual. - Strangeris introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. each. - Aberdeen, 2-4d Dee. 1829. antI sin * The Slerwards utrill meet, ii t11e Card Ream.z onn thec 71t SA if dsiwsary, at 2 o'elock, sr.x. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ca,,ry ?? L gnSA>_RY GENERAL MEETING 1 ?? l :riittihO iic ty ut Ithe ho*r. cii cc tin~' here a-i Ite. a AL LO)TI ' ut c~szv n~ic .t~rflIttS sod tini , allot b ,S Hoct st ilo ence unti , C .rtiirsc rt precent. , r f I.R. i-if ROSI ItRY, . ,r 4cr Pre-iiilt in t Office, in tihe Cb:ir. CtlA! tLfS GORDON, Dep. Secy . ?? ' fctt iW UNION BANX{KING COMPANY. -aitr ?? -F or AtAw.^CElrtT. .t - 'lFI E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'll ?? I - ?? f S el COMJTTElI of MA- !1 ' r \ OA 8> 1 ;1 ?? 1 0 ti'I il ?? ?? -Illis vtienl aye H'ighne~ssthe Dukie, cii Tlri S !IANC.ELP, Act. Sec. 19 ?? ?? ~afe-P ,O ?? I _e sIDOWS' FUND, Li]4' ASSU!A.CE sOCAETY. NINTFf'l1iH ANTNU\(AL GENTEIBAL rr F1 E itti'! F q nOI i i .e hhit un'thir, tIl, 1 'fi it ! lcetr ni -tile. en FrI-iei tl'e 15' II ,lr ISII; .S ciii!zl ful r ~tiePLIritlielt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW JOURNAL, THEr NOIR.T 33,3RTONf. Of al A Number of individuals having severally expressed a wish w A for the establishment of a Newspaper in this city, to be re cowducted by an Editor unfettered by any party connexions, rs unshackled by subservienev to any local interest, and frce from le thue dictationi or caprice of a limited proprietary; and consider. te ing the great utility of such an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH WIRES. cEOR0E; TETOTSON B EGS to give notice, that, having been appointed Agent D for the Old and Respectable House of llessrs la ]'EsttYRA, Brothers, of Bourlcaux, for the Sale of their J WVINES, he I as received (in connseuence) from them a sup- S ply of CHAMPAGNE, CLARET, SAUTETRNES, &c. H which he can confidently recommend as the growth of approv- ed years, and of first quality. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ruu'I afill'A\'. I.n. 14 - w IlI be E, . ?? . IL G nll l P E ,t1t sTlATAGENI. rfir LL1 1- 4 1r t'tClI I A R ). tr-; cast r r' 1Iut1140 I'l! I liit _ _i. ?? NCOTTi e~jlil ^ils.i,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS-REWARD. W HEREAS, between Saturday 2d and Monday \ 46th ,nllarvcorrer t, the BAN S oF SCOTL 450ND'S OFFIC iE at KELS W0 felonioosly opened, end an at- tempt malte taorce open the Stronghold or Cash lteposi- tory there, nhseveyr chdl , wvitltis- three ?? from thie state hereof; give h i stlormeti n to the Procurator Fiseat s f ttostlw~trsgilre, its shalt lend to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... >~ ~ ~I - ?? hIr3 1611 NO l TO THE Y41 IIIG1INESS filt ( OF y OIlK AND) ALBANY. * hrgNS aal COMAIT rrEE of MA- -, U>Arn' re rnotsted ithilt otoc t ?? ,;1 o ,oo, j a tvI a tllr, cl t oot oh, o. ?? le - 00p, C old I tt' - It7- 00 Lf Ii't l~rot E; ' ll ightuse toF DLukbe ,li riwiI~5 3 ANS-SIELD, Act. Sec. fl31A iTON. $otites have, within these few days I HFR A5geerlv ivetl)at thf mlaei-ratesr Or ...