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Law Intelligence

... Raw Elittuiffeltm ? --am? THEs SPECIAt L CONUWSSiOtSS. The business before the Special Commission at Winchester, terminated late; on Thursday night the 30th ult. after having lasted within one day of a fortnight, during which time ]01 prisoners were capitally convicted,-36 sentenced to transportation, 65 to be imprisoned.aid kept to hard labour, and 67 acquitte . Thero were several who had no ...

Law Intelligence

... uaw? lilitem-yelife. PlrESTON ET CTION RUITS -Richalrd Warvick, retlil brewer, an6i ftrmerly a livery stale reeper, iln Prestoll, was inldicted ?? an assault and riot, ano also for exditing the mob to commit a breach of' the peace, whereby the prosecutor, Clhails Ratcliff, was seriously injmmred.-MIr. Ratcliff was esuployed to conduct Mr. Stanley's voters to the polliing booths, ail gave in ...


... ?? ~- ' ?? Ci;tN R ^5 ; . VURJ?, I ?? I~5 I81 S. t red], Jnot oy l I I.- ; l D Wials Esq P)s'kty SMi'ifi, It4 a ia~ was rOui! 0Ito aier It col peoi iln d-atittl lt° eii i tfti si sil en lh a dib jh a tle oric ?? b he li r:iclieat' l ar F;C ?? iliC rlillcbr r, ?? Ot t s olkel) Iq w! P :eire otiel L i i t I tee t p il h ' ' d all?: i ri 'Ct Cf itnitifl Irasitit d Ci, l tilC (ie is i ' ( ...

Law Intelligence

... vlitw, lfltelliffcjl?v INSOLYLrNT, Db;BTORS3 CoUaT; : T rte Tnsolvent De bt ors' Cnurt,rou Tuesdty, : FHumphrey William RtvensCroft, t6e well-known patent wig maker, of Serle-street, LiiUnelns-ln.n- fieldi, caine up to receive jklaqnlent. It appeared that the insolvent sucieeded. in obtaining posses- si50 of two furndisbhd houses iil. Norfolk street, Strand, of a gentlema n, named Co°Iyns, at ...


... ?? iOltO uca2I C mU PJ a u VO ore ~acat tie last of anoruer 1111M, - \vth Vicar of I,1101i5bliig to ('~ial ~I~e the oliCt, mad il a e, o ,.ljirpilltl) ~iqt l ' L itlostulupqr- T 'rl ?? doi stl gl),am st uzes t ; 1t,)al' c~ b;e 0)rgart S and(£ o)thegr.suitc)s ild 05' jiltetil~v1; Gul llell Ijn 'ioldtlyast, lto hear Ill 1l ltie ?? a|llijicitti>ii to thlc~cv. ilali ill ?? ttl uier aider was made ...


... ANGLESEY C(GUrY COUTf!. - ur. I'll r- . - R - ; ?? : hursdaZI January *2., SiO 1. We.ore W P. Pooie, Esq. fur the [lI ha!. .i- and a raspestable Jury (io' the town of icalisnr jI J. ROtiVLLNx SIll WRIG13T, V. IVi.J. LEIVIS. ?? T'his wa a u an aetion lhrought lap the p'l:ill- JoMihn viwrlaml, against Win. John' ivislos. t 1( defenildant, for the 6suu of Xi. 7s. or suodri and nabour done and ...

Law Intelligence

... %,,Iw 111toltiOlt . itoulwr 'OF iCTNx?'1WN1 C.f 'rI I'll''-Rrtu v. ~ns ?? Cf-silts 'moved. I -te rdgme tof the Cojint oi' thie ,ef'ei'ant, who. t lid'beenu convicted tst a le l on a ji'so of the ;naisno of' Rohdiit' Paslildy. ?? pe~earcd thait, thec pvosedni:i' had en enploned'i ode of, thirce oc s thir t~ees inn arragi~ng ?? of William ototh, a ?? in NNottsilfiigancliro Thstelon. dan.t ...

Law Intelligence

... UAW fatellioulte. I , O.URT OF EXCHEQUER. JO)NE8.V. BaOwa a.ND oraisa.-rhis' was anll- tiv,i brought by the plaintiff, vvhq is a nuil mana Uaturer, rcsiding in Waorcester, for the recovery ofi It Ue ?? df 'a Liil of exehange of *488l. 13s. 6d. The defendants fci're chemnical and 'colour manu .4accluioi, easrrvaig' on business at Battersea, aiid thW facts of the cas6.were rather of a singpilar ...

Law Intelligence

... I Draw - INSOLVENT lt'ivrTOnS' COuiuT; On Monday evening last, John David Sivrighf described ns fornterly of Calcutta, attorn y's-0olerk caine- ill to be heardi uporl lis petition, sw hen his diseharge was opposed hy John Sykes, a ereditrn on a. bill of exehanige for £1,6-The insolvent un.erwent a Shhrt examination, from shich it apip ared that he had conic to this coiuntri on a letter of ...

Law Intelligence

... ?4? nauf. Elitelligrarr. le : COURT OF EXCHEQVER. RiG-wT %o01 TiX EKCisE Vi §13TZE FIXFD Mn- cet 'stY-UIt is tolerahly well known, that wevin _a .calico .printer or. other persnu engagedl in any P)rocess or manufacture subject to al excise duttv becomesia defaultei': the eexcise are enpoiwered ito 8s s.eize. ?? isplenents and utetisils used in such )f processr or. hsufacture' whether such ...


... p .- * The Comnmission for this County was opened at Welshpool, on Saturday last, before Chief Justice Thinal.-The Sheriff, on escort his Lordship into town, was honoured by a aslendid at., tendance o'the gentry of the county. . The business of. the Court commncted on mon- day morning, when, after the usual pre~lminahries, his Lordship proceeded to chargetbe Grand Jury, of which ...