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Advertisements & Notices

... .NEW WORKS IN DIVINITY, SOLD BTt A.. BEOWN & iO. BOOKSELLERS, AnltnnEE sF.2 ISTIOP MAN'r's flI -E. quirtn, in parts, £3 9s Cd. .EZ, ?? ?? . Pl;AYEtl ll OK, quirto, bids. £I IlIs. ?? Oo UPITIeAs. No-rita,.s of thu- Atrosri.EsM and orlher SMXN'TS, i3150. hdsl. lb. ?? , tl 'S Ons. t ?? ' BiShop PTO' v a T, S imSn;U Os, just pudblilhed, BuO 12s IBisllop Al il:se'S Ssimt-.oNs, fIwo. ?? Cd b Bishop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the Press, and epeediljy wilt be published, I In 2 volumes, royal 18mo. A NARRATIVE, Co5S0i1.ED ROMs JO1RlNAtS WRtITTEN, ]lDURIN THE P 1Z AY Z N S V' Y. A A W A 91,a Fronm 1808 to 1814. By MAJOR LEITH HAY, F.R.S.E. Edinburgh: DANErL LlZAnSS IV. CuRse; Jun. &t CM., Dublin; and WHITTAKEa, TREACHEIC, and ARNOT, London. . SOOTS DIAGAEINE. To be bad of JOHN SUTHIiRLAND, 153 Gallowgate, i - . a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY BANK O~rViC. irUNTIMATION is hereby given, that in terms of the contract, jL the Annual General -Meeting of the CoMeANY, for the pur. pose of choosing Directors, wil! take place here on Monday the 5th day of March, 1832, at 2 o'clock afternoon. ALEX. FOULERTON, Sec. te 93, Union Street, Ise Feb. 1832. Ibe ifit TO STUDENTS OF =EDICINE. th. J) R. MACROBIN wtill deliver a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POTRAT op JAMES IIADDE1V, FsQ. 'oz PERSLEY. T a Meeting of Gentleinen conlneted with the City of Anr.l- A ) DEEN5, held Wlhill thle Royal Hotel, Union Street, onl Friday evening, 1 I1th Jeansiarv, 1833: WLVILIAM ANNAND, EsQ. of BELClOXT, in the Chair: It w ?,,s unaisoezv Rtesolved, 1. That, as a testimonial of the opinions wnlich the Citizens of Aberdeen entertain of the eminent services ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jusl Publishled, PriCe Two Shillings, Boards, ?? hiterestinsg Informations froms nistumerous Sources; And( ORIGINAL LETTEIRS, nmanY of them of very recent dates, CANADA AINID TRlE UNITED STATES. AOERnBIEN : Pnblished by JomN MIATHISON, Bl*Oal Street. Lless1dl: Loisginlall & Co.: Jones & Co.; Batlivn & Crnstlockl Fishler, Son, & Co.-IEdinbhrgh : Oliver 9 Boyd; Win. Black- wvoed; StinIghiz & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wigmaking and Perfumery. -I E O R GE S Y At 0 N, WIGM1AKER and PEl-t G F l Sl :R, gratefil for thie sipport he has hitiherto ieceiv d ii ed. begs to announce to his Friends and the Public, that ho on h:xm received a latge assortment of Tortoiseshell and other lo ('O1llS, Suiperior RAZORS, BRUSIIES, &c. Also a rare va- it' listsv of iRl'EEMPNERY GOODS. tit G., hegS tr say that, from his owfn ...

TO THE PUBLIC TUK WORTH IREI.AMB. THE S UB RIBER, having been appointed AGENT for the celebrated HOUSE of WARREN'

... 30. STRAND, Z.ONDOX, Begs to announce to SHOPKEEPERS, TRADERS, and the PUBLIC generally* that all orders for IheLIQUID and PASTE BLACKING of this eminent and unrivalled establishment, will be received by him, his STOKES, ie, Aim-Street, Belfast; And will be forwarded with the greatest care, and the utmost possible expedition. He feels It necessary to state, that, in the end of last year, a ...

Published: Saturday 12 May 1838
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 309 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 


... The House having resolved itself into Committee of Supply, It was resolved, on the motion of tie C VNCELI.OU of the EXCII EULER, that Xi,000,000 brattled tub t Majesty, for the transfer aids. he House then -esutned. affirmation bill. Tlte order of the day, for the House g »ing into Committee this Bdi, having been read, Mr. HAWES moved, lint the Speaker leave the Chair. A long discussion then ...

Published: Tuesday 26 February 1839
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4152 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: bmd 


... Provisions. —Butter, Cork, first, per cwt., 6Jssto 90s; Belfast, ditto, 85s to 80s; Sligo, ditto, 84s to Bds ; Walt rford, ditto, 80s to 90s; Carlow, ditto, 88s to Limerick, ditto, 66s to 88s; Newry, none. Bacon, per ewt., small singed, 4Ss 50s; large, 46s to 475; middies, scalded, 44s 48s; Hams, Irish, per cwt., 60s to 70s; Pork, India, prime, 6/. 15s to 6/. I7s fid ; Prime Mess, per barrel, ...

Published: Tuesday 05 March 1839
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3769 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 

Bank will continue extend it* discount! fir aa, in ita opinion, consistent the imperii** dut» imposed on it. of ..

... apccie payments ; that thi« ink cannot singly, and without consulting with the other city Banks, hastily adopt any specific resolution on the subject matter of the resolutions of the meeting aforesaid.—- The Hank of America, feeling anxious solicitude to do all that they can alleviate the wants of the rommercia interests, in the present emergency, will extend them the facilities within the ...

Published: Tuesday 19 November 1839
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1761 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: bmd 

“ Hereditary bondsmen, know ye not.”

... Hereditary bondsmen, know ye not.” (Loud and continued cheering.) I cay, then, support him, and you support your country. He will lead you in the path of constitutional liberty, and his efforts must succeed, since the people of Ireland are determined to co-operate with him. (Cheer*.) The Catholics carried Emancipation, without liaving a Member in Parliament; and what might not hope fur ? Let ...

Published: Saturday 19 November 1836
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4352 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd