... On Monday a meeting of the Commissioners of Police was held, pursuant to requisition, to consider the bill brought into Parliament by the Witter Company. Bailie Millar hiving been called to the chair, and the enacting clause of the bill read, Mr W. Miller rose to move a series of resolutions. He said, previous to 1819, the city was supplied with water through the Corporation. In that year the ...


... VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT-Novemlllwr 25. Bt5EADAL.BANE V. CS5ANDOS. Tire Vice-Cbancellor gave judgment this morning in tilig impnrtant case. Hisi Honour, at great length, weit through the facts of the irase. In the year 1834, thle IMI; rquis of Breadalbane died, and upon his death a Ito- N ite.a ,f mulriplepoinding was instituted, wherebY all per- el sons claiming upon the personal estate of the ...


... BOW-STREET. VIOLENT CONDUCT OF THIC CEHARTISTS AT EXETFit-HALL.- Arthur Dyson, a bookbinder; Thomas Farrer, a house-painter; Ebenezer Brinkkman, Edward Harris, upholsterers; John Brad- ford, musical instrument-maker; Henry Bailey, no trade; James Godfrey Elworthy, a bootmaker; and Samuel Wadding- ton, bootmaker, were brought up in the custody of several con- stables of the F division, charged ...

Published: Sunday 23 June 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6623 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... COURT OF COMPENSATION. The Recorder and the Lord Mayor sat on Friday in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, to bear the cause White v. the Corporation of the City of London. This case arose out of the rebuilding of the Royal Exchange, and was for compensation for the plaintiff's interest in the wellknown Edinburgh Castle, Sweeting's-rents, two shoos adjoining,and the Griffin public- house. Mr. ...

Published: Sunday 15 December 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1563 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... GUILDHALL. Jains Ssiith, a labourer, about 50 years of age, was brought before Sir C. Hunter, charged with behaving indecentlv to Maria Garton, aged 15, in a pew, at St. Andrewv's Church Ho1. born, during divine service, on Sunday ?? Euck- moaster, the churchwvarden, stated the nature of the case, and said he should press the charge against the prisoner, because of late, several other ...

Published: Sunday 17 March 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5706 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... - I .- . - . . - Mvs. ANNE PL.UNKETIT V. CHARLES HEArON-Mlms ANNE I'r.uNrsswCT v. Tim EAsRL or Bs.RsANoGos.-liefore a jury of the tenants of the Duke of 13uccleuch, at the Cavendish Arms where Mr. W\ightman sat as the steward's assessor. ir. Watson appearing as counsel for the Earl of Burlington, and Air. A lar- thiror Mrs. PlUnk-ett. Mr. NlarLtin addressed the jury for the plaintiff. lie ...

Published: Sunday 27 October 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 831 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I .-4 TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA. In my last letter I ventured to assert that the poor .aws were not charity-that the poor had no independent or absolute right to relief, nor the ratepayers such a right to manage their own affairs, as to entitle them to the absolute management of the rate, or of those for whom it was raised. The most diffi- cult class of opponents with whom the supporters of the ...

Published: Sunday 24 February 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1463 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... HIGHS COURT OF JUSTICIARY. The Court met yeterday, vhan the first prisoner brought tp was John Crombie, who had been convicted of theft, on confession before the Circuit Court at Aber- deen, on 22d September 1825, and was then sentenced to eighteeen months' confinement in Bridewell there, but had made his escape from that prison on 30th Sep. tember 1835. The prisoner admitted his identity, and ...


... COURT OF SESSION-SECCNjD DIVISION. On Saturday the quesiiron olairil is been for some s tinme og91ited between the Minictcrs 1n I the Mlagistrates' of Edi brargh, was decided in ti e Ceort of Session. It way be remembered that, rorae ti-ne ago, the Tovn Co ucil, at the instaace of tbo Leith Ielrk Canianit- sialo, resolved to expend tule sour of 1_2j0t e n repairs for Leith Harbouer, to make ...


... FaCIAY, JA. ?? 11. Dnnaldl 1 Lean and Arehiliald Ilogla were cnnvicted of househl eakiteg nnti theft, mggravated by pretillt. con. viction. TIhe priavrters verv mere hol bs; but 31 Lean, it appeared, ha-l been for five rears. and Blogle fur two yl-arn, balbit and reptut, thieve4. They were sentenced lo seven year.' tranteporlvatln. On receiving sentence, AlLentit reqieested leave tol speak. I ...


... CITY CIIURCH SEAT RENTS. COURT OF STLSSION-Nov. 21. Cr.AcPRl' TOiv 1111I OTHRni- tV. THE 1tMAGISTRtATES Of Ent~laultil. Thie impotrtantt provenslvit ving keen adlvisteo thistin)rt on eca-e. the ?? iadgrement 'Pat pionounceit hy Lord Nlinercoiff, Ordinarv :- ot The beret Ordittary having cein-iilerecl the clocei riroorit. ?? berkvd yrartio pr~ tioiratcor. thvereon nod hrav jagi thereafter ~cai ...


... SHERIFF'S JURY COURT, PAiSLEY. Tur P.AISLsE- ATEUtT ll'PANY v. ..JAMES GItIIA-M, Esq. of Fereneze. Tihis important trinl eonmmencell om Thursday the 4th instant, anid terminatetd on niuesdeay tile 9tli, at hialtf-iist eleven at ziight. 'lre ?? day of the trial was occupied by tie elIellmICI of' tlhe bar addressing thle Court, andl In' thie Julry anid Sheriti afterwards visttlig the grounil inl ...