
... !i?tltctiono- 1Y151N. S/NO AT THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC PROCESSION IN CODM- OIEMORATION OF THE PASSINO OF THE REFORM BILL, AT SREFFIELD ON MONDAY LAST. (JVritten for the Seffie/rd Politicat Ulzion, by one of the Britons ! peal the anthem high, WVith your plaudits rend the sky, Victors ! raise the joyful cry, WVe are no longer slaves i The race of bondage now is run, Freedom's holy cause Is won, ...


... VottrIL. THE WRECE.-A FRAGMENT. t SC FREDERICK J. KRUGOER. LATE MIARINER, AUTHOR OF THSE PIRATP, OSTWAslD.EOUND,` HOA I RIwARD-1DOuND, &e. Not a single star o'er the deep is beaming, Yet once methought a glance of light O'er the ocean trembled in distance gleaming. Like a meteor star through the haze of night; Whilst loud and hoarse the breakers roar, Sweeping rude and wild on the Cheshire ...


... I = .C .. O10Af tu g PROLOGUE 5'OP. TLHE ANNIVXRSARY CS BURS'b RISRTUDAV, CHLEBRAtyD BY THIS CUMBERLAND rNT9LMiEN RESIDExT IN LONDON, 1828, B' tfhe Brv. IV. Routledge, of the Rloyal Institution School, Far as we wander from our mountain home, Where forests darken, and where torrents foam; Where cliffon cliff, in wild confusion cast, Frowns at the fury of the winter blast; Where hill and mead ...


... - i ,- j, I all . : I I ? THE KING OFWMERY. ENGLAND. TUNIC, La Petit Tambobur' B? A051ST GILVIL.LAN' Suata at te great ?? ?? Acts to Eart Gae, at Eldln- 0 the King of merry England- What Kting so loved as he, A Sallant band he may command In all his kiogdofins three; And there the -mile of beauty Still falls upon the free: o the King of merry England, What Kinle so loved as he. Choral-O the ...


... FAIRS FOR NEXT WVEEK. FAIRS FOR NEXr Wkiti, v MACx4 IS.-AlilCester, Brentford, Comb St. Nicholas, Br -1rs 1anro~btit. Joswieh, Llangiwmr, Llanflintnoni, Leek. Dor,-°nPe Frou W,5ttA. Wlsinel'm. Appleby, Boilth, .Nll- Al ton. March, Newin, Skipton, Strsbawbank, Wisbech (Ise CF [ESD.AY i9.-ereotfnrd, !ehnnOV-Blackmor, ereford, Slhef- .&ootbhwick ?? Stratton. l ?? )IoOAC,.-Rickhara. St. Tiddev, ...


... &tltttflatT* SOME ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF CHUltCHMAN CALLED A PIIILL-POT. J1 (From the Moraing Chronicle.) As that old married pair, Mother Church and the State, Have giv'n birth to a new sort of oflspring, of late, Call'd by sarans the Phill-Pot,-a race which unite All that's wrong in both parents, with none of the right; And, as no one can doubt such a nicely mix'd breed Will be sure both ...


... NEW VMUSIC. I night- N.- I V.-I P, 1.- The last good night. No. I Vical Poeatiesromlftmwl rfopera of ?? Tel. D'Alm;in-. anod Co, Sbejta 'lb. 2.- C lmelive v.ithme ?? Walton. by IH. It. Bishop. Dta 3.- The ol.r house at ?? 1st. Loder. DO. 4.- A dream of the past. A. Lee. Da. es, 5.- We can love no more. J ne f.- A song of Erin. lrom J. Strausa Dt tit. No. I-Is a pleasing, simple ...


... I Upon ?? so called, nower/sibiting in the Royal Academy. BoLTro in olden time !-a glorious pile! Ancient, and ofan architecture rare, With turrets high, and fretted roof and aisle, And wassail halls, and chapels raised for prayer; Chambers with fair-wrought tapestry hung round. And secret treasure-rooms oF gathered gold, And lonely cells, and dungeons underground, Where peace was prayed ...


... AGRICULTURAL SNTLLLZGZNGZ. I IFw;XgaaL zn^ms-. CLEVEDON ANNUAL CATTLE SHOW. e The second annual exhibition ofthe Clevedon Agricultural e Society took place, on Wednesday last, in a field in front of the RoyalHotel. The attendance was unusually great, and ! fiacluded nearly all the resident gentry and farmers of the neighbourhood, as well as many from'more distant parts of the county, and from ...


... A LOCAL LEGENI. Hn looked like a Squire of high degree When dressed hi his Sunday ?? Song. Too kitten lay purring before the fire, And the bask'd onl thO capetted floor, And 'lissus' she dozed in her elbow-chair, Uncoescious of aught shat iras passing there, Whilst the forso of the voni and listless Squire The sobs's dossask cushions bore. 5'Oueen ?? is the fairins' midwife ...


... MIY OWN FIRESIDE. Lsrrtox TAf-Vs EDIN-BuRGH MAGAZINE-] Trsoa 's a smiling spot in the poor man's horne, That is known not to pride in its gilded dobya X 'And he loveth it well fro 't is ,allow'dbal Thnadth atlh tufidt V ~lu ttO life oris dear to his soul: By the memory sweet of his boyish years- By a father's similes and a mnother's tears; And earth hath no spot on its sutfaCe! wide So dear to ...