... I DUBLIN POLICE-YZSTEIDAT. COLLEGE-STREET OPFICE. THE LATE RoBBERY ir THIE B3ANK 0P IRELAND. n, Patrick Thomas Foot, charmed with the robbery of 9117. la- in the Bank of Ireland, on the 17th inst., from Mr. Gardi- d;. neri grocer, North Ring-street, under circumstances which bi. eavs, already appeared in the FREEiAN'S JOUtRNAL, was It- brought up for further examination. The ease appeared to ...


... CITY SES I6Os -YrSTEU-AV. The Recorder took his seat on tht ?? at nine o'cloel,. Alice Roach was indicted for stealing a metal weight, the property of W~illiam Broadbent. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, with hard labour, in Grangegortnan- laine prison. John Byrne and Patrick Hughes were severally indicted for stealing a hanldkerchief, the property ...


... SLIGO ASSTZES-TnUIRSDAY. . . . _I- I . I - . . - . . .. At twelve o'clock on Thursday the Right Hon. the Judges of the Connaught circuit, attended by the usual escort, arrived in Sligo, and immediately afterwards the comtission was read before Mr. Justice Crampton in the crown court. The grand jury having been re-sworn his lordship said there was nothing on the face of the calendar calling for ...


... PRESENT .STATE OFTH-E Et.ECTI i; | T109- S: I .TrIES WHOSRE ELECTiOeS 'ARE9ALLEGED TO'wErpID .Cbntcrbury . , .. ;mes'Bradshaw 1Bridgenbrth .. ?? C Whitniore - Hu'ntingdonshire, ?? , ?? G1Trhornbill1 E Fellowes Evesham .; . . ?? P-'n3orthwick or. G Borvle! Bridgewiter-' ?? . ., 'H Broadwavd.,P Co.u~rteniy Bar ?? R Hod4!s i , -W *. l i. e . Of ords'oire..': ?? ;1Ga~otarc, Lord N~orwrey, . B . . ...


... . (From tihe Slo Champion.) This week we have another constabulary outrage to re- late. Some time ago the house of Peter and John Ferrall. was visited by a party of constabulary, under the command of Sergeant Clarke, and an! old gun without a lock seized. For having this dangerous weapon in ;tbeir'possessaon the Ferralls were sentenced to three (we believe) months' im. prisobinieot As the ...


... | TLONDON POLICE-TUESDAY, APRIL 24. i WVOhIlIP-STREET-SINGULAR IYV13STIGAT10N.-AeSSrS Broughton and Codd were occupied for a considerable time in the nvestigation of a case of a very singular nature, t arisiog out of the following circumstances:_ . Police constable G 211 stated that at about half-past ten on the morning before he was passing down Waterloo- street, St. Luke's, when he heard ...


... TRALEE CRIBS C -7-a LIBEL CASE. .: (Fronm the Tralee lMercury.) William UBrien-a ballad-singer-a poor, emaciated, and desolate-looking object, was put to the bar charged in t one count with a libel upon a 6ertain class of her Majesty's. subjects celled Protestants-and in a second count charged with a libel on a certain other class of her MaJesty's itegea subjects called Tories. Mr. Lynch ...


... LOvE, MUtriDER, AN!) ATTEMPTED StICIDE.-The court of assizes in Versailles was occupied, on Friday and Saturday last, with the frightful event which occurred in the month ,of August, 1837, in the forest of Chars, near Pontoise.- Antoine Ferrand, aged seventeen years, clerk at MA. I)u- mont's, cloth merchant at Paris, Rue St. Denis, baA become desperately enamoured of 3lariette, aged sixteen, a ...


... LJV INTPLtCENC9. I MICHAELMAS TERM. Sn, Tzrmn commenced on Saturday, and was opened with the aci Tile following gentlemen were sworn and called to the be- 'bar.- tho William Alexander Stafford, Esq., fifth son of JBrabanzon ~Stitffrd, of Upper Buckingham-street, in the eityoifDablin, th: 23sq. - wl !Mark Sauriti, Esq., youngest son of the Right Rev. James to Saurin, Lord Bishop of Dromnore, of ...


... KILDARE REGISTRY-THE CARLOW CASE. ::(FO aOUR OWN COUREsPONollrel.) The registry for the Naas division of Kildare commenced on Monday, and terminated yesterday. Mr. Thomas O'Wgan was counsel for the Reformers, and Mr. Lefroy actecbr the Tories. Th ~Uestion as io the form of notice, which was decided by Mr. Gibson in Carlow against the Reformers, was raised here also by the Tories at the ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTJEDAY. I READ OFFICE. ASSAILT ON HIGH SHErEIFF QUrNTIN-CIVIL AND ECCLE. SIASTICAL JtURtIIDICTION AT isSuE !-An old tatterdema- lion, whose name was subsequently found to be John Boden, was charged before Counsellor Hamilton with an assault on High Sheriff Quintin. Sheriff Quintin stated that he was engaged., a few hours previous, along with the Lord Mayot, weighing bread in ...


... DUBLIN POLI CE-YESTERDAY. ARRSAN-QUAY orricE. THE: N )w BREAD BILL-IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC.- A woman, named Mary Kelly, accompanied by her hus- band, appeared before Alderman Tyndall, Mr. StvddaTt, and Counsellor Hitchcock, at this office, and made the fol- lowing ?? said that she went that morning to buy some bread from a man named Michael Finnegan, who was selling it, according to his custom ...