Advertisements & Notices

... Xtearnl 4gatJation, &ct. HULL AND LEITH. THjE Directors of the ST. GEORGE STEA3M PACKET COMPANY beg leave to inform the Mer- chants, Shippers, and all others concerned in the transit of Goods between the above Ports, that they have determined on %withdrawing their Steam Packet INNISFAIL from this line, durin'g the Winter Months, and rely on being able to afford accommodation adequate to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Wiattnt ^]IeIttYu0. A SHILEY :}i3 .BpANICAL -. PURIFY G PIlLS,, are ealbiTIaed by tbirty years' experienh:, are prestribed by:most of thr emiS rient pbvsieians and surgeonsli-Londbn, and'are alwaysadministerdd at sevrai public hospitalsU,'s the only'eeialn 'r'edefdy for ;gonorrhea, gleels, 'rf rid efiter sex, curing in a few'days, by one smial Ifili far, a, dose, vwish ease, secrecy, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IWill positively Clew' orn the 2sth Itnstanzt, C FOR QUEB9EC,e ; - \ ~The fine A. 1. sthip 3: . FOS'1'ER, Ca~ptain CAiL5.ENDr55, a *- rBurthen 500) Tons.a I-las good hecight between Decls, anid most excellentn Accossmodati on fior I assengers. *Ih Apply to the Malster o n board, in the Old Deck; or to S Jl~hN BIIODBIClK, 21, 1Migb-Street. al (Jail, )llas/ 2.S, 1830. tl WlIH- COODS AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. G. JU KDDS, IN _ffD1?APE1?, I1'AIERDAS.JIER, &c. .A 52, MARKETBLACE.. yAS just received Becond Supply, this Season, of j .ReW WflLSH )L&NNELS, which he bas great pliasnre in recommendinglto the attention of-his Friends.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ,- To MERCHANT'I4, &c. WRITING PAPERS I OF EVERY QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION man - ARE SUPPLIED BY dCOti GODDARD & BROWN, of E (Packet-O.fice, 51, Lowogate, Hull.J Pen! com~ On most advantageous Terms. the D / GAME LICENSES. recel thro TOWN OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, will And County qf the same Town. and and N OTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN, That a appr N SPIECIAL SESSION of His Ma- , w gjesty's Justices of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EDUCATION, 21, STORY-STREET, HULL. MAISS BE1AILSFORD . (Successor to Miss TLockcing,) W ISIIES to announce to her Friends and the Public, B that her Christmas Vacation will commence on the 18th instant, and terminate on Tuesday, January 15th, 1833. Miss B. has pleasure also, in intimating to the Parents of those Young Ladies, who are anxious to acquire a cor- rect Pronunciation and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,O OFFICES to LET, together or sepav. m sey The front Office contains a good Iron Applyto Messrs. IIUGALL & SNOWBALL, Ckiors. PBowlalley-Lsne; or at No. 2. Silver-Street. AIRCHFITECT and SURVEYOR, in k frll practice. hasaVACANCYfora well-educated .T who will have every means of acquiring a io as well as a Theoretical Knowledge of his Fa~ican--Appyfor reference, to Mr. ISAAC fivsN. Pu~blisher, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IFIT1 GSOODS054 PASSE.VGBRS. FOR Q-UE BE C, Thie flne fast-sailing Ship * CHRISTIANA, (01 &cs~rbrs') 320 Tons Register-450 Tons Burthen, Capt. A. WILKIE; WVill talks Goods fnr Montreal, to be forwarded at Ship's expense, but Stlipper's risk. Has good Aeconcncocations for Cabin and Steerage Passengers, and will sail on the 20th instant. Apply to the Captain on board the Ship, or ti HOLDER NESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR LIVERPOOL, rSneevedA J/h aria) Tue fast-sailing Bark (G IORGE. Captain R. DAY. For Pt'It, &c. apply to IOL.DERNESS & ClIlLTON, * the Owners; or to * D. LOFTHoUsE .c CCo. Brokers. . IS i lIE l IliNG S 'll I0? . SALE. To be 30L1) liy PRIVATE CoNTRACT, m 7a 4 Ii E IVFIAL.E FlStIltN Stll i - S *-11 AR MO N Y with all her S lO R lS, as lately arrived from Davis' Straits. 3For furtier ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &r.~~~~~~~~~4 kbte i2prirnttiR Press, ie. .Sc. BOO E SOLD -BY AUCTION, BF y 11R, STAMP, 0i-the PANTECHNICoCN, Market, Atb l A THURSDAY, September 21. 1837, Afellc 00cloc o in the ForerOtB, pia umbter of BOOKBINDER's - CT Bumber bfas&tiogof good Stand inU S T OyOLS, in d F l of Letters, Grainong o l aid d Filletil, PI,~ ~*Io pRlNTZNr - EP d i 11OLDERNESS. S O BESD BY AUCTION, BY MR. DANIELS, ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salm bp aurtfon, a&c, TO TJiMRR MERCeUAN'TS, RAILROAD QONTR7.CRORS, AZND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W. G. STATHER, On WEDNESDAY. March 14th, 18.S upon the Estate of R. Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, near Beverley, iLarge- quantity of TIMBE:R TREES, A1LARCH and SPRUTCE FIRS, SYCAMORE, Superior ASH POLES, Sac., &rc. The Sle will commence at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon amongst the Poles, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORNEW-.YORK, to The fine Iastgalling Ship wI MONTREAL, Ce 385 Tons Rtegister-* FROST, Master;- rois Wilu sail, (wind and Weather permitting,) on the 31st tr January., * IswitelladajtedaforPasengersahaain ggreatheight between Deciks. Apply to gaauvn ra eg t JOHN IIOLLINGWORTH, a Opposite the Pilot- Office, Queen-treet. H-t, Januarg IC, 1852. - v4 FOR CADIZ, (Direct,) h The fine A. 1. ...