Steam Packets from and to Hull

... beuam Vaca ts from an to ouU. ABERDELN From Hull every Saturday ro Aberdeen every Wednesday. BARTON From Ecul every day, (except Sunday), at weven. batf-past twelveand four O'clocc from Barton at nine. half. past twvo, and half-past six o'clock. On Sundays from Hull at eight in the rnorstnc, and from Barton at hali-past two the afte-noon . On cattle toarket dav, a ...

Published: Friday 15 June 1838
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 603 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

University & Clerical

... . -. 1nibroti k eltrica.. - CAMBRIDGE, Jine 16.-At aCongregation on Monday last the following degrees were eonierred I). D.: Rev. John Weller, Senior Fellow 'of Emmanul College. B. D,: -Rev. Charles Yate, Fellow of St. John's College; Rev. Henry Thompson, Fellow of St. Jobn's College; Rev. John Tinkler, Fellow of Corpus Christi College; Rev. Robert James Bunch, Fellow of Ermmnanuel College; ...

Published: Friday 23 June 1837
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 463 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... rb lu'l vartuet* | PARLIAMENTARY COMMENT. On l;ridav the Bishop of EXETER called the D29 attention- we ought to say of the country, not no merely of the House of Lords, to certain pro- TD3 visions in the New Poor Law. With the 4s3 opinion expressed by the Standard of the (2 speech of the Right Reverend Prelate we cor- noo dially concur. It is as follows- 10§ The speech of the Bishop of ...

Published: Friday 14 April 1837
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3424 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... , ' FOREIGN. All the respectable Fretch 'families in London have, without distinction of party, puit n mourning for Charles X. Young Napoleon arrived at L'Orient on the Iibt ult. The departure of the Andromeda frigate, with him on blard, ordered for the 19th ult., is stated in a letter of that date given by the Courier Francais, to have been coun. termanded, because another personage (supposed ...

Published: Friday 02 December 1836
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2270 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I . *aibaOrout. ' The following are the principal arrivals 't this delightful Watering plqce-. BUNn'S and Mrs Allen, Miss Benham, .Mr mnd Mrs Blackburr, Miss' Frcank, Misses Hawkins, ?mr Patteson and family, eMiss Plekergill, Mr Shillatta, -Air rhomlinsonn Mrs WInimore. Vitien'.s Lodgigs-Mr Jaets. ion,'Mrs and fainhly, Miss Maclean, J. Hussel, Esq,, Mt,. aradjsmilyAxils3M. Rt13sel, ...

Published: Friday 30 June 1837
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 737 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... In February a committee wag appointed In the parisht or St, Mary-le.bone, to inquire into the state of the poor in that district, and they have furnished a report whils con- tails some curious particulais. With the view of calling the attention of the parishioners to the subject, the com- mittee offer the following account of one of the places already examined-Callmel Buildings, a court which ...

Published: Friday 19 May 1837
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 900 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... A Special General -Meeting of the Members of this Society, convened by circular, was held in the large room at the George Inn, on MondLay evening last, for the purpose of receiving a communication from Mr. Quin, tendering his resignation as Honorarv Secretary, and adopting other measures thereon. At half-past seven o'clock between fifty and sixty members had assembled, and Mr. Ward was called ...

Published: Friday 17 August 1838
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3349 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TO, THE TAk OF TH REFORM . .1 . VASSOCIATION, HULL. Lodonz, ebnraary 5, 1836. if *St d,-Mlnlster s, after all the~oaatss3 and wshrppilg .up or hefr- . oppcntelits, were last liliglit in a majorily of41- on tile Address. I suspect this may be considered as tne torntng-puilvt ol thi yame; anwt that we lhave only to hold -togeliter, to msake a t complere a clearance -f0 abuses as htart can desire ...

Published: Friday 12 February 1836
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1364 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... - -| . . . _ . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .l tL, 'I'fiUnsoAY, Dic. 24, 183b. number closes our labours asjournalists, for f S1S. It therefore becomes our duty, in I t dl !lat-vth ihe usual practire, to wish to our f 1k;:!ed friends aud supporters, the compli- t ' of thie season, wvitht health and prosperity F , the p seacsing newveat; and to return ' rno~t sincere and heartfelt tbanks, ...

Published: Friday 25 December 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 9246 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE CORN LAWS-IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. I T_ .. .,- .- . A . I Under this head we find an interesting article in the Nottitigham Journal of Saturday. It appears that in consequence of the report which appeared in the newspapers of the proceedings at the Radical meeting at Dundee, at which Sir H Parnell was represented to have declared, that it was the intention of ministers to attempt a repeal or ...

Published: Friday 09 December 1836
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1969 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Meeting of the [ill] Council

... AEc6tig of the Z; own uattlalI. I Yesterday, a leeting of the Towvn-Counil nwas held at the Mansion-Hlouse. The Mayor in the chair. The TOWS-CLERK read a letter from Mr. George Codd, in answer to a letter dated the 6th ult, stating that he would not accept of the compensation offered for the loss of the office of Town-Clerk, but intended to appeal to the Lords of the Treasurv. William Hunter ...

Published: Friday 06 July 1838
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 865 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ATMOSPHERE OF TUNNELS, The following report on the atmosphere of tunnels, founded on chemical analysis, is by Dr. D. B. Reid, P.R.S. MI.R.C. Phys. E. who was engaged in the ventilation of the Houses of Parliament:-The Leeds and Selby Railway tunnel, in which the experiments have been made, is 700 yards long,. 17 feet high, and about 22 wide. ltinclines 1 foot in 300Uand is pro vided with three ...

Published: Friday 28 April 1837
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 730 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News