Advertisements & Notices

... FOR QUEBEC, /1 s - -,(WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS,) To Sa1 yattitirelgy on the 1st of April, Tic rnem i k t:ie f~lt-Sailin° COrper-btseteaShip LLAN RUIMNEY, Register 385 Tons, Capt. T. SIMPSON, (late oftbe Victory.) Has most excellent Accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers: - Apply to tfle Captain on Board, the South Side of the Old Dock, Di~rgzf-(e Whiteffiargate Bridge. Hull, Februz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Practice 4 e. u ol.I essC~ may be peatfull CON1h Street, aq1Ior allthe'-a lql 4soF P. from hrlte per Celit. Pe - 10 Esc eq ae f 14 9! S6 P~~ i1') 12 1 44 10 6 17 l7 0 FO~~~ON4!4IL.?14 10 I-, jaj~zijj~' rrC~t. t4EZ 3 ON5I Cn Dhiltto, 0424 Per Cent 5uej A Pe ent. 4J4 Oreek,~~~ Per CeDOnt y er C' ec. 9, 90 ~ wo X, enthN 28 T~~~lE ILL ~~~ P A, Irrod Si atte P RivQuart er ct nna i~ ~Aeentonth a4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Plso b Cauctim, akrt I, ESTARLISHED P[UX6C4IOS-E AT GARFORTH. Apd,,0ORN and MUSTARD MILL, at HULL. toV BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Earlv in the Month of FEa1U.ARY next, A N old-established Freehold PUBLIC- A HOUSE or INN. known by the naue or sizzi of the Swan or Gapin,- Goose. at WEST GARFoRT14. On the Road from Leeds to Selby, being within a short distante of the Junction of that Road with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOWI% for *ailini, &c. FOR CALCUTTA, DIRECT, The fine A. 1. Coppered Ship WIILIAM LEE, JAMES SHEPHERD, Commander, Is intended to sail for Calcutta latter end of Feb. ruary, and to return to Bull. All Goods intended for Shipment must be along. side the Ship on or before the 25th February; and the advice thereof given as early as possible, to secure Ship room. Freights same as at Liverpool. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... halei be~ aUcttiolt &c. FISHING STORES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W.W. HYDE, At Messrs. CLIFFORD and Co.'s Greenland Yard, WINCOLMLEE, on MONDAY, December 10th, 1838, at Ten o'Cloek,r LL the valuable FISHING STORES of A the Ship VENERABLE, comprising five good s Boats, seven Casks of Broad, (about 7 cavt. each), c about 300 Tons of Provision, Oil and Blubber Casks, d one Harpoon Gun, six Ship ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + , a~~~~~~~~~~t'Ac3e e. )fttd |15ci~t~b~ at Tthiee 1:h iec it~f bte d I sOpsh at the time of ; h gb dA Coiditio las -f C Saehl a bm p-elPodti iblY e and plea ; & . , 1dp k Nte w Ciaept of Fsioeod in tbe peiv i Jostephl ene if the Port of oda e, and from ats, Johrwa boa conideribly sin le. oy !s at po thes th panit'5 Dock now K. ete is a lil ete e Pet*e9 at-ndii futher a 1'e05 sained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =attcbp -urttion. = HSOR~sRi5.S CARRIA.GES, deC. B M.LUCAS. Gurday) the 30th instant, precisely at One o'clock, at ?? Repository, Great Charlotte-street, G GELDIG. nearly thoroughbred, six years old, a eadY lionteri a Brown Gelding, six vears old, 15hands A stld tay in hrarness; a Gray Gelding,> six years old, ' Id hi lid steadY in harness a Gray Tg, rising five jtl55 han3 pc- rior Hack;* a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .tR~ TJETEROE LI VERPOOL. ibl2 es ectfully informed that an engagemnent has ?? fbith -iMessrs. MATHIEWS and YATiES, of the o,0i, AdfelahiorTo'doC A'igAt Performance of the STU. xNT. TIol tloetEL Inted and colossal MADEMOISELLE I'eeto of nthe a ilntitr The close of the Second Act I'r rr,5 O eert . hur unrivalled docility, and the celerity .''%9edOR iutcs be' astonishing feats, without coercion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DsezENcE or MIssIONARY AND BIBLE SocIETIcs.-We regret our inability to give immediate publicity to the excellent letter of Atigih. 'which we shall, if Possible, publish in the next or the following Mercury. If all the advocates for t Missionary and Bible Societies were actuated by the Chris- tian spirit of our correspondent, the labours of such asso- ciations would not be obnoxious to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1=0- ?? i-, i. i_ ^ Ad L ' - rl ~~ ' ?? 0 i111LRTRAD tweR. 'o ?? the ita eo May. 6It CALCLTTA. - - Tbe Fine Ship ALiliON, * Roamalil M'Laon. Colnmanlkf: i T .tos, wehknoin to be a reinsbly fast sailing npttd, aW a favoagite eonreyantce with pyigers. 13er cabins ms~ apa , each fitted up with a PateptAtlr Port, and other eon- Vsiiaigtes'ii4 sihe carriesatt ?? terms of to fedht or ?? with plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zoa oroat'pan~ento. WEEKLY ?? CURE77T.-We are extremely sorry to state that we have been this week disappointed in procuring our weekly table of prices current. The gentleman who fur- nishes us with the table has no offiee In town, and does not live in Liverpool, and on sending to the place Where he is disally found, we were not able to obtain any Information as to the cause of our ...