... MAN SION-HOUSEB. Mr. Geo. May, the son of an ink mnaniufacturer, was charged by Mr. Rolfe, the rnaster of Coleman-stroet infant school, with an assault.-Mr. Rolle stated that the defendant had seduced his daughter, agirl little more than fifteen years old, taken her away from a comfortable siauation which she held of assistant in a respectable school, and * ienli he, the father, went to ...

Published: Sunday 04 November 1832
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1831 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... Thomas Taplin, aged 13, was indicted for stealing a penny cake, the property of Charles Wade. The prosecutor keeps an eating-house, in James Street, Lisson Grove, and the prisoner and another boy came iito the shop and asked for a penny worth of pudding; while serving it, the prisoner snatched a penny cake front the window and ran off ?? was overtook and given into ?? prisoner, who wept ...


... ?? :NOTTINGHAM ASSIZES. Some weeks ago we noticed the, murder of Samuel Clay,'a master butcher of Sutton. On Wednesday Wm.'Clayton, aged 18, was tried on the charge of being the murderer. The body of the deceased, it will be recollected, was found after a market-day in a close about three miles from Sutton.' There was a deep incision under the'ear, effected in precisely the same manner as that ...


... DISCOVERY OF A ROEeRthS CAVE AND RETREAT NE.&R LiNcoix.-On Monday last a most singular discovery was made in the plantation of Skel- lingthorpe, a small village about three miles from Lincoln, of a most inge- niously constructed retreat for robbers. About six months ago three fellows called Freeman, Coupland, and Greetham, who had been charged with robbing Mr. Chaloner, leather-cutter, of ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-THURSDAY, FFB. 6. THE KiNG v. AGER AND OTHERs.-Thiswas acriminalinfornmation filed agaiinst Ju/se 4ger, Patrick Grant, and John Bell; for seditious libels published in the True Sun, on the 1st and 2nd May last, tending to ex- cite the people to resist the payment of the assessed ?? Soi.i- crrolc-GENELIAL stated the case for the prosecution, and cited the follow- ing ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-JULY 23. William Warrington, a young man described as a servant, was opposed by Mr Woodroffe, on the part of a female named Susan Parsons, for obtaining 601. of her in the following heartless manner :-Susan Parsons stated that, in the year 1832, she lived in the service of a gentleman named Hedge, in Essex street, Strand, as housemaid, and the insolvent lived in the ...


... The investigation was resumed on Friday (the fourth day) when seve'. ral witnesses were examined, who deposed to the quiet of the town before the military appeared, and to the extreme violence used against the peo- ple. We can only refer, however, to the evidence given some weeks ago berore Mr Roaf, much of which was repeated, and to the few extracts which follow :;Mr Simkiss: Is a medical ...


... MIDDLESEX ADJOUIRNED SESSIONS. Jamres Thomipson was ?? on two indictments, one for assaulting Captain llmoarth,, and tlhe othie'r the Rev. William Lewis, on the 2nd of July, in the Ilarrow-road. The indictment for assaulting Captain Howarth was abandoned, in co;:sequence of his bemin! with his regicent (the 60th) at Gibral- ?? d!e'ndant pleaded Not Gafity.-The Rev. William Lewis stated tllat ...

Published: Sunday 17 August 1834
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 981 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. LEIGH v. LEIGH.-A question arose in this case, the other day, on a de- murrer as to the precise construction of certain words in the allegation con- tained in the bill. Sir C. Wetherell appeared in support of the bill. The de- murrer was supported by Sir AV. Horne, on the ground that the bill stated a period of 20 years' adverse possession had elapsed since the death ...


... MtANSION ttOtUfM THE COALI MONOPOLt.-Captain Thomas Young, owner end master of the ship Elita, trading from Newcastle to 1armdon with coals, waited upon the Lord Mayor on the sub- ject of the new coal regulations. He stated that he was in the habit of supplying the breweries of Messrs Godinz and Messrs Read and To., and the distillery of Messrs Young and Co. *ith coals for some time, and that ...


... MARLf3OROUGH STREET. INSANITY.-A man named James Howard, about forty years ofage, was charted with having Lathered a mob on Monday evening about Lord Melbourne's house. The pri. soner, on being taken into custody, said that he was annoyed and disappointed, fbr that he had been waiting more than two hours opposite the residence of Lord Melhourne, in South street, in order to 1 crack his ...


... A few days ago a very melancholy occurrence took place at Caherci- veen, county of Kerry. A party of young sailor amateurs were eniraged in a boat regatta, at Valencia harbour; Mr. Maurice Q'Connell, 31. P., was President of the Club, and, when the arrangements were nearly comv- pleted, under his inspection, Captain Primrose, of the 73d regiment, lately returned home on leave of absence from ...