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At No. 5. Salisbury

... Road, Newington, on the 6th cur- rent, lrs PtssnE, of a slaughter. At Arniston Place, N.Wingtont on the 4th current, Mrs PersE FoanoBs, of a son. At St Anndrew's o the 6th reirrcnt, the Lady of DAVID I- it, ERai. Chief Secretory -.t Mbltr'as, of a sea. Dol the 4th current, Ms i FnLTCoERa of Bernice, of a son. Al A 11 It i E 1). On the Slot altiens, bh the R-eernd Henry GeorgeTal- bt. the lion. ...

B IRTHS. At No. 67,

... Queen Street, on the Sth current, the Lady of F.Ants BALFOUR, Esq. of F1rnie Castle, of a son. At Greenock, on the 6th current, .Mrs CAMPBELL, Comp- troller, of a son. MA Rl IED. At Frnserhurgh, on the 4th current, by the Rev. John Cumming, Mr H. R. LEVAY, sliptaosrr to ?? BATHIA FRASER, dooghter of ah, 1lae A. Fraser, Esq. banker there. At Stoali 13Brn, on the 5th instant, by the Hev. James ...


... LAWRENCE. The fine arts have,rwith awful rapidity, sustained a gfr- wand 'heavy loss in ?? of the Royal Academy : Sir 'Th`nmas Lawrence died about nine o'clock on Thuenday evening, at his house in Russell Square. This sad evenl took place sithoutany of those diltuot intimations whfit so often tell man to prepare for death. Sir ThusatusLawL - rence was in such perfect health, that he dined on ...

B1itTilS. At the Col

... lege of Glasgow,, on the 12th current, SIrs SavcDFoan, aF a I.laot'tr. At Ayreon the I tzh current, Mrs FuLLAonoNeof Skeldon, o~f a so-0. At ?? 9, Coaoes Creeent, on the 13th current, Mrs ?? iPAGET tILL.nOfuntto. At Pensigh-oc ai-loose, o; the 18th ofrrent, Mrs Hots 'TON STewsAT, of a s55. MA t liRI 31D. At Lixnount, on the 15th rorrent, Lieut -Colonel FATR- cax, only so, of the late Vee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlITHES. On the 17l, rortent, tbhe ldy of WVtr.tLAst Scor, Esq. No. 16, At!rit C srese!t, of a d:aughter. At the Priory, St A nudrts's, on the 1lth current, the Lady of Joon St ALL, Esq. foa rinoghter. At Governm-nt Hoiuse, Sydne-, the Leadyof Lieutenant- General D.raLtIS, Grernor of Nesv South Wales, of a du ghter. At Coeon, the lndy of Lieuo.-Colonel MELVILLn BaONTVN (lnte of the 6 h. or ...


... ON. GEORGE TIERNEY. Those who have taken a wide interest in the political dis- cussions of the Lower House of Parliament for the last 35 years, will not receive the newvvs'f Mfr Tierney's demise with indifforenee.V We subjoli.',tlree articles, from the Mfeeeiug C'hroniole, the Timed, and the Couricr, on this event. The writer in the formebr journal remembers MIr Tierney, as we do, shininginhis ...

BIRTHS. On the 25th

... current, Mrs: Dr -rxuat REID, St Johe Street, oF a daughter. At James's P1lac,, Leith Links, on the 2fth current, Mrs GEORGE GOODLET, of a daughter. At Kirlkbhnk Cottage, on the 23d current, the Lady of Sir CrAtnLEs AnRAineAm LESLIE, Bort. ofa daughter. At St David's, 'ife, on the 24th current, Mrs MEIKLEJOHN joiN, nf a son. At eCarloa, on the 18th current, the Lady of THOMAS CAPEL LOFT. ESq. ...

BlRTHS. A~t Burdwan;

... Bengal, on the S01h June last, the lady of DAVID SCOTT Esqrjuna Civil 6tabilhishmett~s.ol a Ovegll~her. . ~,Atibef Comnerciol Banh; Stirling, on the 18th ultimo, Nr2 Morrison, of a son. o .At 1thoiar, 1an the 1 7tlt of Deoenber, the lsady 6if Mlajor PARSONS Ai Mh~it~ils ot' Abb'iyn; ie, onte 12th tiltildor, Mliis MILNE, of MARRIED At Arbida1% on the 1st erlen'* PETER LEONARD, Esq, hr s1!?fgeo, ...

At NO. 67, Great Kin

... g Street, ttt the ?? current, Mlrs LENNOX BLACKIE, Of 0 dratghter. At the ?? of Steotort-, in the 11th current, Mrs CHARLES BANNATYNE STEVEN of aloaughtee. At Glasgow, os the 7th current, Mrs McInroy of Lude, of a ron, At Lochnav Castle, on the 30th ulimo, Lady Auseow, of a daughter. . MAlRRItED. At Glesgoeego, on the Sd current, by the Rev. Aber- crumble 1.. Geedone, JAMES BRAND, E14 ...

BIRTHS. At No. S3, G

... eorge Street, on the 12th current, Mrs Es- pazwse, of a dlsghttor. At L'oekriroy HIlease, on the l4th current, the Lady of Lieot.-Cloeel Sir RoBERT MOwZRsxA, of a daughter. At Mavre-de- Grace, on the 3d uhimo, the Lady of FAR- QUCtAR J.AMESON, Esq. of a dauogher. On the 9th current, the ltdy of Lieut. GacaOE Poastg, R.N. of his Majesty's ship Victory, of a sen. 0,, the 9th correct, the Lady of ...

BIRTHS. On the 16th

... current, the Lady of Captain W. Young, royal marines, of a daughter. At No. 51, Melville Street, on the .6th current, Mrs ALEX- ANDER BLAIR, of a daughter. At the Man-se of Aberdour, on the 14th current, Mrs BRYce, of a son. At Lisbon, on the IStL ulthio Mrs Rasear MONRO, of At Madras, on the 27th September: 1829. the Lady of TaesrAs PaENonnEIOAST, Esq. of the Hon. East India CoR- pany's Civil ...


... NDERSON tail in ner pooblicasian of Mh10P~s~l it. pressed our 55050 of th rorW' at- Toenty yearsintecousre, ond., a rn,~, Tarl pto rppett with rasoot'n'e at l-a,,F t ithp appreciatiOn. There are Ia~ Ota!it0. t ,bhio a certai diae~gageorent of tj5i '4eah vepo ,e Of retrospectisto hel y514 r ttl, wo ilt fail toamann-d. Stch hma lop of duty~, partly public aod pnartt I0 cc in r elieved to Sod ...