... THB FASHIONABLE fWORLD. do A BRIEF CHRONICLE AND A13ILACT OF THE TIMES. The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire, ac- companied by Lord Hillsborough and Lord William Hill, arrivedon Wednesday at Gresham's Hotel. They dined yesterday with Sir John and Lady Byng. The noble party are on their wayto visit his Lordship's estates at Edenderry. Prince Leopold left his residence at Claremont, on ...


... Vacttrp. THE RAINBOW. BY THE LATE AfRS. T. COBBOLD, OF 1PSWrreV. (From Ackermann!8 Juvenile Forget me Net.) Behold where shines, id glorious show Qf lucid tints, the painted bow ! But trust not to the varying light, As evanescent as 'tis bright. Turn where the sun'seffulgent blaze Ulumes the heaven with-4!urer rays- Rays that from gloom a~d midnight borrow Fresh glories to adorn the morrow. ...


... | D. Al n T- - ., - . ?? ?? .. - .. . .. . I. . by A. B. PrieE, A-tbor of the { Bedouins, (FROM THE LOTUS.), 0 chide me, not that I love to roam WheTe the breaker is flinging its cold white foam, And the sea-crag looms o'er my lonely way, Like the, shadows that fall at the close of day Arid the curlew wbeels o'er the dreary sky, And the wind, like a spirit, goes moaning by. There's a tone ...


... WESTER.N LJThRARY AND SCIENTIFIC Tf7C -5t-I N. MR. BtUCKINGHAM'S LECTURIE. This Institution, as is known to soine portion pf tbe pub.- lie, was fou1nded onl the ]0th of November, 1825, having for its object to diffuse useful knowledge amongst persons en- gaged in professional and coninercial pursuits, by the for- Ilation of a library-by opening a reading-roomr, having an ajiartnient for ...


... RIILLFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The following verses, for which we had not space In our last number, were written and recited at the-late eiamninations of the Milfield Sunday School, by William John b'rviuL. ]an, one of the pupils there, and a boy of very considera- ble talent. THE FALL OF JERUSALEM AND GATIHER- ING OF ISRAEL And He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the ...


... a; xS NG OF.`TfEBEAUTIFUL PERSIAN. . ,, ~B,. 3 lit.. .WIfnN, ESqt. , (*ros t~'ite 7P~i~ter s Wat71-for 1830.j Tkrl Eeatttifnl 'Persian was extremely surprised-at N9on- reddin's liberality; she looked'.,very wistfully at him, anld said Whither are you going?-sit, I entreat you, and. listen to the Song I sing, - He-did as she aesired himr: and tj'e Be'nutnfsl Persioen, towuching her inte, ...


... I - -This Evening will be presented, THE BRIGAND. Prince Biaci, Mr Brwe ~lbsrt, Mir. H. Wallack i Theodore, Mr. J. Vining: Alessandro ulaassarouj, Air. Wallack; Ottvala Mias Pauit'; AMaria Grazlo, Urs. W. Barrymore. After which, 1MY WIFE I WHAT WIFE? Captain Hector Tern- peat (of tue Ruyai Navy), Mir. W. Farren; Captain Hector Tempest (of ?? Dragoons), Mir. Jones; Simon Pym, Mr. Harley; ...


... COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE, -This Evening II will be presented, MUCH AD O ABOUT NOTHING. Don redro, Air. Bails; Dox.John. Mr. Diddear; Count Claudio, ir. Abbott, t *edlek,. Mr. C.Kemble, Degherry, Air. Blandhard; Beatrice, bliw. Foote. The whole to conclude with (for the 7th time) a New Grand Panto- mime, ?? HARKLEQUIN AND COUK ROHIN ;or, Valcin &Von;s. Who killed Cock Robin ?-I, said the ow&Arzow. ...


... JiOHlN TO IllS COU1SI.N IN 'ITim COUINTRIY. -~a - ,rhe c hiisne h 0inoW I inrlite, Is nio last, for IDi'rbobus sys we t slintnwrite, vrj Or as bad, or still worse, conforni to his creed, Anil write onlv that which none nwishies to read. How 1101 15 i-tal 1ll stteps, thivl ?? hidh ?? shill I turn? rh'l'e ashies of ?? ir-C tl'aitol'S anltd IbrIn , No wore from John Bultl siall the plain troth ...


... L ITPF-164 7UE.0 RJ, ' atyticlec I) great imetvret Itt g~ti 'rltir, nd is ruiiiht'a 1with 111omt~ion calculaitetd ito iltti retsidi tli.,ut of q~viltr unillti schovltar. It ci m vit itk ti rviiew of thle I-t, of Jobt i ock e by L~uid Kin t; a itt culmitoii cattts1e' tuctF. ott ?? IntI civil polity , histt y- itod prI'- bisvit ital e ot' (liatmicid SCiVOTi ., 1(1 VCkhort cii Tia;~v'ls iv ...


... THBE.,FASHIONAB1E WORLD' A iBaRIEF CHRONICLE AND ABSTRACT OF THE TIMES.' The Honourable Colonel Molyneux; Sth Hussara, arrived at Portobello Barracks on Friday, from a visit of some weeks at the Earl of Sefton's, Croxteth Hull, Liverpool. Mr Vesey Fitzgerald still continues seriously unwell at nis house in Somerset-place. The death of the celebrated naturalist, De La- march, leaves a vacancy ...