Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ., J . : ' ' .- ffi: e . ?? ,Dr..i's R: 's,£i, 1j: ?? R ?? : ,n a Jim'J.- n}. - WEDNXEI) * J. 2- 1. ; W' t ,rRon h'ueO libert', ieq 0(3 ciif born cildp5ti ,tiW 'AW llloifd, o*a 'daughter,' theiu~i~tae vjbedblisbirth bu$' I Avtt Kiug'. TerraeeoIt'sotIl4ee,asiLfy Wtai. Pegos,§gff~i ?? i ' A. I . TiW^ i .; , 1* ?? sic- 16-0 MS ; ?? i Y B 1 .1le ?? 1wayi 's.iaOi6 Spi-h o-if Wi ligii 'al te. M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ia-l- i | it is our pninful lnuty to Tnunde.ih'ti Dedtlriol th| S Sovr~iii;~v~ fu eii.y twcfltY years hits filled the Tbrorl 1 Sorerig t~ui; itry 'rhe hlaeve lt, tbr which the Niitidri liasi st beel blt toaimrlyg prcpareditik ilVldW at a Quarter pgst J- ThreL-dCd0~c 0Th Sutti'~dY 'pilig TbileU-o ,Cio'U I hopea Whidid tirotlgh~tb pxtraeted atil ?? eintiliw Illnes ?? (olr f and so vainly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E`fX ,,TI'~ R~i11 TVDE 3Y 2NoSDn1 2 1831u ,; S i 'i ' tif - ; of-.0. e A ?? Cttoag SoD~aflmf~l mpth, on te9jntb., tho~lla. tb adN . ,of he ,Re e D~e. D..eret0O NHle,.etP.Ovd Pyhwdinb,oa l,so, ?? Ont tbut;,'at irley, . n, t b a ladyjof the Rev. G Yrjs Furaoiti, FU~tla ?? ?? ?? . ?? 1. ., --;I AtM Ii theMla4;y;: ae!,iidj , pjRcp. lNx.*. o .. a f sotE. ?? :: .a~dy lsatteinyr iitly i, the laty e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WE D~ES DA t Y tXi. 8,1880I 'l.~ise inornhigj ?? 4i6i0hs Blic- oro (Wj!eoecka,§sq.. sleltorofadnug k btorar.4th neaf ts di ldy, We : 1; tI'' of 'Henry Pinnellj Eeqsofai; i At Folhtitili-4 t, f '1Uthti the Lady sf Stnley. 'Car; -,Etq filu ?? : - At DawivilsIt,.~e Lndy- of Chatrks hplastte Bales, Etq. o~f a eon,: *hich is incedo ant LayefJdos Esq. oason;/ . Q. '~wlp~Esq.cbe A thiembet ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RX -u~ .T ?? Bg R.-. .WEDNESDAY, O T'0oBIR 10, -1S32. - 6irtliu. .! Oo 9, at Mtdvway -Teraie, a Healteq 'the Lady of W..i'saser, EPq., of a sott ?? - 'On the1st InItant, ?? the lsidy-of Rlchar4t Corbet, of Adderley Hall ShropehiretasosindllielAr. On the 3d instant, at the Rectory .Hous:E Clavercon, the Lady. of the Rlev. Harvey Marri'ott, of a soq.; A4 26.b Carlotte; qusre, £dinbmirgh ouiithe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIL. On tilo 12th instmnt, at Blythe, in Ihis eounty, tili Hlon. BIrs. Bootlo Wilbrahami of a Bon and heir. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at. the Superinitendent Registrars' Office, Air. William Clemomha, Tea Dealer, to Miss Margaret Shaw, bosth of this town. On Tuesday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. John Harrison, to Alisa Margaret Parkinson. r On Mlonday last, at the same place, Mr. Jaies Walker ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , , , jgarrtagg0.-: On Wednesday last, Mr. John'Swarbrick, to Miss Jane Speakman.. . On Monday last, ;Mr.. Thomas Mc Clennati, of Blacki burn, to Miss Mary Stocks, of this town. ' , On Tuesday laht, Mr. John Price, to Miss Mary Bolton. . On Monday last, Mr. John Robinson, to.Diss Mary Boyd. Same day, Mr. Rich. Miller, to Miss Margaret Jackson. Same day, Mr. Robert Suminer, to Miss Margery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ¶arrlRe~. On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Robinson. Same day, Mr. Richard Kilner, to Miss Margaret Thompson. Same day, Mr. Hugh Groggir,, to Miss Elizabeth Goodier. Same day, Mr. Thomas Mlarkland, to Miss Mary Pearson. On. Monday last, Mr. Christopheci.Toiilinson, to Miss Jane Gunnion. Same day, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Gibson. On Thursday last, Mr. John Livesey, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On StItmln'dl- list, Mir. G~nrge tW', irbil.w. t ib Brown; on llo;:d n !r, tr. illiam , t !i t:!i4rn by ; same day, .i r, Joutn ( u. t, to ?mlil!c-; and ean 1V, ,lvs 'I 1.: .1 r , ?? t Ann 'Iaylor 4 all ofthis rowrn, On Tuesday last, by the Rev, .i, J6i'ea. tih lB-v. . ritv I'ister, of Soho-street. Liverpoel, ro An-k 1! TO' If lIledlfordstreet, Abercromby.square, rrf t' .t tiwo-. On Sunday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuoeday, ithc 6th inst. at thu; Colegia'e Church, Manchester, Air. Johni Scott, of Gr1osvenor- quare, Chf- ton-upeo-)fedlock, to Aliss Ellen Davies, s,?cond dlaugh.. ter' of Mlr. Davies, forcriely of this town. On Thtbusday last, Itichard Jackson to Margaret Tay- ior.; onl TuCSday, William Fox to Ann Inhtgart; on Monday, Thomas Everitt to Ann Walimiley. Onl Monday last, at ...


... y last, at tile Parish Church, by the Rev. Charles Wagstaff, B.A., Mr. Henry Nightingale, to Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. William Parkinson, innkeeper, Grimsbaw- street. On Tuesday last, at Skipton Church, J. J. Starkey, Esq., of Liverpool, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Alcock, Esq., of Aireville, near the former place. i' - On Sunday last, at Burnley Church, Mr. Benjamin Smith, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE DR. M'ALL. (From the Manchester Guardian of Saturday.) The last obsequies to the remain3 of the Rev. It. S. iU1'All, LL. 1). werepaidyesterday weekiby one of thelargest concourses of mourners ever seen in Mlanchiester. The funeral train, of principal mourners, friends, and relatives of tile deceitted, left the residence of J. 1). Heron, Esq., Swinton Park, about itilf- past ...