... CUTTINO AND STABBING- George Washington Maldree, a man of colour, aged 23, was indicted for stabbingand wounding Calvin Smith Hudson, with intent to murder him upon the high seas, and within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of Egland. In another count the prisoner was charged with intent to maim and disable ; and in the third count he was charged with intent to do Hudson some grievous bodily ...


... COURT OF SESSION-SECONI) DIVISION CANIPBELFTON CA~r. 'I'liursday the case sit the inlstance at the R1ev. 'Mr S'mith and 'Messrs Watson atilt C'olvin against BMcsgrs Gahibraith land others,, witht reference to the Relief Church, Camprbelton, came anl for decision before thle Sccomd D)ivision oif thle Court of Session. Th'le Judges present wvere, tite Lordl Justice Clerk, Lord Mendowbrnnk, ansi ...


... MIDDLESEX GENERAL SESSIONS-Jan. 2. EX.XTRAORDINARY SCENE. s After the petty jury had been sworn, and the fis e prisoner givern them in charge, one of them, named ?? Wilson, residing in Old Street Road, adrfesirn the Chairman, said: Sir, I sdhbuld like to knowr *ho ist'o indemnify me for my loss of time and trouble in attedl- ins here ? The Chairman (to the Clerk of the Indictments)..-Go on ...


... Stirling, Septoimber j4. Thle Circuit Criort of Justiciiity was openedl this tiny by Lord Mlancreiff. r I110ter T1avlor. farmner at Nehrwo, near Cumber. nantili, aceiutedl of forgery, was outlawed for not 2p- ire icing. 0 1)4jVjlI rang. acIrertir0 of tlroft, was also outlawed. williarri 311'Cainiruhic. firm servant. p~leadied G7uiltye Eti furcing opeti a lockbi't proe.' in tile ?? ofi Willinam ...


... iarm covim, or ?? a .11 the bar at his CQouit, a Ielacd of rotnmat slehaa rane ons _a -. thasiase P'nises. tate wtnasavetisssd inmsde rift the t llt attached ta ttv o'oliee Ore, irt she.wrad set saport for tr j reeriasioss affemicanstca . ~ nens.. 'llaelabel ,taiseesanc& s eae thembsial Airernaileaaisar asstalt sswila intent to ravish. .No o6jetimn' belwg ?? to she rele-aney of ,he.indiet- n ...


... ,- ; x . IAY . CIR . I . . The ourts~a opeed o I.6h1 inst.'by the Hon. Lord - Mackenze. Nipec es iid for t-1 il, tee fr.,ti Wig- L~ t~nslfreatd si fro ½'s'iire imp icaig in whole, fifteen, --Thoas M~taht arm--ervan atI'Mirl~y, wfig outlawed , fu iiapern h e cagdaainst im is. sheep- , tealing. 131 n John Bleggs, a youing matn-about twentys-two y-ears of Cr age, a shopkeeper in Straoraer. ...


... to Glagnow, Friday, 4a . h tean The Spring Circuit Court of Juslielary wis opened here r this morning, by the Hon. Lards Gillies and Mer wyn ; John that eSha Stew art,Esq. Advocate-Depute. Afterpralerbythe Rev. Dr Dewar, -the list of Assize was read over. On the B name of Sir Wallace of Kelly being called, th i gentleman A rose and stated, that this was the third time lie had be-n cited Ale as ...


... O&abu t oi fill. Wanes&ay 4th July 1832. hriLEL.LA% & Ay tv. s,LAY. FThis -LS an action for thQ hiaitnce of the price of a ctr&iot- The defender pileadeId that the carriage wasi die- conform to order, and inferinr in sundry points to the decription of carriage ordored ; particularliv that the axles were greatly inferiar, And ditsconforin to order; he therefore mnaultain.dl that no balance was ...


... NI-Tit on the LAss witu PILMoTtCEt rt'tittvC to: ''CIAi L etitit I~arotr, 35inedifCLili'ifuJ(c. [Iy Hlitih l3ar- ngi'ae E-ui.'ri Susiueo h ~esteron District Of Il'ethsittire. U1nder this Mn' det title we eXoCied to find only somec scattered remarks di, the dettartment of law la which it te- fees ; but we have beet, gratified to discover a neatly writen and conp~ehensivo tlitze-t of thle ...


... I -- -COMMISSION COURT-TSrw'tDAY. Patrick Carr-oll, A dw. M'rrnanr, tard E!Tih z l k, Io dieted for a burglary and robbery iz the house of Deca Lawless, at Harold's-crobs, on the I I th of March iast. The propervy lost coresisted of a ftov articles orlveflg apparel, of little value. The evidence iroluced, ifj'l 1o establish the capital cherge laid in the indictinelit ald tte case was reduced ...


... | ?? $C0URTYESTERDAY. Vesterday Mr. Triil Hali, as ItOiwm lenens of the Recorder, AlWermari Atelier arid Diwxon, were on the bench. JWo- Zatwless, a yortth who is well knowia at the bar irs Oreen-street, was indicted for-stealing fiveeshiliings and thice pxeiice, Ithe property of James Colemnan Mliza Coleinah exatmireid-I am the wife of James Coleman; I was paying a womall if] Britain-street ...


... KING'S COUNTIY'QTAtAFER $ SSIONS. A;C ?? sO itE EDIT it or 'rueh 5ErAtiiN vA 'FtAN;F. on% 1t1s Jiai. 1533.s44e Dpirit of politirel'in th, dependence whaic 'has beeau aakveed jD ?? ng ' ICoUi~Ly, is not likely to 6fuirber r he ettbi'ed. v evry day irppsrtt to ded it au aidiridoal' riuotentum aad';diccumtilacdd vigour. This cer- fact has been adnioabty illustrated -ibir the lst week. hr lion ...