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Advertisements & Notices

... the Court of Prance. ln 3 vols. 3. LORD GLENGALL'S COMEDY of the FOLLIES of FASHION, as per- formed at the Theatre Roysl, Drury Lane. 4. MEMOIRS and CORRESPONIDENCE of TROMAS JEFFERSON, late President of the United States. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... postpai, t A.14. S~. Dan', htter, 2, IitIlIl-rtreet, Hanover-square. PRIATE BOXES by the NIGHT, int the best L SituatIons, at DRURY-LANE, COVENT.G-(AftDEN,anvd the ADI)EPHI THFATI-LES, at SAMS'S ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION LI- HKR~tY, opposite st. James'sPalsce, St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adapted for Private Theatricals, J RD GLENGALL'S COMEDY of, THE, L FOLLIES of FASHION, as performed at thet Theatre Royal, Drury-lane. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentltey, 5, New liurlington-etrett. g _ _ _ _ - - ?? In a few dayg, MNUEMOIRS of the DiWFECTOIIY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strongly haifisjouni, 'in 21 Voilines, uncut, pri'ce *unly twelve guineas ar~d a ?? to Mir. Blunting, bookseller, Clare-caont, Drury lane. rHEAT1{E ROYAL, lJ1RURY-LANE.- T 'rHIS EVENING, Tuesday, tule 1th.l January, the SIAMMEE XO''iuisil occupy Lord Chliet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Silopkin aoid ICo., Stationers' Hall-court : THE LOTTVE Y TICKET and the LAWYER'S Itol' '0,F a Farce, as performed at Drury-lane Theatre, price 2s.- and for an Oliver, Farce, by Morton, with a portrait of ?? Foote te lla ?? Ie-trrm ?? AdbadaaTo ~d~~3aturin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... last. The eagerness with which the poor apply for tickets is the best ?? of their utillty. The Depet is in Charles etreet, Drury.lane, from whence Coals at gd. a buthel, and 14lbs. of potatoes tor 3d., are delivered every Tuesday and Friday. Tickets are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... havinug Atite-rootmoo. whith Fires, are Let by the NIght, tio ANDRtEWS'S Library, 11i7, New llsnd-street. ~fhEATRE -RIOYAL, DRURY- LANE: ThirS T ` vn in a ?? ast Ot!ell o, & t he ran tom Imtev: B OXE 3I n every pa r t eftt ic~.Uvntgordeit . Thils Evetitig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Opposite Acre-lanes In Loudon, 5, BlshopsgateWithinl, care of tke Rev. C. Slioll. If hy letter, l1ou;t paid. THATRE,-ROYAL, DRURY -LANE: This P I EvnIng, ?? Brigan d and th e TantornI imei: FPR1VATE JI OXE8 in et verytpart a f t he H o ns, hI theb b ent s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Also, Albers Gray (song) companion to Alice Gray. fHEATRES.-PRIVATE BOXES by the NIG1T, in the the best Situations, at DRURY LANE, COVENT GARDEN, and the ADELPHI THEATRES, at SAMS'S SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, opposite St James's Palace, St James's street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Burliirgtou-street. In Sen. LORD GLENGALL'S COMEDY of THE FOL- LLIES OF FASHION, as performed at tire Tieatre-Itoyal, Drury- lane. Hlenry Coilisurnr and Ritchard Bentley, 8. New Burlington-street. Of whem may be Irad, EPICuAntIS, a Tragedy, by tire Atittior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Season PIT TICKET9, at a,. (id, each ; unti PRIVATE BOXES, ?? dit, mosat desirable sttviati6 it, f-r COY itNT.GARDEN and DRURY-LANE '11,13FATRtES, with Ante. roota,, anti Fltr, aN themn, may be ?? at Messrs. MEVEtS and CO.'s Britlah sand ForeIgn Library ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Years, on the Duke of Anteater's Estate, Drury-lane.---By Stessrs. ELGOOD sod WAD time Mart, on Wednesday, March 24, at Twvelve, i ?? msLot, AN Improvable ESTATE, of TWO HOUSES, A NO,. 7 andl Brownlow.street. Drury-lane, held freeof rent far~ Ithe above e ...