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... Zt the occasion fthe celebrat,,n Qf ±biefilord .haygr's, dt~ *' - rej' bA mas, th deeeased..s.;SOn, kwh, l at-;No4;.10, , heneri,,tiP* 3na 3 h Sk jdtc~ t~haj , t on' the 9th of November heath fi ie&'that his father had received an injuryin, Bishopsgate-street ...


... peaptance, and two days afer -the' paster arrivsed, who in'a few mioutes gave admittance to fonr'persons beaeing a' drum, h.enery &c. He then called up the lady of the hoigsd, ahd ifdehied hed he was prevented occupying the apartments hinsell butjthat ...


... pounds ii silver of the current coin of the realm, tile properly of Samuel Kinight, and sentenced to be transported 14 years. Henery Wilson, 24, was found guilty on two indictments of stealing wearing apparel, and sentenced to be transported seven years for ...


... Castles. ' In the N/sxi .Pr/u8 court tire only case of interest to our readers Inwas an action brorighttby the assignees of Henery Wuooi, late of tire Belet Inn, Thomnas-strieie, for thei recovery of 50/., duo for board, -w`.Verdiit for the assignees, 471 ...