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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ma~notels of cures Ha. effected, read ' THE SCRUTAOR'metoned below'.- J Pills, Is, I Ld.. 2s, 9d., 4S. Gd.. &c erbx H: CONGREVES GOLDEN BALM o CHILDREN CUT- HI; -TING THEIR TEETH.-This is ?? Soothi~ig Syrup, Ho and ?? possessing superh~r advantages in eouiuteract' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Caressing its shadosv as one of its Young, e Th- shunter his ieg from the boot disengaged, ic And safely esnaping from death so presaged, h Now cares not what reptiles his boots a.e attacking; Le The charm wrhile they carry of Warrenas Jet Blacking. 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... returriid. Thel LONDON asid DUBLIN 8OT'rLED PORTER. L LINDON'S NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP, BERRY-STREET, L of Top Or SISt-STREa3T. yed IHE Public are very r'speclfully informnpal that a nrw 2' nts BOOT acid SIDOE SEIOP Zs opessed titt day cit No. 30, ct. BERlY STREFT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... can ever efface ?? 2i. pee l 4 bottle. fetal - t HUNTS WATERPROOF COMPOSITION, for effeetually e Le s eluding moisture from boots, shoes, carriage leathers, &c.-Price 1is per bottle. or 8d. per put. 11 a Publcations. 0 MIILLER'S curious SPECIMEN of LITHOGRAPHY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Skreen Tables, Covuches, Sofas, Children's Chairs, Cots, C b3, Chests of Drawers, Night Commodes. Bedsteps, Bislets, Hat Stands, Boot Racks. Alusic Stands and Stools, &c. JAPANNED. STAINED, and FANCY CHAIRS, In tile greatest variety; Four-post, Cottage, Canopy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with the use of a Kitchen.- in tiulr left at this Offce addressed to tR. S., wlli be onattended to. ad SOIIKR! TO .fOURNPYAIAW BOOT ANDSHEA RS W~I5ANTED, a MAN, who thoroughlly understands hsbusiness. He must be well rec'mnmended for r honesty, sobrietv, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for the Situation. SI 0 at WITANTED, a FOREMANT in a respectahle situation ri _ V in Dublin, in the Ladles and Gentlemen's BOOT '-and el SHOE LINE, a Young er Middle-aged MAN, of goodeaddress. 5' He must perfectly understand tie cutting department in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be g en. Ste th numcruus Specimnens of WELL-KNOWN fErPO L yHARiCgTE.S. Open fror Eleven till Four, and fromn 'ixc1 U ight. GOLDEN CANISTER JVHOLESALE AND FAMILY TEA WAREHOUSE, M; MINSHER is now selling jlj$AS of the best . quality, both of London and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hrNorf-,lk, Yorkshire. &te &:'.-Ciimmands ad- dressedt [I. 1 A., Poirter and Ale Breaver, Golden Cross, Sir n Tbomna.'sBui:tui-i, Liverpoi, ?? be attenided to. GOLDEN itL!RPHANT . WINE AND SPIRIT - ABIH NT IWHE, AD. No. 6,., LoyNDo-om lAt, i-orner of Craven- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. are disposinir of their Stock of MUFFS and TIP- PETS, to make room for other goods. G7, LORD-STREET, Liverpool. 'M RS. KENT, on her return from London, begs most respectfully to acquaint her Friends and the Ladies ef Liverpool genemlly that s~he will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... maintain the high cha- C s-sotes It possetses, as peculiarly sitilted for Exportation. Being brewed fri-rm the finest East Kent Hop, It contains a S If particularly fine tonic property, and is consequently much - L.recommended by the faculty, even to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uise to its name. It is held on the first Slid two fol. Llulid )os;ing Slindatys after the26thbofJuly, The Estate ia-within Boot easy, reach of the Shropshire alid Cheshire Fox H'oundsrand Thei ,,f air Riniiard Pulestoiies Harriers. deolg The extreme ...