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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... REq ?? R. H7s. Leek, ss, ?? G .Ward Nerman Esq. iromley John Murray, Eisq., Coulsden :etmuel Palmer. YE4., Viauwvorth Thomas Hardy, Esq., Walworth Wiliiam Leaf, Esq., Streatham J. If. Miller, Esq., troydon C. S. Crowley Esq., Croydon J. H. Palmer, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an rbsrdals th 3t Of Tj 9T 81.O-cockprecisely. ill'10, 51 The Eari of ROlINEY. in the Chair. IIar.AdtniraI Sir Thomas idaterttat Hardy, Dart, G.C.U.- as Baler. ~Joseph Neili., Esq. M.P. WeTpl~i-mu Ssetq George Palmer, Esq. C.O la~~lrwogrt Faley. Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... May 6, aNd Fins following Days, at Half-past Twelve, BOOKS in GENERAL LITEIRATURE, including the Libra~ryof the late Mr. Thomas Hardy, among which ore lapin, Tindal and Cr te1' England, Thoresby' Leeds, Boydrll's Thames, Mirror of Parliamoent, Lecia's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tavern. on mnreday, the zih of March, 1134, at Six o'clock peiey The Ealof R0OMN EY. In the Chair. Bear-Admiral Sir Thomas Manteaman Hardy, ar. 0.B.. CpnoThemas Ba ber,. Joseph Neel, Euqar. M.P. Thomasarig, Ieq George Palmer, Req. Willistmimutterwrt A Bayle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by the Author of 'airl Pry -Progreso Of itefurm-Aneedetes of Rteformers: Lord Grey,'SireJas. Mlavioterh, Lord Ereskinue, Thomas Hardy, Horneo'Ioklv, Lord Stainhope. Arthor O'Connor' &C. &c.-The Loved 'One's Slinmier, by the- Mon. Airm, Ntirton-AMonthlry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thursday, the voth o ig4. at 3 aOTche~ Earl11 of ,6RIT i N EY. I n the C hair. STIRWASIDS. R sr.Admnfral Sir Thomas Mantarman Hardy, Dart. G.C.E. ~tI& Thomas Btaker. jJoseph Neeid, Esq. My. L~g as Raring, Esq. Oeorge Palmer, Esq. satterWOlith 91ayiz, Esq. John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aumtport. Ilmev the ,honour to bin, andlos and gentlimnsa. osmr obedient, lsommsle bervanit, i., flray's-ten-sqimRTe. - 'THOMAS HARDY. FUTU RE and EXISTING CHILDREN.- FFAMIILY ENDOWMENT SOCIETY LIFE ASSURANCE amid ANNUITY OF'FICIR, Nou. 12. Chettsan-pliace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... precisely. The Earl of ISOMNEY0 In the Chair. STEWARSn. te Raear.Adminral Sir Thomas bdastermtn Hardy. Part. G.C.B. In Captain Thomias Raker. Joseph Neeld, Bsq. M.P. la Thomas Baring. Est Bale. sq George Palmer, Esq. flO .iehua Blackburn. Esq. Abraham Ueorgle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'clock precisely. The Earl of ROMINEY. In the Chair. SToWA RDe, Rear.AdmIral Sir Thomas Aldasserman Hardy, Bart. .CE.B Csptain Themas Baker, Joseph Nleeld, Eoq. M, P. Thomas aring. Esq. IGeorge Palmer, Eaq. Wi-llem liutterworth Btayley, Esq. Isb,,,nhFepyafi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Edward. E q. Hanaler: nir Jenn I., P.Ri3. SStrachan James Morgan. El-q. Hardy, Colonel, Edmnund Sulivrn, Crneliue Patrick, Esw. Hard~y, Nancy, ~Eq, Sutherland Major-Generl Sir Herri, Thomas, Esq. James, k'.L.S Harrison, Danel, C. i., Req Temple, Rtcherdt,-Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nov a, at Hadley' He- tel. Dridge-litreet, Blacikfris,,,to celebrate tbe Fo;r rlnfh AnniverOPp of tho ACQUITTALSOf rHOt-AS H.ARDY, JOHN HORNETOOK9t. tudJOHN THELWALL, from a Charge or High Trnason. J. P. B-irnard. Ocoee. H. Hepn;. I inry Revell. JamesCoPpock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gods;anda ,xmtllt is giv url.' ati sivvrtaih,.47,Coehill. Londoa. MEST GOLD SPE~fACLES, 'I'wo (,Uile B -rthe souterioritg of 'THOMAS ?? v CRYSTAL SPECT'ACLiEfrccricte5111 1 of other sabstances, to now itniveroidily adinlittolA b anid by all who have used ...