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Advertisements & Notices

... des laced, i a ?? sai bes of brick nedapilt ohr goodeastr ?? it _VREEHit 'oeD in lare ~fsif'gaishof Kegtluheistlh, tO ir. Thoma fcedtershr.T tie. SrOLDet byscetr AUCTaONe byld. -O s14 of Helloed-To bt LEn, fo'lcpr e tetly o'yearc rof thi pedai'u C~i ci ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Adelaide place, Londson-briaige. Capital £1250,000, Irs 30,0011 Shares of dit each, CHARLES HIEAD)EN, Eaq,, Ctarmalvsrr, - THOMAS POWELL, Faq., tiepasty Chairrusn. StephenaCirild, Esq. I Hnr Jackson, Esq. I Aridrese Clarik, Faq. I Wi bllrns sott, Esqi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... walntisley, hisq. J. floweili. Ensq.Aiten Whe.R. Jlath, Johjnson,, rnqi . Gog f11ei. hi~t~iteave, Re., Jout, TI. Leader-, RnqA .P. Thomas Coombo Williasn, Emit.. Cliarlvs-nsl~talaiicii, REsq.. MIP. ,Joitii Aslitot Yates, Ln11,H P. 'Tsilln.TirnktilLat Ixitoretsn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... purpoioe on udvance of about d;lSl) each would be re. qutired. Far further particulars, appiy by letter (post-paid) to Mr. Thomas Dean, solichtor, Na. 13, Gray's-irm. A~JEDICAL.-WAN'fED by a general PRAC- TYI'fl'ONERl, atiout 40 milest from Towrn, a r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JfohnC1iarke * * I I 0J. S. Hurcly*50 James Bidden A'1I .Wis6* Charles Alsori * *- .eac Ritchard Steele . . Ai 1I0R.tIPearceI 0a 0 Thomae Powell II~ t It Rd.neochy 10 0 W71Illriam teppercomoa * as 0CH RobHsoenI 10 0 'r. Grham . tI1 Subscrlibed by the WorklingF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jone Nlth, IDl~ )LAI1QUIS CAMDEN, 1,400'ronshburden, T iV ~ aotH.C.S., C'ommander. fi~rightor pitssoge aplyP )to Capltain Thomas Larklils ; Afe~sl'. ½osno n.nd to Jeames Barber, 1, Leadenhatllstreet. ~Ui~oMAY -DIRE~CT, ~to cle-ar posit-ively onl the 23d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... id John Rowlansd Durrent, Eoq. Wiian Reengoil Williani Ford, EsqI. NnleReid, K John Hlinamans, Rel. John Warmnin'ton, sll. -Thomas Pritchard, HEll.I - ~~~AOVAlerAnv OyyyRlty TO ASSORERS. L. Guarantee fromn ail responsibility. it 1.Participation in! proeits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... decision on the ?? *ow before thty Court le derided by Ballot. CHARl.F., 1\1LI,s, EIDWARI) GOLIISID, If. ST. ft. TUJCKER~t, THOMAS FIELDERt W L. WItltliAl, THOMIAS POYNDEFt, jill., C (. F~.1.H,10'rr, JOHN WOOLLEY, COl.VILl.E, SAhL. N. WARiD, 'lAMES N1SRPTT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ieatru and of steadly hathito. -ApDilentions to be Inadls to thle Clerk. ait tie Office in F'eii-ciott, Paachurch-street. Rt. THOMAS, Clerk to tile Comtpany. Q CO'1TJSH HOSPITAL.-WANTBED, a Per- 5'-J soS to fill tue SITUATION of iIEADLE to this Corlouratinit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ase watch nouble mladsis ngivlt, ?? .. g.,Iets. iUe., thede tacheditcpeeto, blck. ieh ins poerur, ?? h Tcond, Hardi an doial set mintanns oe to cotroa fritly52 Geatin whifle winitrgept, oiet ths boe ?? prinedm wesrantrh 6s ?? Noti odther cmseton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fitrulsit, M.P. Sir Georfc Caurroll-Sir 2tovrs Moittetiore, Sliorillo of Lodutin toil Middicstx. Richlart B~rightl, Rat1. T Thomas Ktempt, East. Sauitiil Ctrttsvnig'tt, Esq. tRet. J. W.. M fhickl 'I A , v B S ,atnies Ildunitui Chiambersc, East. Sauitisi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eaq.. MP. -I. ?? Leader, Esq., hiP. W. Leveson (iswerjun. Esq. itil I.Suscelat ilnoeb Allen, Esq. Thomas Hasces, Esq. Sinoscl Coiner, ? Thanisa Hardy, Knq. 'riAst-a5101JrHOMAS ItU?SELL. Esq., Croydon, sad 227, 111gb- ti. street, Snothssark. 4 SrC ...