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South East, England


Canterbury, Kent, England

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Colds. Coughs, Asthmas, &c

... enied to bulb House, Parlitmeut, *Mr W Redfern, arconded lh« Amendment. « M. opiHioiN »«* ' p p oie cj was nothing more nor Whig Club—h**! ‘z:;’, J'Eg w.'ii ». ■ fn,«frd the cau.e of publtc l.lterty. (Cheer..) He (Mr A never belonged to thatp.ny—>>« ...


... Russells, respectable and respected as ey are will avail nought; be may arrav ,n the voum» Nobles, all the expectant place h » Whigs, if he seeks to prolong the old established system of misrule. We grc.lpka.ore tin* ,b ** ’.'./to nv,,.\,nl,n »boul retire ...


... address. Ile knew supported a tory adininistra lion ; and though whig and lory were merely parly names, yet adhered to it a designation. was supporting tory administration acting on whig princi- ples. —A laugh —He was uhra in his opinions. When saw the ...

===== ===-=s— —7, th Miscellaneous that*he'wrt'che/coxcomb”*” eilfy, nn '> '!'h I Bv the last accounts from ..

... parties, eithe hostile to or not very friendly to each other; 1. I' ,r^ have'the regular Supporters of the Ministry. 2. The Old Whig Opposition. —3. The High Tory Opposition—4. Lord Althorpe’s Party, consisting of Liberals and Reformers and Independent Members ...

' h s

... travels on, however, in the old beaten track, and relies hi. secunly by the purchase of compiomising Tories and of yielding Whigs, may be most unexpectedly driven from hie post, never more lo regain political consequence. To insure sue. cess, his Grace ...


... the great cause was once again taken up, and hoped Ihe efforts of Ihe Noble Lord would results. This not question between Whig and Tory, and truated these distinctions were now for ever put end to, The lime had arrived when men were called upon to act ...

To the Editor of the Kentish Chronicle

... their religious tenets, and for merely eu. to establish their rights. I feci it duly to tell they are even more despicable than Whig. Radical, Socinian, or lufiJal,” and deserve only be classed amongst the grossest of mankind. Now, as the Editors of the Kentish ...


... this tesl tho»e who have governed the brilUhempire in laieyears—we donot mean this niimilry, or that party, but the Torit-s, Whigs, and Liberals, however they may differ in name, have agreed in princi* pie—what is the result is this they have regularly laboured ...

HOUSE of lords-monday

... specimen (lie course pursued both Whigs and Tories when power. It was cull to say, which th'fli pillaged the country must, although, if I e looked to the proceedings of IGBB, thought the balance was tather against the Whigs.— Again, he found that the estate ...


... the abilities of every candidate ; and longer permit themselves be deluded b, vague and empty promises, which ministerial or Whig candidate may make in bis canvass or upon the hustings, which vanish into air soon as they are made. But let them fix dbeir ...


... when St. Louis, King of France, was advised (by some French Whig, hare ,iy) to lay a new and heavy tax upon his people, heyaU. ..No: may shear (he flock ; but have right to skin Ihera. The Whigs are skinners, and 1 pray me Lord to keep me out of their reach ...


... in vain; mortification soon ensued, ana death put a period to the sufferings the unfortunate man Sunday evening.—AfertAern Whig KliM Tbc!»c •*i«irii v». re and nflirf (lot’s, (hert ll»irl)r fen the of (he firai ...