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... Paisley-we may say, what with all Scot- land-all Wales-all England?. The feeling of discontent is strong, bitter, universal. To be effective, the coercive power must be extended over the length and breadth of the land. This is but a preliminary step towards ...


... 417 Its, which M~r. Mlildredi had paid Into the Van Dieeoalos-land Office had never been presentmA at the banking. house of Masaterman and Co. Mr. Tebay, a clerk In the Van Dlemnen'rn-land-office, stated that he tare the check for 4I? its, lying on the ...


... process was gone through in ESg- land. Wlm. Hewrlett was charged with stealing a child, the daughter of a woman named Thomas. Shortly after the birth of tire child, which is illegitiinate, the prisoner and the woman Thomas met in St Giles's, and agreed ...


... youig woman, whose name Is Smith, and who came up from Walcs to receive her dividends, followed her about, and his motions appearing suspicious, an officer took him into custody. It turned out that the prisoner had first accosted tile young woman, and ...


... the army as volulnteers. In this case the volunteer and his father mre exempt from the payment of the recruit oney,: which will coutilque to be paid by tase fathers, whose sons do t' enter the service, id. The marriage of a Jew wit a .4eige woman is not ...


... gentleman named Blair, who stated that he was a retired officer in the army, stood forward, and on the behalf of the prisoner said, that he knew his mother, who was a very respectable woman, and that he (witness) had on frequent occasions intrusted the prisoner ...


... The LonId MAYOR: How do you get your living?- Woman: Why, as well as I can. I den't get it without run- ning some risk for it you may depend. The LORD MAYOR: We know you to be a consummate smuggler. Woman: Whatever my business may be, I generally get ...


... that on the10th of November he went to the shop of Currie, who was an army clothier at 20, Regent-street, to demand payment for a bill of five, hundred pounds. He saw a young woman behind the counter at needle-work. He told her he had a bill to present ...


... supposed very bad language, from the sound of it, ic d- nianding this excessive pay, and refused to U i.e the ati pilinant to land for somre time, having jogged tite loat Isi 't(i timie to and fro in tile water, to excite terror. I le I)efendant declared ...


... POLICE. BOW-STREET.-MYSTERIOg OCCUst ENCEr A Swiss woman, of artless demeanour, who stated her Dame to be l~ouise Wurchet, was yesterday conducted before Sir F. A. Roe, by a Mr. Squire, a grocer, living at No. 55, Cole. marn.street, City, to ask his advice ...


... forlornness of her condi- tion and the delicacy of her sex, they flung her into a boat and splashed to the opposite shore. After landing she was literally dragged for the distgnce of five miles across a lonely and cheerless tract of country; and as the dawn was ...