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Advertisements & Notices

... ; antI ?? TIte I-lunaphlreys, Battgor. Jolt (Duty Eree.) Wil ST. ASAPH UNION. Jant Wanted a Waster and matron for the r Workhouse, 19A NIOTICE iS llEIREBY GIVEAN, ItfA H2511A'I' tbe Guardians will, at tieir Meetittg in tite part ,IL 13OARD RaOttM, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLOYD, Solicitor to the Assignees. Bala, 12th Dec. 1839. (Duity Free), ST. ASAPII UNION. Wanted a Waster and Matron for thne Workhouse. XO7ICE IS IIEREBY IVENas ItlIAl' the Guardians will, at their Meeting in the .11. BOAttD ROOM, in the City of S-. ASAtlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: Pwihnell Workhouse. NO'I'CE IS ?? LtY GIVEN,, VlHAT the Board or Guardians of the PIVYLHELIJ ILUNION will, on WEDNESDAY tlie 16thl duyof! MAY next, CONTRACI' for the IBUILDING of a WORKHOUSE, il five lIts, viz. 1I.-Levelling the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... each. Landovery Union. 1 A S TEl A N D M A T It OTN. i 'WANTED, two respectable persona for the above situations in the new Workhouse,-a married I couple without incumbrance would be preferred. The duties lobe performed in theabovehouse,which I is capable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? b Townvl Hall, Dulgeiley, )ecember, 1839 w (Duty Free), tl ST. ASAPII UNION. C Wanted a Master and Matron for the i Workhouse. d k ?? NOTICE IS IIERIEBY GIVEAs ti i AT the (uardians will at their ?? in tire tt .IL BOAID 1ltomr, in tile City of Sr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... about j 2000 acres. DAVID) VILLIAMS. I '1'ygsvyrdd, Pwlllteli, 29th elarch, 1838. I Df TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: tO B ?? Workhouse. r NOTIC- IS HERI13BY'GlVEN, d HA'II'IT tbe Board Iot Guardiansof the PlVLLHELA ic L .rUNION will, on EVxoNESDAY, the ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... exertions in bringing Ihe offendersto justice, and protecting the offended from further injury. XI AsD inmate of StI Margaret's Workhouse, West. minster, named A nn Parker, dieil 0i1 Saturday, at s the advanced age of 101 years. 'There is a portrait (of as ,Id ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Conway Union. ?? 1.ONT I'ITORS AND BIULDE RS. rillff l loard of oartiinas of tliks Union will Con- r trt for ?? a NE\\ WORKHOUSE, for ?? Accoatonoditi of l l0 1'ul ers upolol La nnear Co(way, oacoriing to Ptao ns lnu SIp cicatioiis pre 1iarcil hy ;i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bala, 5th Oct. 1839. Pwllheli Union. llTANTED by the Guardians of the above Union 1 WV a GOVERNOR and MATRON of the Union Workhouse at PIcLLIEtLt. The requisites for a Governor are activity, steadiness, honesty, sobriety, and a knowledge of Arithmetic suf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ig paid), to Messrs. WIWA~isis, HUo~iis and Co., Bankers, 1 .0 Bangor. f I f INThIMESTING FoUNDLING.-In tlse Liverpool 'a work-house thereis e very interesting and beautiful' & nI, femoile child, now conjectured to be between tw'o IV II and three years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 12th August, 1837. [DilTY PR EE.] L lanfyllin Union. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. TMHF BOARD OF GUARDIANS of this Union ?? WORKHOUSE, for the accommodation of 250 Paupers, upon land pear Llanfyllin, according to plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Person ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acies. DAVII) lVILLIAINS. 2 'I'ygwyrdd, l'wIlhteli, 29th Muarch, 1838. s '1'0 BUIII)ERS AND CON't',ACT'O1S: Si _ ?? Fwllheli Workhouse. d NOI'I:I., IS II ERI'BY GIVEN, it fi~ll Al' lieIlinarddotiGuardiansoftuePWVLLHtl:LI ti Uv fUI N Will, ott \,VcEDt DAoV ...