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... BRIGHTO'1N U-NION H1UNl'T. - -- -- -- - Oai' readxiers xwill relli.rk, that ill adivxeltisceneit is pulxjiiil!, callinig 0t) tl'O I-csitlulit PollY, trilol~t: ile, &c., sit iriz,a,Iil,, tx gix c a priomlit tlli Ilece-arl'l !: i-porlt to fltheililiitiuclhlu I the lilirghtoln UIlion IlIiot, .hit'il, N.,itholit their aI -st;oI- ixLC: speedily l' sillpprjiised ;and i ciicoll tlqullcc of thbis ...

Published: Tuesday 29 August 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 663 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... G9oLOGY.-At the Geographical Meeting on the 14th instant, Dr. Lyell, president, a paper was read descrip- tive of a raised beach in Barnstaple and Biddeford Bay, by Professor Sedgwick aind Mr. Murchison. During a recent ex. amination of Devonshire, the authors discovered a rai4ed J beach, which fornms, at' intervals, a series of low cliffs from the meuth of the Taw to the bold headland of ...

Published: Tuesday 27 December 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1848 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I TOWN MEETrING,-'I'OLL BAR AT HOVE. ane A public meeting of the in-habitantsi of Brighton and Hundred of Ilf. Whalesbone, convened hy the Higb Constable in pursuance of a ,I requisition, waB held at the Town-Hall on Thursday last, for th5 pc turpose of taking into consideration the resolution of the trustee lrof thle Sorhmroad, directing that a side-bar should be placed lrcrossi tule Hove ...

Published: Tuesday 30 April 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 3879 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 'THE ADDRESS OFTHE-INDUSTRIOUS CLASSE$ OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES, IN CONVENTION AS&EMBLED, 'TO THE IRSU PEOPLE; I [Adopted unsarsimosrssy by thle Committee for' presentation to the Convsention.] BRAVE AND OPPRESSED 1RisHM,5N,-Probably you may have heard that thle people of this country have delegated some of their stanch friends to form a united body, styled 1The National Cirnvention, ...

Published: Tuesday 19 March 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 3407 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Dperuve no Qn'.saeaisn.-Of the sixteen qnakers' meetings In the en iluty of Sllffolik eight of the hounes are closed for wast of congre. gations, acld of tlhlse ?? the numlber of friends attending are constantly Hailliraisllillg-Bsvry Herald. A shock of an earthquake was felt at Coblentz on the l1lth instant hut was so short it) its duration, ?? the direction in which it proeeed' ed could not ...

Published: Tuesday 30 October 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 857 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... VES'TItxY MIEE'TING. A Vestry lfcetiig wvas held at the Town allal on Friday last, at two 'ctocich, for th e pourpise ol auditinig and passing the third quarters' aceounts of the li ilh ('oinstable. Mr. GOOD havi Ig been ca lied to tihe cha ir, l'be j ?? Y CiAinic rcid over tile items of the account, which amounlted to 1l 1i. Xs. 2d. The ?? CONSTAB.LE sail tat all the vouchers and re- ceipis ...

Published: Tuesday 05 February 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 521 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE. GRAND TRIUlIPH!.t . The Tory faction is beat~n, huiiiliatingly, ind, we Iirs finally, fatally beaten. In the. largest number of Mtetobirs of -tht House of Commons that ever met upon any, occawin, and oinin finitely the largest that was ever drawn together upon the choict of a Speaker, the division has been $306 for Ihe public plundercrs, and 316 for the public. 'Out of a total ofl 68 ...

Published: Tuesday 24 February 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2191 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TO JOSEPH HUME, ;QZ MI.P. .I: . : - ef..- , SIR,-I did n6t receive your nrote'.eicldsing Mr. Booth's pamphlet; titllthe 31st of Iast month, it having lain at the-post office, about four miles distant, from the 16th (the date) till that time. -- *- ?? I have, since receiving it, ?? maturely con- sidered the subject, as well as the panijlha;t,-and find from the remarks therein, and from ...

Published: Tuesday 16 August 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 670 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LETTERS TO THE. EDITOR. THE THEATRE.-No. 2. Ssn-In rany letter last week I promised to speak of Mir. John Lee, and in now doing so, if any thing should be said not pleasing to that gentleman, I do hope her will take it guietly, and not go off, as he is wont, in a tremendous passion; for nothing shall be inserted by me to give pain if the truth can be told without it. Mr. John. Lee possesses a ...

Published: Tuesday 31 January 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2475 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... if you leave London at eight In the morning you will arrive at two it, thc afternoon at Brighton. Most probably the steamer for Dieppe will start at half-past ?? or three, so that you have .sufficilet itime to see your luggage on board, to shake hands with your friends on the chain pier, and to congratulate yourself ott seeing a line expanse of calm sea before you, with a modlerate num11ber ...

Published: Tuesday 15 August 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2784 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I EASiST SUSSEX ELECTION. THlE NOMINATION. The nominationl Of thle candidates fpr the representation oft the Eastern division of the coulity tdtik place on Tuesday, att Lewes. The hustings were erected jii Albion-street, in con- SeqUeliCe Oif thle County Hall being ?? by the business of thie Semomer Assizes. During the *Whole of the proceedings thle rainl continuedi to descend in torrents, but ...

Published: Tuesday 08 August 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 4820 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONDON AND Pl.lIs-I.-ENCREASED 1.I 11 OF INTERl('OURSEL O~n Fr'ida~y afternloon, Le Peit'li, r. Fi ette'li iit-Ot' 0ir': carrying sixteen ports of a-sidc, anchored ;il oue 14t . saluted the town wvith twentytotte gooe. ot1 b.oi ?? mayor of Dieppe, 'Moos. Leltorgile, one ol tie ?? t ratilway from laris to Dieppe. ;ntl scxeral otitelt* ottil Dieppe The l'epint is itt attend Inte upon hi, A.'lI ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2075 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News