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Aberdeen Press and Journal




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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN BIBLE SOCIETY. T IIE TENTR Pt'B[IC AfEEIIN' Of t1is SOCIET'S aL ints ield in ?? Churics, on Thursday, the 21 .t JAM3ES FI tGUSON of KnuNcMUNDY, Esq. Presidlent of tile Society, inl the Chair. At tine reqiest of the Clhanirnan. thie naeeting was opcnea with prayer, by the R1ev. W. i(. TwnveeFs, after wihich Onne of the Secretaries read a Statenllelit of the Society's proceeditngs ,inee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IN' ASSElMBLY will be holdI itt the Couity Rooms, 'latiff, on tho Evening of Monday tico 4th 1)ecencbero tundeor the maccnagemuent ?? the following Gentlemen, viz.:- O clO 11 W. GRNT. Esq., Younger of G~rant. to A ,EX ANIDEItt NMORIISON, REq. of ~o~gnice THIOMAS A. DUFIP, Esq. of Illiddo. PnTIICICK lttOE1 INNE'S, Esq. l'cPROVOST CAMERION.V C0Oticecc.LOIIllVfR, C.R. p icg JAMES DUFP MACKAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONjS ~VAT1VE DINNER IN ABERDEEN. T sinoelthat the CONSERVATIVES connected wicvth thit CITY, and other FRIENDS of tlce Cause, shiall ts-DINE together, in M~aciraty's Hotel, Aberdeen, 01. Iflecicsdcsy (he 20th, cc Five o'edolt, M r. Ttz of M.o~sei. a Further arrangements will be ?? accuouneed. It Aberdeen, Dee. 4, 1837. 31rs lWE CLU3 ineets in thle PtimnrTc RoociS, oil Mc f.Tccc:ccsscAV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIONEY ADVANCED No. 52, Union street, & No. 5 1, NottliltlricS'ate. bet1 rqc' Hi \~owrui o31 SCOITLANI) E1'TB~ 11 3 IO ?? AN'roslieotfulll 111in1111te, that tilt''. t I'l' 1)10 ?? tuell 11la1ptod far thu put ,clva- ?? if ]lot -Ilijrutr t ily l1:, i blithtt.31111'1t Ot tile kind Ii ?? f a1u'111u111 by firv, fllott' 511t,111 IL It' oditti ?? itol l':lunblesbiu m: V. feul II') 11311111'll1'illll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Publicans. INTIVATION i, heIrIbV OveII. th:at il ffitllr', no I TENTS for the Sale of Liquors will be al!owel to be put up on the Square or !trvets of Dufftoan, either at Feeing or Cattle Ua~rkvt.a, J5IlVQ~en 39th April, 1$32. JOH~N LEDlTIMON & Co. W, mrost vesi ectfilliv tim i utlinat' to thirci rCiton'l'C B and thlo Pubicta te av received thle greater part of their Purchases for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. UR~QiUHART. DrUg-gist, ?? hs icee laia to his Friends awill the Public for the ?? support whtich lie hats recelveil duhirin tie last twenktv ye11, d bes to intimlate thlat 11-It si lias a Setlocd asa PaRnr MvJI ALXANDtEn I,'TI,ljERTON. Ih lta bee CTIn ?? 1 Ia'ilflOfII IIt t oI il Cvs W 111itoisot&(X A5 for !he lust six VearS, attit onl whom will ntosy plrjcipalthY dote i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T 3M, FDITOI OF TIDE AIIEE1DEENX JOUREAL.b } Silit,f BE:G' voln wvill x'ileVoilil' tlo Soiotixe ti1c lae of the 1Editorvf thea Atbexrleorx CstO t I i))iial, by assuring h int that the Mectings at the Cattle Siews, hxeld by the t'eexn1ar-tilne Agxrieil tiiral Associeltioen. ore always Open to Iteporters; aind tih at tile Comiexittee of MaIillgeoexit are perfectly colmipetent to ducido, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Norwich Union Assurance Company. TO THE EDITOR OF IHE MIDLAND An2 d C011NT!IKS HIEPALD, The SIl-lu time fic. iro haj/nc Jofnal (i of the 24th of rs A ugt st last, was it Commiunttiecation fioem a Comocspondcnt comliplailling of the length of thea elapsed since the appoint- ment of .tmXatilieCr ijuto the aqlbiro of the Norwich Life As- ig suironce Society, before a Final Rtejport haS bean ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* -- - ,C 1APMTAL FAI-1I: ON DEEZ3Y. F Id tt- To he l;et; for 11 years, in IH1.E Fhrm of .MARYFIIEl,D; in the parish of BaMrtory -1- Ternan. nt present occupied by John Burnett, consist. e -h; ing ot' nearly d00 acrcs arable, fine early soil v with an exten- fc t, sive range of excellent green Pasture, well'sheltered; watered, It as and enclosedl.. Entry at Martinmas first. 'r W'illiam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;THM_ AERWEE MA0AAZINE, No. VI. I'rice One Shilling.S f. The th-eanier, No. II.-II. Sonig.-.Ifl. Atd1da1s 0,1tholic- En ,Isn.-IV. Thle Fria' osg- Deesiac.-Vl~. lniilationis of Y tuviac, No. V.-VII. Front. the MILiAh.-VII1. Account of the B f hig 11;11oty's Shiip thc Alaunllc.-IX. The Hour for Love-X. To inwj owrn'Liov.-XI. The 111alance of Po~vr.- X11. A Tale of thea flr oaelate.-XHII. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the EDITOR of thte ABERnDErN JOURXtNAL. Sin, lN ribrenen to tile Letter which apiellred in the .Aberd7eM Jo?1r- ; v al of Vester-lay, stating- thrt aln un rarvautable li'oerty hall been taken ititl the Nattts of myself and others, by addihu them to tile Thquisition for C olonel GORDON of Pill-k, I find that tile insertion had ?? naide from sonu misapprehension throun il y friends. I rin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH~E CILUB f1 9th uof April current.atlaftttli'oii. ltoti?.at 0-I)innier etiait-ly Til). b lf-ott'loltl''~ A ic'i'le~ui April II), lt?~37. T nient, of ithe Very ?? ittisclttt-niidc C Al P17'f- G-i and III . IAll I * (tl.S so well kitownfo r tf ir excel- I irev ,td durabtility v alta, S'Csielli'itide -DMll O E'S.1 for ,'IZVM11i CLOTHS ' ill (If whlichi Winl he Soul oil tile vary lirv- I wtla.or ...